F315 Facilitate learning in groups through presentations and activities
Elements of competence
F315.1Give presentations to groups
F315.2Facilitate exercises and activities to promote learning in groups
This unit covers the generic competences required by all trainers, ie to make effective presentations and to facilitate learning through a range of activities or exercises, such as work based projects, assignments, role plays.
The first element focuses on giving both formal and informal presentations. It includes the need to adapt to the audience and the use of clear visual aids. The second element focuses on facilitating exercises and activities. It includes structuring activities to maximise learning and making appropriate adaptations and interventions.
Who this unit is aimed at
This unit is designed to be relevant to those who give presentations and use exercises and activities as a training method. The audience may be those who have offended, those at risk of offending, those affected by crime and anti-social behaviour or for colleagues.
Relationship to other units
F311Design learning programmes to meet learners’ requirements
F312Support and advise individual learners (D05)
F313Facilitate individual learning through coaching
F314Facilitate individual learning and development through mentoring
F316Facilitate learning through demonstration and instruction
F317Monitor and review progress with learners
F318Evaluate training and development programmes
Place in the SVQ framework
This is an optional unit in theNVQ/SVQ level 3 and Community Justice (Victims, survivors and witnesses) SVQ level 3.
Evidence Requirements for this unit
You must provide your assessor with evidence for all the Performance Criteria and all aspects of Range and Knowledge. The evidence must be provided in the following ways taking account of any Special Considerations which may be noted.
Special Considerations
As this unit has been drawn from the Training and Development Standards, the evidence requirements have been presented slightly differently.
The candidate’s package of evidence needs to cover all the performance criteria and all the aspects of range in both of the elements of competence in this unit. Performance evidence is required for each element.
When giving presentations to groups (element F315.1) the performance evidence must cover:
1.presentation of information to learners – the candidate should provide evidence of at least two different presentations, at least one of which should be observed.
2explanation of choice of visual aids and materials used.
For element F315.1 – Range 1, the critical factor is that the candidate can present to different size groups for which the techniques of presentation differ. A small group would normally be expected to be up to 6 and a large group 12.
When facilitating exercises and activities to promote learning in groups (element F315.2) the performance evidence must cover:
1.facilitating exercises and activities – the candidate should provide evidence of at least two different exercises or activities, at least one of which should be observed.
2.information given to group members.
For element F315.2 – Range 1, the critical factor is that the candidate can facilitate exercises and activities with different size groups, using techniques. A small group would normally be expected to be up to 6 and a large group 12 or over.
Simulations would not be considered appropriate for this unit.
Assessment Guidance
When planning assessment, candidates should consider how they may best use evidence across a number of units. Evidence from the following units may be particularly relevant to this unit.
F314Facilitate individual learning and development through mentoring
F316Facilitate learning through demonstration and instruction
Candidates may wish to use these sources of evidence.
- the products of their work
- notes and drafts of their analysis during the process of producing reports and products
- notes and minutes of meetings
- evidence from others who worked with the candidate
- records and correspondence
- their reflective practice journal
Evidence from Knowledge and Understanding
Candidates must demonstrate they know and understand the areas listed in the descriptions of knowledge and understanding within the unit. Much of the knowledge and understanding will be evidence from their performance. Where the candidate’s knowledge and understanding is not evidence from their performance, it may be necessary for additional evidence of knowledge and understanding to be provided.
Evidence should be gathered for all aspects of knowledge and understanding detailed either by inferring this from performance evidence or through the use of questions or case studies.
Element F315.1Give presentations to groups
Performance Criteria / Type of evidence – state evidence index no(s) / DateDO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
1take account the size and composition of the group in manner of the presentation
2provide information which is clear and accurate and in a tone, manner, pace and style appropriate to the needs capabilities of the learners
3used legible, accurate visual aids in a manner which the clarity of the information presented
4encourage learners to feel comfortable to ask questions and make comments at appropriate stages in the presentation
5provide clear and accurate supplementary and summary information on request and where appropriate to reinforce learning points
6make adjustments to the presentation in response to learners’ needs
7minimise distractions and interruptions wherever possible
Element F315.1Give presentation to groups
Range / Type of evidence – state evidence index no(s) / DateDO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
1Group size
(a)small group
(b)large group
2Types of information
3Supplementary and summary information given:
(a)in writing
4Types of training:
(a)informal with wide scope for interaction
between practitioner and learners
(b)formal with limited scope for interaction
Element F315.2Facilitate exercises and activities to promote learning in groups
Performance Criteria / Type of evidence – state evidence index no(s) / DateDO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
1base exercises and activities on an accurate identification of group members’ needs
2give group members clear information about rules, norms ways of working in the group
3give group members clear information about the aims and expected outcomes of the exercise or activity
4give group members clear and sufficient instructions in order to enable them to perform the exercise or activity
5communicate in a manner, level and pace appropriate to group members
6encourage group members to feel comfortable in order to participate effectively
7structure exercises and activities appropriately in order to maximize learning
8challenge appropriately excluding or discriminatory behaviour or language
9make effectively adaptations and interventions which are likely to improve the effectiveness of the learning process
10give timely feedback to learners in a positive manner on the process of learning and progress towards learning outcomes
Element F315.2Facilitate exercises and activities to promote learning in groups
Range / Type of evidence – state evidence index no(s) / DateDO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
1Exercises and activities with
(a)small group
(b)large group
2Challenging discriminatory behaviour or language in accordance
(a)organisation’s policy and codes of practice
(b)professional codes of practice
3Adaptations and interventions to
(a)style of leadership and facilitation
(b)sequencing and pace of exercises and
Knowledge specification for the whole of this unit
You must show your assessor that you know and understand the following:
State evidence index no(s)Individuals will need the following knowledge and understanding to achieve the standards in this unit
1how to adapt materials to support learning
2presentation techniques
3how to put learners at ease
4how to sequence and pace information and gauge appropriateness of language for learners
5questioning techniques
6ways to elicit participation
7how to use visual aids
8learning needs of the specific individuals and groups
9range of possible exercises and activities to promote learning
10how to structure exercises and activities to promote learning
11range of adaptations and interventions, and when and how to use them
12how to give constructive feedback
13issues of equality of opportunity and non-discriminatory practice
Knowledge and understanding / Type of evidence – state evidence index no(s) / Date
DO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
There is sufficient evidence of knowledge and understanding for this unit
Evidence Requirements / Type of evidence – state evidence index no(s) / Date
DO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
The evidence by the candidate meets the evidence requirements for this unit
Assessor/Internal verifier comments
Candidate’s nameAssessor’s nameIV name
Candidate’s signatureAssessor’s signatureIV signature
Unit B1L7 04 (F315) facilitate learning in groups through presentations and activities