Heckmondwike Grammar School
Peripatetic Music Teacher - Drummer
Candidate Information Pack
February 2018
Heckmondwike Grammar School is a unique school, with students who are eager to learn, keen to know more and want to enjoy their educational experiences. It is exceptional in many ways with a very mixed school community in terms of social background and ethnicity and yet producing results of the very highest quality. One statistic to demonstrate this combination- 53% of our sixth formers progressing to university last year were first generation applicants. This in many ways sums up the school: proud of the outcomes we achieve by working so effectively with young people we really care about, with an ultimate success measure of enabling them to proceed to where they want to go.
Misbehaviour is rare and excellent relationships between staff and students are the norm: teachers are able to ‘get on and teach’. Working here is still challenging, however, but in different ways: expectations are high and potential applicants will need to be able to operate effectively in a top performing environment. However, one of the principal joys of working at this school is our eloquent and motivated students. Consequently, outcomes are amongst the very best in the country, and this is the result of able cohorts being provided with high quality teaching that is supported by strong pastoral care for each student. The school is justifiably proud of the focus on academic attainment and knowledge of each individual that enables education to be tailored to every student’s needs; but also prioritises the support it provides to enable any barriers to progress to be addressed. The focus is and will always remain teaching and learning in the classroom, with staff training and development being the main means of achieving this end.
The values of the school are at the centre of our ‘Heckmondwike Way’:
-Generosity. Helping others who are less able to help themselves, showing kindness and working together in a spirit of partnership.
-Resilience. We persevere at whatever we set our hand to, determined and confident that we will achieve the best outcomes.
-Integrity. We trust in fairness, honesty and principles as our touchstone and ensure that all we do is in the interests of our whole community.
-Tolerance. We pride ourselves on the diversity of our school and celebrate the wide range of cultures, experiences and backgrounds.
All of this is built on a strong foundation of tradition combined with adaptability, as we enable our students to learn how to be creative in their problem-solving, being flexible and open to change in a way that will empower them in adapting to the varying demands of an insecure world.
The school is very popular and heavily oversubscribed, with well over 800 students applying for entry into Year 7 each year- and a similar number applying to join the sixth form. This has led to an increase in provision over the last three years as the school has expanded from 150 students in Year 7 to, this coming year, 210. Accompanied by one of the largest comprehensive sixth forms in the country of approximately 550, this provides great opportunities for staff to practise their craft to the highest level while also gaining a wide experience of teaching different year groups and courses. The sixth form includes an equal number of students who join us from other local schools, and consequently collaboration is very important to us. We work in partnership with an extensive group of schools and have a significant reputation both locally and nationally. This means we offer our staff opportunities to be involved in professional development on a larger scale and see it as a sign of our high quality when members of our community are promoted to posts elsewhere, or progress internally. As a result, all staff feel very privileged to work here and to work with our young people; and it is our hope that you will feel the same way when you come to visit us.
Heckmondwike Grammar School
Further Particulars for the Position of Peripatetic Music Teacher - Drummer
The Create Faculty at Heckmondwike Grammar School consists of Art & Design, Design & Technology (Graphic Design and Resistant Materials), Drama, Food, Music and Physical Education. The Faculty has a proven track record for success and currently has 20 permanent members of staff and two trainee teachers.
The Music and Drama department currently consists of four full-time staff and six part time peripatetic staff. Facilities in the department currently include a well-stocked music classroom with 5 practice rooms (all with digital pianos), a digital recording studio, a music-ICT suite, a fully equipped and recently built drama studio, 3 acoustic pianos and 4 drum kits. Standards in the department are high with students achieving well academically and taking full advantage of the extensive range of extra-curricular opportunities provided. Music and Drama are a valued feature of school life, with many concerts, productions and solo and ensemble performances taking place throughout the year.
We are looking for an experienced and enthusiastic percussion teacher to teach peripatetic music lessons to a range of students from year 7 to year 13. Lessons are timetabled on a rotational basis either individually or in pairs. 11 students currently take percussion lessons during this academic year. Many students who have instrumental lessons request to undertake graded exams from the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music or Rock School. The ability to develop the teaching of these syllabi, and to encourage and increase the numbers of students taking drum lessons, is essential to this post.
