First Evangelical & Reformed Church
320 West Wayne Street / Lima, Ohio 45801
Church Office: (419) 222-6700 Pastor’s Study: (419) 222-6200
WHEN: Saturday, August 8th, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
- We are going to make bricks
- Make a Study about our “Golden Calves”
- Ten Commandments
Please fill out the VBS Registration Form enclosed in this newsletter and mail or drop off at church.
**Please call the church office, if you need a ride, we will have someone at the church at 9:30 a.m. for rides.**
We will be breaking into tribes to study the Word of God.
Please plan on attending for a wonderful day of studying the Word of God and spending time with family and friends. There will also be swimming.
We are in need of the following donations:
- Heavy Duty Reynolds wrap
- Freezer paper
- Molding clay
The week before BibleSchool we will also need;
- Potatoes
- Green Peppers
- Onions
- Carrots
- Cases of Water
And of course money is always welcome to help buy supplies. If you have any questions please call Cathryn Blunden at her home 419-222-0454, and if you need anything picked up, please call Pat Offenbacher at her home at 419-223-1657.
“Moments with Moses”
Pre-Registration Deadline is August 2nd
NAME ______
ADDRESS ______
CITY______STATE______ZIP ______
PHONE ______
EMAIL ______
□I need a Ride from the church at 9:30 am
□I will be at Chuck & Ginger Hill’s Home at
250 North Phillips Road, Harrod, OH45850 by 10 am
□I am willing to be a Tribe Leader/Co-leader.
□Help with water patrol from 2:30 – 3:30 pm
Letters to the Editor:
First Evangelical & Reformed Church,
Thank you for your partnership in empowering the local Church to serve more than 2.8million of the most vulnerable in 2008. Because of you and theworldwide Church united:
- 1,393,614 Children under 5 & their mothers benefited from a highly efficient grassroots community health network.
- 47,194 Children & teens have grown physically, emotionally, socially & spiritually because of church centered child development programs.
- 5,696 Refugees resettled in the United States with the help of a network of churches & volunteers.
- 653,341 Victims of disasters were assisted by local Christians or World Relief partners at the scene.
- 342,433 Youth in churches & schools reached with messages about abstinence outside of marriage & faithfulness within marriage to defeat the scourge of AIDS.
- 172,350 Of the poorest of the poor were receiving loans to pull themselves out of crippling poverty with the help of secure savings, microfinance loans & training opportunities.
World Relief
Dear Friends in Christ,
I just want to say a big “Thank You” for all of you who are so thoughtful in the things you do. My grandma, Ida Herold, gets many cards to let her know she is not forgotten. I also greatly appreciate those who take time out of their busy lives to visit. Although she may not remember a name or face at many times, it is such a Blessing to know you care!
Thank you,
Sandy Bailey, granddaughter
Deb Wilbur, daughter
Thank you to all the members who sent me cards, I really appreciate and enjoy getting news from our church. Thank you,
Dorothy Rothe
The Funny Holiday page is omitted this month from the mailed newsletter. It is available on the table in the Entrance of the Church and on our website at . Have fun and many laughs with these days.
Women’s Bible Study– Held on THURSDAYS, @ 6:30 pm. at Jodi Rinehart’s home at3456 Makley Drive, Lima. Together we will embrace theblessings of Spiritual Growth. Bible Study dates left are August 6th, 13th, and last one will be August 20th.
Women’s Guild Breakfast- Saturday August 22 at 9:00 a.m. Speaker will be Jeremy Wilson who has spoken to us before. The topic will be "The Moral Decline of the American Family and What We Can Do About It". Everyone is welcome to attend. Also remember to plan your menus for the Auction Dinner in September.
