Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
Richmond, Virginia
Meeting of the State Child Fatality Review Team
September 9, 2014
Members Present:
Beitz, Lisa, Hanover County Community Services Board
Blumberg, Michael, Medical Society of Virginia
Board, Heather, Virginia Department of Health
Brintle, Kimberly, Bland County Department of Social Services
Cardounel, Humberto, Henrico County Police
DiAngelo, Constance, Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
Foster, Robin, Virginia College of Emergency Physicians
Hunter, Katharine, Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
Katzman, Rita, Virginia Department of Social Services
Parr, Nancy, Commonwealth’s Attorney, City of Chesapeake
Pickett, Jessica, Fairfax County Fire & Rescue
Phipps, Deron¸ Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice
Romero, Frank, Richmond Ambulance Authority
Rose, Rutherfoord, Virginia Poison Center
Sonenklar, Neil, Virginia Treatment Center for Children
Wilson, Mary, Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services
Members Absent:
Coyle, Betty Wade, Prevent Child Abuse Virginia
Gormley, William, Chair, Chief Medical Examiner
Lauber, Maribel, Virginia Department of Education
Milteer, Regina, Virginia Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics
Rainey, Janet, Division of Vital Records
Womble, Emily, Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
Emily Womble called the meeting to order at 10:03 a.m. and went over the agenda for the meeting.
Announcements and Business:
Minutes from the July 8, 2014 meeting were approved as written.
Ms. Womble informed the Team that the Eastern Regional Child Fatality Review Team, on which Ms. Betty Wade Coyle sits, just celebrated their 20th anniversary. In addition, Voices for Virginia’s Children selected the team to receive the organizational Making Kids Count Award. The team will receive their award on October 7, 2014.
The Honorable Nancy Parr informed the Team that she will be attending a summit being held by the Office of the Attorney General, Department of Criminal Justice Services, and the Secretary of Public Safety, intended to examine the heroin issue in Virginia on October 2, 2014. The summit will look at the increasing use of heroin, what is causing that increase, and ideas for use reduction. Ms. Parr will be sitting on the board that will look at possible changes to language in Virginia legislation.
CPS Update
Rita Katzman presented the Team with CPS data from state fiscal year 2013. Ms. Katzman presented the team with data from all reports investigated by CPS, including cases in which the alleged victim was not fatally injured. The presentation also contained data specific to child fatalities that were investigated by CPS during that time frame.
Confidential Case Review
The Team went into confidential session for purposes of case review. The Team reviewed five cases where a child died from poisoning.
The next Team meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 18, 2014.
The meeting adjourned at 2:55 p.m.
Minutes recorded by Emily Womble.