Mountain View Barn, LLC Event Center Rental Contract

  1. ______wishes to rent the Mountain View Barn Event Center or a portion thereof on ______(Date) from ______to ______(hours).

Please check appropriate boxes for the facilities you desire to rent.



Outdoor Area

Upstairs Hall (Bride’s Room)

Entire Facility

  1. The facility or portion thereof will be used for: ______
  2. Conditions for use. Please initial each item to indicate your agreement.

Renters’ activities must be compatible with the building and grounds.

  • Waiver of Liability: It is understood that the renter and guests will conduct their function in an orderly manner in full compliance of all state laws, ordinances, and regulations. The renter agrees to pay for any damages to Mountain View Barn LLC property or equipment caused by the renter or guests negligent, reckless, or willful actions. You, the renter are responsible for your guests.
  • NO PRIVATE ALCOHOL PERMITTED. Renter and attendees will be asked to leave the premises if this condition is violated.
  • A certified bartender is available for a fee of $ ______. RENTER ASSUMES ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL.
  • Smoking is permitted in designated areas only. No smoking inside the building.
  • Vehicles must remain in designated areas, no driving on lawns or fields.

Décor is “as is” and must be returned to its original condition at the end of the rental period.

  • We do not allow the use of open flame or fireworks on the premises.
  • When decorating the renter may use tape and/or tacks in wooden areas. No staples or nails are allowed.

A cleaning deposit/booking fee must be paid at the time of booking. The facility must be cleaned and returned to its original condition. The deposit will be returned within 7 (seven) days it the contract conditions are met.

  • All tape and tacks must be removed, including tables.
  • All trash must be placed in the outside dumpster.

Deposits must paid at the time of booking. Rental dates will not be reserved without a deposit.

All fees must be paid two weeks prior to the event unless other arrangements have been made with the proprietors of Mountain View Barn LLC.

Cancellation Policy: A 60 (sixty) day notification is required if the renter cancels the function. If this is not satisfied all deposits become non-refundable. All refunds are at the discretion of Mountain View Barn LLC.


Renter’s Signature Mountain View Barn LLC