****Financial Page is available upon request in the Church Office****
Pauline Clark August 6
Margie Gettinger August 6
Caitlyn Offenbacher August 6
Don Snook August 7
Penny Bucher August 10
Jackie Long August 10
Arnold Patrick August 10
Wendy Morgan August 11
Richard Rapp August 11
Judy Damschroder August 13
Irene Brutzer August 14
Clark Schwark August 14
Austin CalvelageAugust 17
Grant LewisAugust 18
Andrew MaurerAugust 18
Eleanor VermillionAugust 21
Mindy CalvelageAugust 23
Reed Blair August 26
Joan Haines August 26
Karen Kaufman August 26
Paul Lautzenheiser August 27
Audrey Jones August 28
Virginia Snow August 30
Nancy Lautzenheiser August 31
Terry & Margaret Lewis Aug. 1,39 years
Michael & Ann Lawrence Aug. 8, 28 years
Brian & Jennifer Offenbacher Aug. 9,13 years
Charles & Ginger Hill Aug. 15,50 years
Don & Beverly Snook Aug. 19,48 years
David & Holly Hall Aug. 25,19 years
My Med Schedule is a free service that prints an illustrated list of your medications and the times you take them. In addition to creating your own schedule, this service is helpful if you are assisting others with their medication management. Visit to view a demonstration and sign up for this program.
After you have registered and entered each of your medications, dosages and the times you take them, this site will provide:
- Printable charts that are easy to create and update.
- Reminders by text or email to take your medications.
- Refill reminders.
- Printing in English or Spanish.
- Wallet sized charts to carry with you.
- Large font for easy viewing.
- Checklists and instructions.
SHANNON RAPP has been elected to a 2 year term as Lima Chapter Regent (President) of the National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution. For the past 5 years she has served as Chairperson for the American Indians Committee & Literacy Committee. She will continuethose projects.Shannon also initiated a Food Drive for the local Veterans Food Pantry at Memorial Hall. As Chapter Regent, she plans to strengthen their Constitution Committee to bring citizen awareness and will have a display of Constitutional Facts at the Lima Public Library during September.....
The DARNational motto: God, Home & Country. Amen to that! Thanks, Shannon, for your dedication and hard work.
NOTE: If anyone has information concerning awards, honors, commendations or just "good things" thatare happening (or recently happened)to our church members, we hope you will share it with us - your church family.....If you have any information or questions, contact VaLaire Orchard. You may phoneher at (419) 991-1031 or .
Here are some funny August Funny days to remember to laugh about. Enjoy and watch your front porch!
August 1 is . . . . . Friendship Day and National Raspberry Cream Pie Day
August 2 is . . . . . National Ice Cream Sandwich Day
August 3 is . . . . . National Watermelon Day
August 4 is . . . . . Twins Day Festival
August 5 is . . . . . National Mustard Day
August 6 is . . . Wiggle Your Toes Day
August 7 is . . . Sea Serpent Day
August 8 is . . . Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbor's Porch Night
August 9 is . . . National Polka Festival
August 10 is . . . . Lazy Day
August 11 is . . . . Presidential Joke Day
August 12 is . . . . Middle Child's Day
August 13 is . . . . Blame Someone Else Day
August 14 is . . . . National Creamsicle Day
August 15 is . . . . National Relaxation Day
August 16 is . . . . Bratwurst Festival
August 17 is . . . . National Thrift shop Day
August 18 is . . . . Bad Poetry Day
August 19 is . . . . Potato Day
August 20 is . . . . National Radio Day
August 21 is . . . . Senior Citizen’s Day
August 22 is . . . . Be An Angel Day
August 23 is . . . . National Sponge cake Day
August 24 is . . . . Vesuvius Day
August 25 is . . . . Kiss-And-Make-Up Day
August 26 is . . . . National Cherry Popsicle Day
August 27 is . . . . Petroleum Day
August 28 is . . . . World Sauntering Day
August 29 is . . . . More Herbs, Less Salt Day
August 30 is . . . . National Toasted Marshmallow Day
August 31 is . . . . National Trail Mix Day
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, Proverbs 17:22. Joy is the great restorer and healer. Gladness of spirit will bring health to the bones and vitality to the nerves when all other tonics fail and all other sedatives cease to quiet. Are you ill? Begin to rejoice in the Lord, and your bones will flourish like an herb, and your cheeks will glow with the bloom of health and freshness. Worry, fear, distrust, care-all are poisonous! Joy is balm and healing, and if you will but rejoice, God will give power. He has commanded you to be glad and rejoice, and He never fails to sustain His children in keeping His commandments. Rejoice in the Lord always, He says. This means no matter how sad, how tempted, how sick, how suffering you are, rejoice in the Lord just where you are-and begin this moment. The joy of the Lord is the strength of our body, The gladness of Jesus, the balm for our pain, His life and His fullness, our fountain of healing, His joy, our elixir for body and brain.
