Appendix of W-1190 Publications
2005 to 2008
This appendix is created from the W-1190 annual reports filed by cooperating states on this project. These citations have been reviewed, but in some cases may be incomplete. Every effort has been made to provide complete citation information and website addresses where appropriate. However, the authors do not control the web URLs or document repository information which may have changed since the time that these citations were included this document.
Citations from the 2005 Annual Report
Aillery, M., N. Gollehon, G. Schaible, M. Roberts, and W. Quinby. 2004. Policy Directions to Mitigate Water-Supply Risk in Irrigated Agriculture: A Federal Perspective. A Selected Paper presented at the American Agricultural Economics Association meetings in Denver, CO, August 1-4, 2004.
Brown, C., A. Granados, J. Greenlee, M. Hendrie, and B.H. Hurd. 2004. Developing Indicators of Water Resource Vulnerability in the Paso del Norte Region. Paper presented at the 2004 annual Conference of the Universities Council on Water Resources (UCOWR), Portland, Oregon, July 20-22, 2004,
Coleman, E. 2004. Determinants of Residential Water Conservation: The Case of Salt Lake City, Utah. M.S. Thesis, Utah State University, August 2004.
Easterling, W.J., B.H. Hurd, and J.B. Smith. 2004. Coping With Climatic Change: The Role of Adaptation in the United States. Pew Center on Global Climate Change, Arlington, VA, 2004.
Garbett, D. 2003. Water to the Masses: Municipal Water Issues in Utah. M.S. Thesis, Utah State University, December 2003.
Huffaker, R.G., N. Whittlesey, and J. Hamilton. 2003. Irrigated Agriculture and Endangered Species Policy. Encyclopedia of Water Science. Marcel Dekker, Inc. 2003.
Huffaker, R.G., and N. Whittlesey. 2003. A Theoretical Analysis of Economic Incentive Policies Encouraging Agricultural Water Conservation. International Journal of Water Resources Development (March 2003):37-53.
Hurd, B.H. and J.M. Callaway with J.B. Smith and P.Kirshen. 2004. Climatic Change and U.S. Water Resources: From Modeled Watershed Impacts to National Estimates. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 40(2004): 129-148.
Hurd, B.H. 2004. Residential Water Conservation: Landscape Attitudes and Choices. Paper presented at the Community Water Conference, Water Conservation: Protecting Our Most Valued Treasure, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Aug. 31-Sept. 2, 2004.
Johansson, R.C. and J.D. Kaplan. 2004. A Carrot and Stick Approach to Environmental Improvement: Marrying Agri-Environmental Payments and Water Quality Regulations. Agriculture and Resource Economics Review 31(2004): 91-104.
Johansson, R.C., P. H. Gowda, D. Mulla, and B. Dalzell. 2004. Metamodeling Phosphorus BMPs for Policy Use: A Frontier Approach. Agricultural Economics 30(2004): 63-74.
Jorgenson, D. Goettle, R., B.H. Hurd, J. Smith, L. Chestnut, and D. Mills. 2004. Market Consequences and Climate Change: A U.S. Perspective. Pew Center on Global Climate Change, Arlington, VA, 2004.
Kaplan, J.D., R.C. Johansson, and M.A. Peters. 2004. The Manure Hits the Land: Economic and Environmental Implications When Land Application of Nutrients is Constrained. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 86(2004): 688-700.
Keith, J.E. 2003. Impacts of the Water Policy Reform Program. Chapter 9 in G. Ender and J.S. Holtzman (editors) Does Agricultural Policy Reform Work? USAID and Abt Associates, 2003.
Koteen, J., S. Alexander, and J. Loomis. 2002. Evaluating Benefits and Costs of Changes in Water Quality. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-548. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. Portland, OR.
Loomis, J., K. Quattlebaum, T.C. Brown and S. J. Alexander. 2003. Expanding Institutional Arrangements for Acquiring Water for Environmental Purposes: Transactions Evidence for the Western United States. International Journal of Water Resources Development. 19(March 2003): 21-28.
Peterson, J.M. and R.N. Boisvert. 2004. Incentive Compatible Pollution Control Policies under Asymmetric Information on Both Risk Preferences and Technology. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 86(May 2004): 291-306
Ramanhi, T. 2004. Effects of Water Supply Adjustments on Farm Returns and Resource Use: Findings from the Rio Grande Basin. M.S. Thesis, New Mexico State University, May 2004.
