Kinch, Jeff
Anthropology, fisheries, rural surveys
Current affiliation, academic qualifications and contact details
PhD candidate with the Australian National University – Department of Anthropology
Jeff Kinch
PO Box 829
Milne Bay Province 211
Papua New Guinea
Tel: (+675) 641 0397
Mob: (+675) 688 3948
Skype: jeff.kinch
Research and consultancy work
My fields of interest and expertise include project development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation; artisanal fisheries development and management, integrated coastal zone management, sustainable livelihoods; community engagement and development; resource status and socio-economic assessments (including impacts); and project evaluations for government, NGOs and regional agencies in the Western Pacific Region.
These are the main activities and periods in the Solomon Islands:
February 2005 – May 2005: Community Engagement and Livelihoods Advisor (Consultancy)
Project: Solomon Islands International Waters Project, Honiara.
Employer: Secretariat for the Pacific Regional Environment Program, Apia, Samoa.
Duties: Conduct preparatory work for the finalisation of the socio-economic baseline and participatory consultation, review stakeholder analysis, co-ordinate a beche-de-mer fishery survey, data collection and analysis, and identify parameters for future monitoring in relation to the success of the Solomon Islands IWP.
September 2004 – January 2005: Livelihoods Advisor (Consultancy)
Project: Socio-Economic and Financial Viability Assessment of the Marine Trade in Corals in the Solomon Islands.
Employer: Foundation of the People of the South Pacific International, Suva, Fiji; and the Secretariat for the Pacific Regional Environment Program, Apia, Samoa.
Duties: Evaluate the technical and economic viability of community-based culturing of corals in the Solomon Islands, document marketing chain, market interest, trends, criteria and willingness to pay for cultured corals, assess the socio-economic and ecological costs and benefits of replacing wild harvest with culturing corals, and advise on the technical, biological and environmental aspects of coral culture and harvest.
April 2004 - May 2004: Livelihoods Advisor (Consultancy)
Project: Pacific Sustainable Livelihoods Program.
Employer: United Nations Development Program, Suva, Fiji.
Duties: Conduct a market analysis of commercial artisanal fisheries in the Solomon Islands, train buyers and villagers on quality control, undertake a basic environmental marine resource scan to determine major issues facing marine harvesting and livelihoods creation, and provide capacity training, and provided advice and recommendations to the UNDP on improved livelihood options.
October 2003 – August 2004: Pacific Regional Community Development Officer.
Project: Sustainable Management of the Aquarium Reef Trade Program.
Employer: Foundation for the Peoples of the South Pacific International/Marine Aquarium Council, Suva, Fiji.
Duties: Co-ordinate training of villagers best practices, conduct reef ecology and aquarium fish abundance surveys, conduct scoping studies on the aquarium trade, and engage communities and exporters for meeting the appropriate standards for MAC Certification.
In the post-tsunami/earthquake situation of the Western Solomons, my background in livelihood development, socio-economic assessments, market studies, and management fits well in line with activities currently being undertaken to rebuild the lives of affected people.