Seller Interview Sheet
When was property bought?______Price Paid for Property?______
Why did you buy this property/area?______
What improvements have you made?______
Do you have any pictures of your house/gardens/pool, in another season? Y N
Why are you moving? Transfer Retiring Moving up Divorce
Job Loss Other, please specify______
If moving out of the area, where are you moving to?______
Do you need to be referred to a buyer’s agent in that area? Y N
Is your employer helping with costs? Y N If yes, what?______
Ideally, when would you like to be out of the property?______
Do you have pets? No Yes Pet name(s)______
Would you consider seller financing? Yes No
Are you willing to provide the buyers of your property with a Home Warranty? Y N
What are the 3 most important considerations in hiring your real estate agent?______
Are there any specific requests you have of me?______
I will call at least every other week. Are mornings or afternoons better? AM PM
Are there any potential buyers you would like me to contact for you? Yes No
Name______Phone #______
Name______Phone #______
Name______Phone #______