Raucher, R.S., J. Goldstein, A. Huber-Lee, W. DeOreo, P. Mayer, B.H. Hurd, R. Linsky, E. Means, and M. Renwick. The Value of Water: Concepts, Measures, and Empirical Evidence, and Their Application to Water Management Decisions. American Water Works Association Research Foundation, Report for project #2855. June 4, 2004.
Ribaudo, M. 2003. Dead Zone in the Gulf: Addressing Agriculture's Contribution. Amber Waves, Vol. 1, Issue 5, Economic Research Service, USDA, November 2003.
Schaible, G.D. 2004. Western Irrigation Characteristics by Farm Size. An ERS Data Product including 147 Excel spreadsheet tables summarizing 1998 FRIS data by farm-size class by State (for 17 western States). Economic Research Service, USDA, June 2004.
Schaible, G.D. 2004. Irrigation, Water Conservation, and Farm Size in the Western United States. Amber Waves, Findings, Vol. 2, Issue 3, Economic Research Service, USDA, June 2004.
Ward, F.A., B.H. Hurd, and T. Ramanhi. 2004. Effects of Water Supply Adjustments on Farm Returns and Resource Use: Findings from the Rio Grande Basin. Final report. Cooperative Agreement 43-3AEL-2-80125 between New Mexico State University and USDA, Economic Research Service. October 2004.
Ward, F.A. and L. DeMouche. 2004. Optimizing Resource Management Decisions at New Mexico State Parks. Final Report. New Mexico State Parks Department, October 2004.
Citations from the 2006 Annual Report
Aillery, M., N. Gollehon, and V. Breneman. 2005. Technical Documentation of the Regional Manure Management Model for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. TB # 1913, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture (electronic only at ).
Booker, J.F., A.M. Michelsen, and F.A. Ward. 2005. Economic Impacts of Alternative Policy Responses to Prolonged and Severe Drought in the Rio Grande Basin. Water Resources Research. 41: (February) 2026.1-2026.15.
Cai, Ximing, L. Lasdon, A.M. Michelsen. 2004. Group Decision Making in Water Resources Management Using Multiple Objective Analysis. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 130(1):4-14.
Gopalakrishnan, C. and J.K. Levy. 2005. Optimal Water Reallocation in Hawaii: Towards a Revised Water Code and a Revamped Water Commission. Impact . 7(3):16-19.
Gopalakrishnan, C., J. Levy, K.W. Li, and K.W. Hipel. 2005. Water Allocation among Multiple Stakeholders: Conflict Analysis of the Waiahole Water Project, Hawaii. Water Resources Development. 21:283-295.
Guerrero, B., S. Amosson and T. Marek. 2005. Natural Gas Prices Impact on Irrigated Agriculture Water Demands. Report prepared for Texas Water Development Board by Texas Agricultural Extension Center and Texas Cooperative Extension. April. 18 p
Harman, W.L., S.J. Maas, R.E. McDonald, Naveen Musunuru, and Eduardo Segarra. 2005. Economic impacts of seasonal weather information in dryland grain sorghum production. Southwestern Journal of Economics 7(1):79-95.
Hearne, R. 2004. Evolving Water Management Institutions in Mexico. Water Resources Research, 40(12) W12S04. December 2004.
Hearne, R. and G. Donoso. 2005. Water Institutional Reforms in Chile. Water Policy. 7(1):53-70.
Heflebower R, T Cerny-Koenig, M Waters and RA Ward. 2005. Water-wise plant recognition program. Journal of Extension 43(1).
Hurd, B.H. and J. Smith. 2005. Landscape Attitudes and Choices: A Survey of New Mexico Homeowners. Water Task Force Report 5, College of Agriculture and Home Economics, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM. 60 p.
Johansson, R.C. and A. Moledina (2005). Comparing Policies to Improve Water Quality When Firms are Strategic, Water International 30(2): 166-173.
Johansson, R.C., J. Cooper, and U. Vasavada (2005). Greener Acres or Greener Waters? U.S. Adjustments to Agricultural Trade Liberalization, Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 34(1): 42-53.
Kim, C. S., C. Hallahan, W. Lindamood, G. Schaible, and J. Payne (2004). A Note on the Reliability Tests of Estimates from ARMS Data, Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 33/2 (October): 293-297.
Kim, C. S., G. Schluter, G. Schaible, A. Mishra, and C. Hallahan (2005). A Decomposed Negative Binomial Model of Structural Change: A Theoretical and Empirical Application to U.S. Agriculture, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics Vol. 53: 161-176 [
Levy, J.K., C. Gopalakrishnan. and Z. Lin. 2005. Advances in Decision-Support Systems for Flood Disaster Management: Challenges and Opportunities. International Journal of Water Resources Development. 21(4): 593-611.