The successful applicant will have experience in teaching a range of percussion styles including popular, rock, jazz and classical and they must be able to teach percussion and musical notation. Whilst the vast majority of percussion students wish to learn on the drum kit, the ability to teach tuned percussion will be highly desirable.
The department offers qualifications at GCSE and A level in both music and drama. With a number of percussionists in different year groups the successful candidate will often be required to assist with the selection of repertoire and exam preparation with these students. When required they will be able to conduct observations, monitor the progress of the percussion students and be able to write reports on student progress.
It is desirable that the percussion teacher will have good music qualifications, a bachelor’s degree and/or extensive professional performing experience. The ability to teach up to grade 8 standard is essential.
Experience of working in a school is not essential but a desire to work with young people is.
Further information about the school is available on the school website at
To arrange a visit before applying, please contact Louise Daddy, HR Director, 01924 402202 or
POST TITLE:Peripatetic Music Teacher - Drummer
SALARY GRADE:£22.62 per hour
WORKING HOURS: Casual Contract - Hours can vary each year, from two hours (minimum) to a full day (or days) depending on the number of students who require lessons – Term Time only
RESPONSIBLE TO: Subject Leader - Music and Performing Arts
Faculty Leader – Create Faculty
Peripatetic Aims
To provide an outstanding peripatetic service that enables students to learn an instrument (or improve their singing techniques), to develop their musical notation reading and to help achieve a lifelong love of music making.
Professional Characteristics of Teachers at HGS
All Teachers are expected to be effective professionals who challenge and support all students to do their best. Teachers should inspire confidence, build team commitment and engage and motivate their students. They should think analytically about their work and take positive action to improve the quality of students’ learning. They will encourage high standards of academic and personal achievement and be a good role model for the students in the school. They will make an active contribution to the policies and aspirations of the school and their department.
Main Teaching Duties:
- To deliver well-planned, personalised and effective instrumental/vocal tuition to students according to the published timetable provided by the Subject Leader;
- To encourage high standards of musical and personal achievement, appearance and conduct in all students, taking account of the published aims of the school;
- To set personal targets for the students each week and to write these in their practice booklets;
- To assess, record and report on the progress of students at the intervals required by the school and Subject Leader. Using -
a)verbal comments and/or musical demonstrations in each lesson;
b)written comments and instructions in the practice booklet on a weekly basis
c)a check list report twice a year (attendance etc.)
d)one full report a year summarising progress, standards, future targets etc.
- To complete a register each lesson and report any attendance issues to the Subject Leader;
- To strongly encourage and prepare students to take formal music examinations, such as ABRSM, Rock School, LCM, Trinity, etc.;
- To participate in preparing students for their public examinations (such as GCSE performances) as directed by the Subject Leader;
- To contribute to the teaching and development of specialist music programmes under the direction of the Subject Leader;
- To strongly encourage students to attend appropriate musical ensembles at both HGS and, if appropriate, external ensembles;
- To lead and/or assist with extra-curricular activities following the approval of the Subject Leader and in line with the yearly peripatetic costing forecast;
- To contribute to references relating to individual students preparing for University;
- Support the department in promoting music across the school.
- To take reasonable care of the health and safety of self, other persons and resources whilst at work;
- To co-operate with SLT as far as is necessary to enable the responsibilities placed upon the School under the Health and Safety at Work Act to be performed, e.g. operate safe working practices.
- To share responsibility with other users for the care of furnishings, fittings and equipment in any room particularly assigned;
Appointment of Peripatetic Music Teacher - Drummer
Person Specification
Essential / Desirable / Evidenced by- Suitable performance qualifications (diploma etc.) &/or extensive experience with percussion.
Further music qualifications. / A, C
- An excellent drummer with the ability to fluently read drum and music notation.
- Evidence of successful peripatetic or private percussion teaching.
- Knowledge and experience of current music performance qualifications. Such as ABRSM and Rock School. Up to Grade 8 if required.
- Commitment to the wider life of the school.
- Open and approachable yet firm in application of standards.
- Energy, resilience, enthusiasm, sense of humour and an ability to inspire and motivate students of all ages.
- Able and confident to write reports on students’ musical development.
- Suitability to work with children.
AApplication FormIInterview
OLesson ObservationRReferences