Pastor’s Report
The facts are in and the results are exciting. In February 2009 the Consistory and Congregation completed two surveys. The first survey was entitled ‘Peace and Unity Audit’. It was given to the congregation at a February worship service and approximately 80 surveys were returned. On a scale from 0 to 10, zero representing no conflict and 10 representing extreme conflict. The Congregation scored between a 1.5 and a 2 on the conflict scale. What this means is that although there are past conflicts that have occurred much has been done to heal those wounds. Not in all situations have those wounds been fully healed but the current state of the congregation is moving forward in their relationships with one another. Within the survey 6-8 persons were also identified as Peacemakers within the congregation. Again, this is an exciting return of data. We have some areas to improve yet we can work forward together as a body.
The second survey was completed by the Consistory members and 3-5 additional individuals. The goal was to complete thirty Natural Church Development Surveys. Twenty seven surveys were completed and processed.
In 2003, the Consistory also completed the same survey. The identical questions were asked and it is estimated that 50-60% of the surveys were completed by the same individuals in 2009 as in 2003. The Natural Church Development Survey has surveyed over 1 million people and over 300,000 churches globally to identify the eight core characteristics of growing churches. Each of these core characteristics is then scored according to the responses of the 26-30 surveys within the congregation. Each core characteristic is then given a numeric score between zero and one hundred. The core characteristic with the lowest numeric value is called the minimum factor. It is at this level that all the other seven core characteristics are able to be productive. Although the scores may be much higher than the minimum factor, the effectiveness of the other core factors is hampered by the negative effects of the minimum factor.
Once the survey is completed and the minimum factor is identified, the goal is to raise the minimum factor and other factors up to a level that all eight factors are working in concert and unison. The goal is to have all eight core factors at a score of 65 or higher and to maintain a balance between all eight factors. Within the Church Redevelopment Committee we like to see that the average score of all eight factors is above a 35. Statistically, congregations that are below a 35 are in the bottom 12.5 % of congregations universally in their effectiveness in ministry. We also find that congregations with an average of 65 or higher have a 97.5% chance of being a growing congregation. In essence, congregations with a 65 or higher average score are seeing, experiencing and witnessing soul conversions and true discipleship within their congregation.
In the chart that follows I am presenting to you the 2003 results of the Natural Church Development Survey and the 2009 Natural Church Development Survey. If you have questions, comments, concerns or exclamations please feel free to talk to a consistory member or Pastor Ed regarding this information.
2003 Results of NCD
Avg. score 34
2009 Results of NCD
Avg. Score 50.24
The above two diagrams show the numeric score of the 2003 and 2009 Natural Church Development Surveys. In 2003 the lowest factor was Inspiring Worship and the highest was Empowering Leadership. The low was a 14 and the high was a 49. The other six core values ranged from 27-44. The spread of these scores show a lack a balance in the core values of the congregation. From high value to the low value we find a range of 35. Again the goal is to have all eight factors score over 65 and to have some balance between all eight core factors.
In 2009, the lowest factor was Holistic Small groups. These are Ladies Aid, Women’s Guild, Men’s brotherhood, youth group, Sunday School classes, scrapbooking, choir and etc. It is where groups of people are involved with one another. Each of these eight core values are also broken down into four subcategories. Under Holistic Small group we also found our lowest subcategory. That was group relevance. It is apparent that many things are going well. We have improved this area from a score of 27 to that of 43 yet, we lack the value of why some groups exists with our Church. Those involved may find them deeply satisfying, yet others may not. As a Consistory, we plan on looking at this more closely but we are already seeing the question of relevance being addressed. In last month’s newsletter, prior to the return of these results, the Women’s Guild placed a survey to determine what could be done and potentially done better to improve this area of ministry.