Loomis, J. A. Smith and P. Huszar. 2005. Estimating the Economic Benefits of Maintaining Residential Lake Levels at an Irrigation Reservoir: A Contingent Valuation Study. Water Resources Research. Vol 41, W0805: 1-9.
Malone, Elizabeth L. Joel B. Smith, Antoinette. L. Brenkert, Brian H. Hurd, Richard H. Moss, and Daniel Bouille. 2004. Developing Socioeconomic Scenarios: For Use in Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessments. United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Global Environment Facility, New York. 48 p.
Marek, T., Amosson, S., Muttiah, R., Almas, L., New, L., Howell, T.A., Bretz, F., Guerrero, B., Simpson, N. 2004. Development of an agricultural water use estimating methodology. Prepared for Texas Water Development Board by Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and Texas Cooperative Extension in cooperation with U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. (15.2 Mb).
Ribaudo, M., Aillery, M., Gollehon, N., Johansson, R., Key, N. 2005. Managing Manure to Improve Air and Water Quality, ERR-9, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC.
Michelsen, A.M. and T. Brown. 2005. Water Market Development and Prices in the Western United States. 50th Annual New Mexico Water Conference. Las Cruces, NM. Oct. 18-20, 2005.
Peterson, J.M. and Y. Ding. 2005. Economic Adjustments to Groundwater Depletion in the High Plains: Do Water-Saving Irrigation Systems Save Water? American Journal of Agricultural Economics 87(1): 148-160.
Ribaudo, M.O., Heimlich, R., Peters, M. 2004. Nitrogen Sources and Gulf Hypoxia: Potential for Environmental Credit Trading. Ecological Economics, Vol. 52, pp. 159-168.
Ribaudo, M.O., Johansson, R. 2005. Water Quality Impacts of Agriculture, Agricultural Resources and Environmental Indicators, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC.
Schaible, Glenn D. and Marcel Aillery. 2005. Irrigation Water Management. Chapter 4.6 in Wiebe and Gollehon (eds) Agricultural Resources and Environmental Indicators, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture [].
Schaible, G., N. Gollehon, M. Aillery, C. Kim, M. Roberts, W. Quinby, B. Smith, and U. Vasavada. 2005. Agricultural Risks in a Water-Short World: Producer Adaptation and Policy Directions. A Workshop Summary for the ERS/Farm Foundation workshop held May 24-25, 2004, U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Sheng, Z., Y., Liu, A. Michelsen and D. Xu. 2005. Comparative Study in Water Resources Development of Western Regions in the United States and China. Transactions of American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 48(3):1015-1024.
Tesfamichael, AA, AJ Caplan, and J Kaluarchchi. 2005. Risk-cost-benefit analysis of atrazine in drinking water from agricultural activities and policy implications. Water Resources Research 41: 1-13.
Sheng, Z., Sturdivant, A., Michelsen, A. and R. Lacewell. 2005. Rapid Economic Assessment of Flood-control Failure Along the Rio Grande: A Case Study. International Journal of Water Resources Development. 21(4) 629-649.
Ward, F.A, 2007. Decision Support for Water Policy: A Review of Economic Concepts and Tools. Water Policy. 9:1-31.
Tidwell, V., A.M. Michelsen, J. Aparicio and H. Passell. 2004. The Rio Grande/Rio Bravo - River of Change. Water Resources Impacts. American Water Resources Association. 6(3):14-17.
Ward, F.A., B.H. Hurd, T. Rahmani, and N. Gollehon. 2006. Economic Impact of Federal Policy Responses to Drought in the Rio Grande Basin. Water Resources Research. 42, W03420, doi:10.1029/2005WR004427, 2006.
Ward, F.A., J.F. Booker, and A.M. Michelsen. 2006. Integrated Economic, Hydrological, and Institutional Analysis of Policy Responses to Mitigate Drought Impacts in the Rio Grande Basin. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 132(6): 488-502
Ward. F.A. and J.F. Booker. 2006. Economic Impacts of Instream Flow Protection for the Rio Grande Silvery Minnow in the Rio Grande Basin. Reviews in Fisheries Science. 14: 1-16.
Ward, F.A. 2005. Environmental and Natural Resource Economics. Prentice-Hall (610 pages).
Citations from the 2007 Annual Report
Auvermann, B., T. Marek, C. Rogers, G. Marek, K. Heflin, J. Bush and B. Chaffin. 2005. The Water Curtain An Edge of Feedyard Dust Control Technique. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Amarillo Highlights Sheet.
