Date: February 11, 2005

Time: 4 pm

Location: Via compressed Video


Baraboo: 1

Barron: 0

Fond du Lac: 2

FoxValley: 0

Manitowoc: 2

Marshfield: 2/1

Marathon: 2

Marinette: 2/2

Richland: 1

Rock: 2

Sheboygan: 1

Washington: 0

Waukesha: 2

  1. Approval of the Agenda

.A) Motion by RockCounty, seconded by SheboyganCounty

B) Approved unanimously

  1. Open forum featuring Dean Veninga from UW Marathon County speaking on the

possible merger of the UW campuses

A) Two ideas were presented. The first is by Kevin Riley, President of the UW

System. His proposal is have one chancellor for both the colleges and the

extension schools. Their administrative offices would be brought together in

Madison. This idea is not a bad one. It allows the colleges to have access

to the extension schools’ technology. There are no consequences at the local

campus level.

B)The second idea is from Assemblyman Robin Kribeck from Eau Claire. He

wants to incorporate the UW colleges into the four year schools, making

each two year campus a satellite school of the closest four year campus.

The goal is to reduce cost by eliminating administration and support staff at

the colleges. This will jeopardize the quality of education provided at the

two year schools as well as increase the tuition. Also, a loss of local

involvement and investment would result. There is a hearing on March 2.

Students are encouraged to attend.

C) Maggie will write up a letter representing SGC and email it to all of us to


D) Dean Veninga took questions.

  1. Approval of the Minutes

A)Motion to approve by Fond du LacCounty, seconded by Baraboo

B)Approved unanimously

  1. Executive Reports

A)Executive (President): Maggie attended the Senate Steering Meeting

where the differences between departments were discussed. Also, the

“First Year Experience”, a freshmen seminar, was discussed.

B)Vice President: David brought up the Constitutional Review Committee

Meeting and asked for all interested in attending to contact him.

C)Executive Director: Nothing to report on here. Maggie asked if it would

be possible to take a look at the website. Trent will send the needed


D)Budget Senator: Renat attended the Budget Committee Meeting where

teacher salaries were discussed.

  1. Old Business

A)Meeting schedule

  1. March 11, 2005 will be a face-to-face meeting. The Constitutional Review Committee will meet at 6pm, and the actual meeting will be held from 7-9 pm. Food will be provided.
  2. Vote on where the meeting will be held:

Marathon: Fond du Lac

Sheboygan: Fond du Lac

Baraboo: Baraboo

Richland: Fond du Lac

Manitowoc: Fond du Lac

Rock: Baraboo

Fond du Lac: Fond du Lac

Marshfield: Baraboo

Marathon: Fond du Lac

  1. The meeting will be held at Fond du Lac (6-3)
  1. New Business

A)Recruitment of new executives

  1. If anyone has any ideas on how to best do this, that would be great. The suggestion is to ask members of student governments at your own school if anyone is interested. Since this is a special situation, we aren’t operating according to the Constitution. Maggie and David said they’d make campus visits if they were requested.

B)We discussed the letter that Maggie is going to write opposing Kribeck’s


C)The final meeting date is April 22. It is an optional face-to- face meeting.

D)Motion to adjourn by Marathon, seconded by Baraboo, unanimously in favor (by voice)

E)Meeting adjourned at 5:03 pm