Customizing the CAD Environment

Assignment #12



The student will create a customized pulldown Menu with line separators and nonstandard commands.


Design a custom PullDown menu to allow the user to select a standard view point of a three dimensional object.

The menu is to be designed so that it is used without the aid of the keyboard. The commands are to be arranged to provide maximum efficiency and ease of use for the user. (Use separator lines to separate sections of the menu)

The PullDown menu will display the following view point selections:

3D VIEWS Corresponding Macro

TOP ^C^Cvpoint 0,0,1 zoom .9 hide

BOTTOM ^C^Cvpoint 0,0,-1 zoom .9 hide

FRONT ^C^Cvpoint 0,-1,0 zoom .9 hide

REAR ^C^Cvpoint 0,1,0 zoom .9 hide

RIGHT SIDE ^C^Cvpoint 1,0,0 zoom .9 hide

LEFT SIDE ^C^Cvpoint -1,0,0 zoom .9 hide


TOP, FRONT, RIGHT SIDE ^C^Cvpoint 1,-1,1 zoom .9 hide

TOP, FRONT, LEFT SIDE ^C^Cvpoint -1,-1,1 zoom .9 hide

TOP, REAR, RIGHT SIDE ^C^Cvpoint 1,1,1 zoom .9 hide

TOP, REAR, LEFT SIDE ^C^Cvpoint -1,1,1 zoom .9 hide


BOTTOM, FRONT, RIGHT SIDE ^C^Cvpoint 1,-1,-1 zoom .9 hide

BOTTOM, FRONT, LEFT SIDE ^C^Cvpoint -1,-1,-1 zoom .9 hide

BOTTOM, REAR, RIGHT SIDE ^C^Cvpoint 1,1,-1 zoom .9 hide

BOTTOM, REAR, LEFT SIDE ^C^Cvpoint -1,1,-1 zoom .9 hide

As each desired view is picked from the menu the command will automatically execute the VPOINT command, Insert the correct VPOINT rotation parameters, exit the command, execute a ZOOM .9, and execute a HIDE command.

To create the menu type in the command CUI to load the Customize User Interface. The Customize User Interface consists of two tabs and each tab has two panes: the left pane and the right pane. The left pane has two rollouts: Customization in All CUI files and Command List.

To create a new menu right-click on the Menus element in the Customization in All CUI roll out and choose New Menu from the menu bar. A new menu with the name Menu1 is added to the list and its properties are displayed in the right pane. Rename the menu to 3D VIEWS.

To create a new AutoCAD command choose the Create a new Command button on the upper right corner of the Command List rollout. A command with the name Command1 is added to the list of commands. The Properties rollout in the right pane displays the properties of the new command.

Customizing the CAD Environment

Assignment #12

Modify the name of the new command in the Properties rollout to TOP.

In the Description field enter TOP VIEW. The description is optional

In the Macro field enter ^C^Cvpoint 0,0,1 zoom .9 hide

Drag and drop the new command into the 3D VIEWS menu.

Create the remaining commands inserting them into the 3D VIEWS menu. Add a separator line between menu groups.

To insert a separator line between menu items right-click on a menu command and select Insert Separator from the menu bar. A separator line will be inserted below the menu command.

To save the customized menu select the Transfer tab of the Customize User Interface. Click on the Create a new customization file icon on the right of the drop-down list in the right pane to make sure a blank customization group is displayed in the right pane.

Click on the (+) sign located on the left of Menu in the main customization file in the left pane. Select the menu item 3D VIEWS and drag it to the Menus heading in the right pane. The menu item is now displayed in the right pane. Continue dragging all the newly created menu items to the Menus heading in he right pane.

After all of the menu items are placed right-click on each menu item in the left pane and delete them to make sure they are removed from the default customization file.

In the right pane click on the Save the current customization file icon to save the customized menu file. The file extension for a customized file is (.CUI). Choose the Apply and the choose OK to exit the Customize User Interface. Save the customization file as ASSIGNMENT12.

To load a partial customization file type the command CUILOAD at the command line. Use the Browse button to locate the file. Click on the Load button to load the partial customization file into the current AutoCAD drawing.

To remove a partial customization file from the current drawing type in the command CUIUNLOAD at the command line. Select the menu item from the Loaded Customization Groups: list and click on the Unload button to remove the partial customization file.


Save your partial customization file on your USB flash drive storage device and the designated grading folder.

Refer to the PROJECT EVALUATION handout for the required items to be turned in for evaluation.



Customizing the CAD Environment

Assignment #12

Background Information:

You can view a three dimensional drawing from any point in space. The VPOINT command lets you set the viewing point for the current viewport. The diagram illustrates the compass display when using the tripod and compass display option in the VPOINT command. The center of the crosshairs represents the north pole and the inner ring represents the equator.

To simplify this explanation think of the inner ring representing the top view and the outer ring representing the bottom view. Furthermore, the horizontal crosshair represents the Front/Rear views and the vertical crosshair represents the Left Side/Right Side views. The view point is entered in as a value (n,n,n) with "n" begin either a "0" or a "1" and either positive or negative. The first "n" represents the Right Side/Left Side view, the second "n" represents the Front/Rear, and the third "n" represents the Top/Bottom.

The locations within the compass display also are either negative or positive values. Points located within the inner circle are positive and points located between the inner circle and the outer circle are negative. Points located above the horizontal crosshair are positive and points located below the horizontal crosshair are negative. Points located to the right of the vertical crosshair are positive while points located to the left of the vertical crosshair are negative.

Using this explanation and diagram Point A would display the Right Side, Front, Top views of an object and have the value (1,1,1). Point B would display the Left Side, Front, Bottom views and have the value (1,1,1). Point C would display the Left Side, Rear, Top views and have the value (1,1,1). Point D would display the Right Side, Rear, Bottom views and have the value (1,1,1). A Top View would have the value (0,0,1) and the bottom view would have the value (0,0,1).