Time taken to run an Incredible Years Weekly hrs Course 12 wks
Parent programme with fidelity
Session time inc setting up and tidying away 3.15 39 hrs
With co-facilitator
Session planning with co facilitator 1.00 12 hrs
Session evaluating with co facilitator looking at tapes 1.00 12hrs
Self – monitoring checklist and peer evaluation x4 during course .30 6hrs
To be completed by both facilitators and observer
Lesson plans 1.00 12.hrs
Midweek phone calls 1.00 12.hrs
Get well cards, holiday cards, missed you cards and .15 3hrs
sending out homework for those not at course
Buying biscuits, cakes, flowers, stamps etc .20 4hrs
Marking homework and goal sheets 1.00 12hrs
General photocopying and laminating .20 4hrs
Typing flipchart notes .30 6hrs
Group Supervision 5 x 2hrs + 1hr travel 1.25 15hrs
Leader, co-facilitator & observer
Organising crèche and liaison with crèche manager .05 1hr
Leader Total 12.40 148
Co-facilitator Total 7.10 85.20hrs
Observer Total 5.00 60hrs
These hours do not include the home visits to complete assessments before the course begins and preparing all parents folders and handouts for the course.