Amosson, S., L. Almas, F. Bretz, D. Gaskins, B. Guerrero, D. Jones, T. Marek, L. New, and N. Simpson. 2005. Water Management Strategies for Reducing Irrigation Demands in Region A. Prepared for Agricultural Sub Committee Panhandle Water Planning Group. Texas A&M University Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Amarillo, Texas. January. 79 p.
Booker, J.F., A.M. Michelsen and F.A. Ward. 2005. Economic Impact of Alternative Policy Responses to Prolonged and Severe Drought in the Rio Grande Basin. Water Resources Research. 41(WO2626):1-15.
Brozovi, N., Sunding, D.L., and Zilberman, D., 2006, Optimal management of groundwater over space and time, in Frontiers in Water Resource Economics, eds. R. Goetz and D. Berga, Natural Resource Management and Policy Series, Vol. 29, Springer, 275 p.
Foltz, John, Stacie Woodall Philip Wandschneider and R. G. Taylor. 2007. The Contribution of the Grape and Wine Industry to Idaho’s Economy -Agribusiness and Tourism Impacts. Journal of Agribusiness Vol. 25(1).
Garcia, L.A., N. Foged and G. E. Cardon. 2006. Development of GIS-based Model to Estimate Relative Reductions in Crop Yield due to Salinity and Waterlogging. J. Irrig. and Drain. Engrg. 132(6):553-563.
Golden B.B., and J.M. Peterson. Evaluation of Water Conservation from More Efficient Irrigation Systems. Staff Paper 06-03, Department of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University, June 2006.
Golden, B., T. Kastens, K. Dhuyvetter, and J.M. Peterson. Developing an Economic Tool to Predict the Value of Water Rights. Department of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University, May 2006.
Granados-Olivas, A., C. Brown, J. Greenlee, B. Creel, J. Hawley, J. Kennedy, O. Dena-Ornelas, and B. Hurd. 2006. Geographic Information Systems At the Paso Del Norte Region: The Academic Accomplishments and Challenges for a Transboundary Water GIS Cooperation, New Mexico Journal of Science, Vol. 44 (Aug), pp. 59-70.
Harman, Wyatte L., T.J. Gerik, M. Magre, E. Steglich, and J.R. Robinson. 2005. Irrigation yield response of crops in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas. BREC Report 2005-5, Blackland Research and Extension Center, Temple, Texas.
Harman, Wyatte L., M. Dozier, and T.J. Gerik. 2007. Atrazine field losses: A simulation study of mitigation strategies. BREC Report 2007-1, Blackland Research and Extension Center, Temple, Texas.
Houk, Eric, R. G. Taylor, and M. Frasier. 2007. Evaluating Water Transfers from Agriculture for Reducing Critical Habitat Water Shortages in the Platte Basin..Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 133(4): 320-328
Huffaker, R., and R. Hotchkiss. 2006. Economic Dynamics of Reservoir Sedimentation Management: Optimal Control with Singularly Perturbed Equations of Motion. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 30(2006):2553-2575.
Huffaker, R.G., and J. Hamilton. Conflict in U.S. Irrigation. In: R.J Lascano and R.E. Sojka (eds) Irrigation of Agricultural Crops. Monograph 30:3-21. American Society of Agronomy, Madison, WI.
Hurd, B.H. 2006. Water Conservation and Residential Landscapes: Household Preferences, Household Choices, 2006. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol. 31(2):173-192.
Hurd, B.H., C. Brown, J. Greenlee, A. Granados, and M. Hendrie, 2006. Assessing Water Resource Vulnerability for Arid Watersheds: GIS-based Research in the Paso del Norte Region. New Mexico Journal of Science, 44(Aug): 39-61.
Hurd, B.H., R. St-Hilaire, and J. White. 2006. Residential Landscapes, Homeowner Attitudes and Water-Wise Choices in New Mexico, HortTechnology, 16(2):241-246.
Lacewell, R.D., R. Freeman, D. Petit, M.E. Rister, A.W. Sturdivant, L. Ribera, and M. Zinn. 2006. "Update of Estimated Agricultural Benefits Attributable to Drainage and Flood Control in Willacy County, Texas Raymondville Drain Static and Stochastic Implications." Contract report provided to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston, Texas. Texas Water Resources Institute. TR-294. College Station, TX. August 2006.
