My Healthy Plate-Foods and Nutrition Final Project

Spring 2014- Sobotka

Name:______Hr: ______

Due Date: ______

Part One: “My Personalized Plate”

  1. From the My Plate website, across the top in the green boxes, select “Super Tracker and Other Tools”. Then Choose “Daily Food Plans”.
  2. Click the “Daily Food Plan” hyperlink. Enter your personal information, and click Submit. Review results. Then on the right side (View, Print, & Learn More) click to print a PDF version of your results. Save this, you will need to turn it in to me.

Part Two: “My Realistic Plate”

  1. Choose your “best” day from the previous (6 weeks) food log activities.
  2. Using the provided sheet, create a realistic plate that includes what you actually ate on one day of your food tracking. We know what the plate recommends for our eating, this will show us how our eating compares to these USDA recommendations.
  3. Your realistic plate should include a junk food category.
  4. Draw in lines proportionate to what you actually ate.
  5. Color and label all sections of the plate, including the new junk food section. Should be done neatly.
  6. Create a slogan for the junk food section.
  7. Compare your Personalized Daily Food Plan PDF against your Realistic Plate. Reflect on the following: What areas are you lacking? What areas are you meeting requirements?

Part Three: “My Healthy Plate- Meal Planning”

  1. Plan an entire day’s worth of meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack).
  2. From the homepage, In the green heading boxes, select the “Super Tracker and Other Tools” tab. Then select “SUPER TRACKER”.
  3. Login using your “Super Tracker” username and password (same as food logging).
  4. Click the “Food Tracker” link.
  5. Begin to enter in food choices until you have created a perfectly balanced menu for one day (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snack). This menu MUST meet ALL of your requirements (including all five food groups, as well as caloric limits) from your Daily Food Plan. The bar graph is a helpful tool in helping you visualize your daily food plan.
  6. While planning, please think about what you would REALISTICALLY want to eat (NO spaghetti for breakfast, and a MEAL is not equal to a bunch of random items like, one cucumber, one carrot, and one green pepper). The purpose of this is for you to see what simple changes you can make in order to reach your recommendations and ultimately lead you to a healthier lifestyle.
  7. To go back to your day of meal planning, simply change the calendar date once logged in and at the “Food Tracker” page.
  8. You will need to print your Super Tracker Menu Plan from the website. When finished, let Miss. Sobotka review your menu. When you get the okay, print your report from the “Food Tracker” page. At the top left of the page, click the small printer icon. The report will open in a new window. That is what you should print!
  9. You need to save this menu, along with the “Daily Food Plan” PDF print out of your personal plan, and all 6 weeks of food logs and reports.

Part Four: “Cook At Home”

  1. Prepare one of the meals from your menu planning project at home for your family.
  2. See attached sheet for family evaluation requirements.
  3. You must include your recipe.

Part Five: “Putting It All Together- Paper”

  1. You will write a 5 paragraph paper reflecting on this menu planning activity, and what you have learned this semester about maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle.
  2. Each paragraph must contain a minimum of 7 sentences. Paper should be in 12pt Calibri font, and must be double spaced. Spelling and grammar will count.
  3. Paragraph One- Introduction- explain the purpose of this project in your own words. Introduce this project to your reader as if they have no knowledge of what we have done. Tell the reader about the “My Plate” and the “Let’s Move” initiative from the USDA and Mrs. Obama.
  4. Paragraph Two- Menu Sharing- share what you “planned” for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack. Include portion sizes, and a little bit about why you made these specific choices.
  5. Paragraph Three- Compare- How does what you “planned” compare to the typical breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack choices you logged over the six weeks? What areas of the plate were you lacking over the six weeks? How do your daily calories compare in your planned menu, vs. your previous food logs?
  6. Paragraph Four- Reflect- Did you feel that logging your food choices made you more conscious of what you were eating? Did your eating habits change over the six weeks? Did you make any changes in your eating as a result of the food logging activities?
  7. Paragraph Five- Conclusion- What will you take from this class/activity? What part of nutrition and healthy eating will stay with you in your future? What did you like or dislike about completing this project?
  1. Save your Paper to the following location
  2. File
  3. Save As:
  4. Student S: Drive
  5. Parcells
  6. Sobotka
  7. My Plate- Final
  8. Your Name

Turn in Directions:Staple in the following order!! Use this as a checklist to guide you.

  1. My Pyramid Plan Grading Rubric______
  2. Realistic Plate______
  3. Daily Food Plan (PDF printout from website)______
  4. Putting It All Together- Paper______
  5. Cook At Home Evaluation______
  6. Cook At Home Recipe______
  7. Menu Printout from Food Tracker______
  8. 6 weeks of Food Logs and Reports______


Congratulations you're done! 

My Healthy Plate-Foods and Nutrition Final Project

Spring 2012- Sobotka

Part Four: “Cook At Home”

Greetings from Foods class! For our final project for Foods class during the 2011-12 school year, your son/daughter is required to plan a perfectly balanced day worth of meals. Lucky for you, they are also required to prepare one of their healthy and delicious (hopefully) meals for you and your family.


  • Prepare a complete meal (preparation, serving, cleaning) from their My Food Planner, it can be their/your choice of breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
  • Your son/daughter should present their recipe to you in advance, and help with the shopping.
  • A photo of your son/daughter cooking or serving the meal. This can be either be submitted via email ( or attached to this paper).
  • During the meal, your son/daughter should discuss their day’s menu and how it fits into their USDA recommendations.
  • Your evaluation of the preparation, service, taste, and clean up. Thank you for your help and participation.

Meal Prepared: ______


  • Was the meal served in a reasonable amount of time? Y/N
  • Were the dishes served at the proper temperature (hot foods hot, cold foods cold)? Y/N
  • Was your wait staff pleasant and helpful? Y/N
  • Did they discuss their USDA recommendations, and how this meal fits? Y/N
  • Would the Health Department give this chef passing marks for kitchen clean up? Y/N
  • Would you consider having this chef back to prepare future meals? Y/N
  • Did the meal meet your expectations? Why or why not?
  • Any addition comments?

X______Date ______

Thank you again for your cooperation, I hope this was an enjoyable experience for you and your family!

Part Two: “My Realistic Plate”

______’s Realistic Plate

Grading Rubric- My Healthy Plate- Foods and Nutrition Final

Name: ______Hr: ______

Daily Food Plan PDF: ______/5

Food Tracker Menu Print Out______/5

Paper (5 paragraphs/thoughtful/all requirements fulfilled/spelling/grammar) ______/30

Cook at Home: Evaluation from parent and recipe______/25


6 Weeks of Food Logs/Reports______/30

Use of Class Time/ Turn in Directions followed______/10

