Western Slope Pickleball Club Meeting Minutes
September 13th, 2016 6:00pm
GJ Parks & Rec. Office, Grand Junction, Colorado
The meeting was called to order by President, Brenda Furnace at 6:05pm.
Board Attendees: Brenda Furnace, Diana Alpert, George Gerson, Linda Griffith, Lorie Gregor, Paul Liang and Nancy Burdette
Absent: Terri Schaeffers, Nancy Eaton, Laura Atkinson, Tao Thongvahn (GJ Pickleball Ambassador).
Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting: Meeting minutes from the August 11th meeting were approved with no corrections. Diana suggested that the minutes be less detailed. Motion to accept the minutes was made by George and seconded by Mike.
Bylaws: Changes and revisions were discussed. Revisions were noted by the Club Secretary. A revised copy will be emailed to all members before the next meeting. Final approval will follow.
Membership Renewal: Annual membership renewal fees are due at the start of the fiscal year irrespective of when in the fiscal year the player became a member. A motion by Nancy, seconded by George carried to approve annual memberships.
Discussion regarding how to distribute membership cards then followed with no consensus at this time. Paul has designed the cards.
AED/Eagle Scout Project: Linda distributed an explanation of Jack Hawkins’ project to purchase 4 AED units for local Parks and Recreation use. Jack is requesting donations before the end of October. Lorie Gregor suggested we wait to discuss this until she has had time to speak with the Safety Coordinator and Risk Management for GJ Parks and Recreation Department. She will report at the next meeting.
WSPC Tournament: Date of tournament is Saturday, April 1st, 2017. It was proposed as a one day tournament for WSPC members with men’s and women’s doubles play. Brenda will speak with Jenn Teta about being the tournament director.
Nets for Pineridge & Barn: After some discussion, it was agreed to purchase one portable net system. Paul suggested a JB Weld to make it a permanent free standing net system. We will try one and see if it is feasible to buy and weld additional net systems for use at Pineridge and the Barn. A motion made by Diana and seconded by Nancy carried to purchase one portable net system from Rich Garrett for approximately $154.
Club Provides Balls & Storage: Brenda showed the group pictures of metal storage boxes available locally for $69.90 each. They would be large enough to hold pickleballs and lost and found items.A locking cable would attach each box to a fence post and a lock with an alpha code would allow access to the contents by members. A motion by Nancy and seconded by Diana carried to purchase 2 boxes – one for Lincoln Park East courts and one for Pineridge courts.
Squeegee Replacement: After some discussion, a motion was made by George and seconded by Mike to purchase 2 entire squeegees and one replacement roller. The motion carried.
Officer Reports:
Web Site/Diana: Tracy Dvorak-Marshall with Mozaic Technology, a Club member, will help Diana set up the Club website and be the first sponsor. Diana showed the group a demo of the website and explained how it would function. She plans to have it up and running by our next meeting.
Membership & Communications/George: As of Sept. 29th there are 147 Club members registered.
Parks & Rec/Lorie: sheds for storage & water fountain follow up.
Lorie indicated that costs for establishing a water fountain near the Pickleball Courts at Lincoln Park would cost about $5000 since no water or sewer lines are available. It was suggested we move this item to our long term goal list. Storage shed issues regarding public access and vandalism remain a major concern.
Other Item: Senior Games 2017: Lorie and George indicated they would like to add a 2.5 skill level division and perhaps extend the tournament to 3 days. They suggested that the Club provide volunteers to run the 2.5 skill level games.
Next Meeting Dates: October 27th, and November 17th at 6pm.
Next Steps:
WSPC Tournament
Membership ID Cards?
AED/Eagle Scout Project
Large storage cabinet/unit for each court location
Nets for Pineridge (outdoor) and the Barn (indoor)
Adjournment Time: Brenda adjourned the meeting at 7:45pm.
Submitted by: Linda Griffith, Secretary
October 7th, 2016