Hotel Booker 5.4 – RELEASE NOTES FAX/EMAIL Settings


Enhanced Messaging via Conferma Connect

Current Process

New Process

How to Find the Hotel Booker Client ID

Enhanced Messaging via Conferma Connect

Hotel Booker has traditionally sent its own hotel confirmations, whilst non Hotel Booker users, including WebPay and other online booking tools, use a separate communication service.

Conferma recently upgraded the virtual card messaging solution, Conferma Connect, in the virtual card platform to help streamline and optimise delivery of our virtual card details to hoteliers.

Conferma Connect is now sending over 35% of messages to suppliers via secure email. In the coming months we’ll also be enhancing Conferma Connect with new hotelier connection options, such as direct API features.

The current Hotel Booker communication service only supports fax and secure email. We need to standardise our virtual payment communication processes and will use Conferma Connect, to allow Hotel Booker customers to take full advantage of our messaging service and reduce message failure administration.

As part of the Hotel Booker v5.4 release, Hotel Booker will start to request hotel confirmations to be sent via Conferma Connect within our virtual card platform. This update only effects hotel confirmations using the virtual card solution and does not impactthe confirmation being sent for offline bookings where the payment is on the traveller’s card.

Benefits of using the new process include;

  • Increased communication success rate
  • enhanced alternative fax number and email database
  • smarter message routing
  • Automated retries for secure emails
  • Standardised messaging templates to help hoteliers
  • Local language support
  • Visibility of fax history within TripPay, allowing resends
  • Ability to view full virtual card messaging history via the WebPay Communication Hub

This change impacts customer who operate with shared card pools e.g. multiple Hotel Booker clients using one virtual card pool.

If you wish to identify the Customer name or the servicing branch details on the hotel confirmation then additional configuration will now be required within the WebPay Customer Management section.

Conferma will preconfigure the WebPay Customer Management section as part of the release, however from thereon the agency will be responsible for managing the WebPay Customer Management records to ensure the correct information is detailed on the hotel confirmation.

Current Process

The user navigates to Hotel Booker - Agency Adminand selects Client Setup from the options listed.

The user then selects Fax/Email Settings

From here the user can create/amendthe Fax/Email settings as documented below.

New Process

In addition to configuring the Fax/Email Setting as normal within the Hotel Booker Agency Admin Tool the user will need to access the WebPay Customer Management screen.

To access the WebPay Customer Management screen the user must have a role of Customer Admin or Customer Super Admin.

From the Home screen select Administration and then select the Customer option from the left panel

Within the WebPay Customer Managementsection you are able to view and modify existing Customers or create new customer records.

To view customers select View Customers or to create a new customer select Create New Customer from the left panel

For each Hotel Booker customer using a shared card pool a Customer record must be created as follows:

Step 1select Create New Customer

Step 2select the card pool that the Hotel Booker customer will be utilizing from the Card Pool drop down

Step 3enter the numeric Hotel Booker Client ID (How to Find the Hotel Booker Client ID section) into the Customer ID text box

Step 4complete all other fields before selecting Save Changes

As a reference guide, the fields map as such.

Hotel Booker Field Name / WebPay Field Name
Client ID* / Customer ID
Client Name* / Name
Invoice Contact Address / Address Line 1
Invoice Contact Address / Address Line 2
Invoice Contact Address / City
Invoice Contact Address / Post/ZIP Code
Invoice Contact Address / Country
Agency Phone Contact / Agency Telephone
Agency Fax Contact / Agency Fax Number
Agency Email Contact / Agency Email Address

Please note: These fields can be found by selecting “Client Setup” in the Hotel Booker Agency AdminTool and the same rules for completion apply e.g. include the international dialing code on the telephone and fax numbers.

How to Find the Hotel Booker Client ID

As a Customer Admin within the Hotel Booker Agency Admin Tool select the client using the drop down in the top right corner.

Once the client has been selected click the Client Setup option from the left hand panel.

The Client ID is then displayed.


If you choose to modify the Hotel Booker Fax/Email settings then it is IMPERATIVE to replicate these changes via the WebPay Customer Management screen

If your agency does not have WebPay Customer Admin or Customer Super Admin access then please contact to arrange.


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