Larsen, Ryan, Garth Taylor, and Steve Hines. 2006. The Economic Impact of Snowmobiling in the Valley County. University of Idaho, Agricultural Experiment Station, BUL 844. 2006.
Larsen, Ryan, Garth Taylor, and Steve Hines. 2006. Snowmobiling and the Valley County. University of Idaho, Agricultural Experiment Station, Technical Bulletin 844. 2006.
Marek, T., T. Moore and E. Cox. 2005. The Future of Cotton in the Northern Texas High Plains. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Amarillo Highlights Sheet.
Marek, T., S. Amosson, L. Almas, F. Bretz, D. Gaskins, B. Guerrero and D. Jones. 2005. Feasibility of Water Management Strategies for the Declining Ogallala Aquifer in the Northern Texas High Plains During the Next 60 Years. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Amarillo Highlights Sheet.
Marek, T. Marek and B. Auvermann. 2005. Irrigation Variable Rate Development. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Amarillo Highlights Sheet.
Marek, T. and B. Auvermann. 2005. Lysimetry and Water Use Measurement. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Amarillo Highlights Sheet.
Marek, T. 2005. North Plains Research Field Etter Precision Agriculture Effort. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Amarillo Highlights Sheet.
Marek, T., D. Porter and T. Howell. 2005. The Texas High Plains Evapotranspiration (TXHPET) Network. Report to TWDB for contract # 2004 358 008. 16 p.
Marek, T., D. Porter and T. Howell. 2005. The Texas High Plains Evapotranspiration Network An Irrigation Scheduling Technology Transfer Tool. Report to TWDB, Austin, TX. 17 p.
Marek, T., S. Amosson, L. New, F. Bretz, and B. Guerrero. 2005. Senate Bill 2 Region A Task 3 Memorandum on Water Supply Analysis. Report submitted to Freese and Nichols for TWDB Contract PPC02218.
Marek, T. and D. Porter. 2005. The Texas High Plains Evapotranspiration Network (TXHPET) A Technology Transfer and Research Support Program FY06 FY09 Project Plan. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Amarillo Lubbock. 28p.
McKean, J. R. Donn Johnson, R. G. Taylor. 2006. Travel Cost Model Specification on Estimated Consumer Surplus: The Case of Steelhead Trout Fishing Demand in Idaho. Selected Paper, Western Agricultural Economics Association Annual Conference, Alaska, July, 2006.
McKean, J. R. Donn Johnson, R. G. Taylor. 2005. The Effect of Travel Cost Model Specification on Estimated Consumer Surplus: The Case of Steelhead Trout Fishing Demand in Idaho. Selected Paper, Eastern Economics Association. New York, NY March 4-6 2005.
Michelsen, A.M. and T. Brown. 2005. Western Water Markets: Transactions, Prices and Diversity. 50th New Mexico Annual Water Conference. New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute, Las Cruces, NM, October 18-20. Proceedings. Invited.
Michelsen, A.M. 2006. Water Marketing Opportunities for the Paso del Norte Region. Paso del Norte Economic Development Group. El Paso, TX. June 7, 2006. Invited.
Peterson, J.M. 2005. Review of Water Institutions: Policies, Performance and Prospects, C. Gopalakrishnan, C. Tortajada, and A.K. Biswas, Eds. International Journal of Water Resources Development 21(December 2005): 679-682.
Peterson, J.M., Y. Ding, L.K. Almas, S. Amosson, W.A. Colette, J.W. Johnson, S.C. Park, E. Segarra, E. Wheeler.2006. Projecting Income and Hydrologic Changes in the Southern Ogallala Region using Economic Optimization Models. Presented at the USDA-ARS Ogallala Aquifer Program Workshop, Amarillo, Texas, March 2006.
Rister, M.E., R.D. Lacewell, and A.W. Sturdivant. 2006. "Economic and Conservation Evaluation of Capital Renovation Projects: United Irrigation District of Hidalgo County (United) Rehabilitation of Main Canal, Laterals, and Diversion Pump Station Final." Texas Water Resources Institute. TR 288. College Station, TX. March 2006.
Robinson, J.R., A.M. Michelsen and N. Gollehon. 2005. Economic Impact of International Treaty Water Shortages. American Water Resources Association Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, November 7-10.
Rodríguez, A. and R. G. Taylor. 2005. Synthesis and Linkages of Initiative Countries in Watershed Improvement. Presented at the Fourth Regional Thematic Workshop, Reading, UK, 3-5 April, 2005. Regional Initiative for Dryland Management, Multilateral Working Group on the Environment, Cairo, Egypt.