2017 Request for Proposals
A Fund of New Mexico Community Foundation
The LANL Major Subcontractors Consortium (LANL MSC) is a collaboration of Los Alamos National Laboratorymajor subcontractors created in 2006 to strategically align and pool resources in support of economic development projects in the Northern New Mexico counties of Rio Arriba, Los Alamos, Mora, San Miguel, Sandoval, Santa Fe, and Taos and the Pueblos located in these counties. The LANL MSC grant cycle is dependent on the timing of major subcontractors’ contributions to the grant pool each year.
The LANL MSC, in partnership with New Mexico Community Foundation (NMCF) and Los Alamos National Security (LANS), LLC, is currently accepting proposals for the 2017 Economic Development Industry Cluster Grant cycle.
The deadline for grant applications is Friday, August 4, 2017
Grant Amount
Up to $15,000
Grant Term
Nine month grant period: October 2017-July 2018
Economic Development Industry Cluster Grants will support projects or initiatives that strengthen local product development and distribution, promote the use of locally produced goods in product development for sale outside the region, increase sales for local businesses, and/or support local job creation. Eligible projects and initiatives include, but not limited to: small business incubators, industry collaboratives and cooperatives, value-added production, small business technical assistance providers, manufacturing and production of local products, and/or micro-lenders who serve Northern New Mexico in the counties of Sandoval, Santa Fe, Los Alamos, Rio Arriba, Taos, San Miguel, or Mora and/or the Pueblos located therein. Applicants must have (1) a demonstrated track record of supporting economic activities in one or more of the designated rural counties; (2) an implemented long term sustainability strategy; and (3) proven & diverse community support.
Grant Uses
Grant funds may be used to support organizational operations, asset purchases, and/or direct programming. Funding support must directly impact the effectiveness of the region’s small businesses, and such impacts must be tracked to show increases in small business creation, sales, profitability, and/or job creation.
Eligible Entities
Eligible applicants must be an IRS-qualified 501(c)(3) organization registered under the Registry of Charitable Organizations with the New Mexico Attorney General Consumer Protection Division, a nonprofit organization with a qualified fiscal agent/sponsor, an educational institution, a government or tribal agency, and/or Pueblo community, and must be serving Los Alamos, Mora, Rio Arriba, San Miguel, Sandoval, Santa Fe, and/or Taos counties, or one of the Pueblos located within these counties.
Application Review Process
Proposals are reviewed by a volunteer committee broadly representative of the community. Committee members, made up of LANL-MSC members and LANS staff, with NMCF program staff support, use their expertise to contribute to the overall assessment of each proposal based on the degree to which it fits the overall guidelines and priorities. The recommendations from the committee are sent to the NMCF’s Board of Directors for final grant recommendation approval.
Questions regarding this request for proposal should be directed to:
Renee Villarreal, Director of Community Programs
New Mexico Community Foundation
505-820-6860 ext. 20
Submission: E-mail original proposal and all required attachments and signatures on or before Friday, August 4th by 5:00pm to .
If unable to E-mail: Mail original proposal and all attachments to New Mexico Community Foundation, Attn: Renee Villarreal, 135 W. Palace Ave, Ste 301, Santa Fe, NM 87501. No faxes will be accepted. No late or incomplete applications will be accepted.
INSTRUCTIONS (Required Information)
Part 1 - Cover Page – Please complete cover page (attached)
Part 2 - Narrative Proposal
Include the following components:
a. Description of project
b. Objectives of project:
· Please provide three to five clear, achievable and measurable benchmarks/goals for your project/program. Examples of benchmarks may include:
o number of jobs created or retained;
o business revenues increased by clients;
o number of clients trained;
o number of loans provided;
o percentage of increase in production; and/or
o documented efficiencies established
c. Project’s primary activities
d. Description of who will be served by the project – populations and demographics
e. List of collaborating partnerships utilized by the project to optimize provision of services
f. Evaluation:
· Explain how your organization will evaluate the project/program and the impact it will have on economic development – (i.e.: strengthen local product development and distribution, promote the use of locally produced goods in product development for sale outside the region, increase sales for local businesses, and/or support local job creation etc.)
· Identify three measures that you will use to evaluate the success or impact of your project. (what impact you are trying to achieve; the qualitative and/or quantitative value of your project, etc.)
Part 3 - Budget
a. Intended use of funds/proposed project budget (attach to your proposal)
b. Project budget narrative – include the following information:
· Explanation of each line item on the project budget
· Other sources of funding that will be leveraged for the program/project (Please note status of funding-anticipated, application in process, or committed)
Part 4- Attachments
g. Current year organizational budget (include all sources of revenue and expenses)
h. Most recent Annual Balance Sheet and Income Statement
i. Verification of legal incorporation - 501c3 Determination Letter(only applicable if you have not applied for this grant in the last two years)
j. If fiscally sponsored, a letter from the fiscal sponsor confirming partnership
k. List of Board of Directors with contact Information (current)
l. Most current audit – if available
Part 1 – Cover Page (fields will expand as you type, use tab key to move from field to field).
Organization Information
Organization Name:
Organization Address:
Organization Phone Number: Organization Web site:
Executive Director: ED Contact E-mail:
ED Contact Phone Number:
Mission of Organization:
Organizations: Federal ID# (EIN): Organizations Total Annual Budget: $
If using a Fiscal Sponsor/Agent, please provide the following information of the Sponsor Organization:
Fiscal Sponsor Organization Name:
Organization Address:
Contact Name:
Phone Number: Contact E-mail:
Fiscal Sponsor’s EIN #:
Organizations Total Annual Budget: $
Project Information
Primary Contact’s Name & Title:
Contact Phone Number: Contact E-mail:
Project Name:
Summary of Project Description (one brief paragraph):
Project Budget: $ Amount you are requesting: $
Areas Served by the Project (please list all NM counties where project will take place):
Part 2 –Narrative Proposal (field will expand as you type, or you may attach your narrative to this application if you submit it in a Word format):
Required Signatures:
Executive Director (Please Print) and Date Executive Director Signature
Project Contact (Please Print) and Date Project Contact Signature