The highest factor in 2009 shows the most dramatic improvement in all the areas of the core values. In 2003 it was the lowest factor at a 14 and now it is the highest at a 56. That is a 42 point numeric increase. In the subcategories, we also found the highest subcategory score of 64 regarding relevance of message. Overall we now see a numeric spread of only 13 rather than a spread of 35.
I am aware that this letter is full of numbers and data. I apologize but the news is great. You have increased in every area of the core factors except one. That was Leadership Development. It only reduced by one and the persons filling out the data sheets and the interpretation of the questions and all other factors could account for this slight change. You have done well and we have more to do.
If you would like to know more about these surveys, results and the plans to increase the outcomes to help us reach the mark of 65, please schedule an appointment with Pastor Ed. Together, we can do so much more. If you are reading this and have thought that the church couldn’t change, I would ask that you review the information again. What we have just survey shows positive change by the leadership, the body and the church. We are witnessing God’s hand moving among us in ways we have not admitted before. As a body, we have much to be excited about and the direction we are going.
In the next few months the Consistory will be working through Infusion training, Horizon training and Foresight training. Each of these areas will help the leadership to focus on the future of this congregation. I invite you now, if you are interested in making a positive impact on this community for Christ and are willing to commit to a training that will change your life and impact your personal walk with God, then contact Pastor Ed to reserve your seat in the trainings.
Together we can show our love for God, love our neighbors and make disciples. God Bless!
In His Service,
Pastor Ed
Spiritual Tool Box
“We have separated discipleship from spiritual formation – a mammoth error in our hermeneutic that has led to disaster.” Bill Hull, “Choose the Life” pg 44.
Devotions forAugust
Old & New Testament Bible Reading Schedule1 – Proverbs 1; Job 31; Gal. 1:1-10
2 – Proverbs 2; Job 32
3 – Proverbs 3; Job 33; Eph. 1:1-14
4 – Proverbs 4; Job 34; Phil. 1:1-11
5 – Proverbs 5; Job 35; Col. 1:1-14
6 – Proverbs 6; Job 36; 1 Thess. 1:1-10
7 – Proverbs 7; Job 37; 2 Thess. 1:1-12
8 – Proverbs 8; Job 38-39; Gal. 1:11-24
9 – Proverbs 9; Job 40-41
10 – Proverbs 10; Job 42; Eph. 1:15-23
11 – Proverbs 11; Jer. 1; Phil. 1:12-28
12 – Proverbs 12; Jer. 2; Col. 1:15-23
13 – Proverbs 13; Jer. 3-4; 1 Thess. 2:1-16
14 – Proverbs 14; Jer. 5; 2 Thess. 2:1-12
15 – Proverbs 15; Jer. 6; Gal. 2:1-10 / 16 – Proverbs 16; Jeremiah 7
17 – Proverbs 17; Jer. 8-9; Eph. 2:1-10
18 – Proverbs 18; Jer. 10; Phil. 2:1-11
19 – Proverbs 19; Jer. 11; Col. 1:24-2:5
20 – Proverbs 20; Jer. 12; 1 Thess. 2:17-3:5
21 – Proverbs 21; Jer. 13; 2 Thess. 2:13-17
22 – Proverbs 22; Jer. 14; Gal. 2:11-21
23 – Proverbs 23; Jeremiah 15
24 – Proverbs 24; Jer. 16; Eph. 2:11-22
25 – Proverbs 25; Jer. 17; Phil. 2:12-18
26 – Proverbs 26; Jer. 18; Col. 2:6-23
27 – Proverbs 27; Jer. 19; 1 Thess. 3:6-11
28 – Proverbs 28; Jer. 20; 2 Thess. 3:1-5
29 – Proverbs 29; Jer. 21; Gal. 3:1-14
30 – Proverbs 30; Jeremiah 22
31 – Proverbs 31; Jer. 23; Eph. 3:1-13
Print this page and keep in the flyleaf of your Bible. When you have completed your Bible reading for this month mail to:
First E and R Church
Bible Reading Program
320 W. Wayne Street
Lima, Ohio45801 / Name ______
Street Address ______
City______State ______Zip ______
NOTE: We will be drawing a slip of those who have completed the devotions and mailed it to the church by September 4th for a free lunch with Pastor Ed. You could be the winner!