A Close Look at all your School Nutrition and Fitness website contains-
Take a Close Look! We want you to become familiar with all your School Nutrition and Fitness website has to offer you and your school community! There is so much to explore throughout your website, we want to draw your attention to all there is to share with your school community and be sure you inform them of how they can access all the Nutrition and Fitness articles & information, program information specific to your district and your particular program, monthly parent newsletters, and everything else you have for them through your School Nutrition and Fitness website.

Your Welcome Page is a great place to familiarize your School Community with all you do!

Our goals:

To help school districts elevate the image of their Child Nutrition Program and communicate all the great things you do. We provide a customized, image and content rich, Nutrition Department website that will directly benefit Students, Parents, Teachers, and the District Administration. It includes the USDA CN Nutrition Database, professionally developed content and the best interactive nutrition games, activities and calculators for your students. We do the work, you take the credit.

We strive to help you:

1) Promote your Nutrition Program

2) Increase Participation

3) Satisfy CRE Requirements

4) Communicate Wellness throughout your Community

5) …and put your website to work for you 24 / 7

Your website makes it simple to customize content, add menus and images, and feature anything else that is unique to your program… but most importantly, we keep the Nutrition and Fitness content, lesson plans, videos, and all the fun interactive features updated every quarter. Students and parents will be amazed by the wealth of nutrition information and interactive features. Principals and teachers will love the academic Nutrition Education lesson plans and activities for the classroom. And your Superintendent, the School Board and the Wellness Committee can be confident that you are actively promoting wellness in your district.

Nutrition Education:Three Unique Audiences, Each With its Own Focus-

We recognize that your website has 3 unique audiences and our Nutrition Education section caters to them!

Students will find interactive games, videos, songs, and activities in the Student Section, Teachers and Nutrition and Fitness Educators will find lesson plans and encouragement to integrate those lesson plans into their curriculum in the Teacher Section, and the Parent Section contains Nutrition and Fitness focused articles, recipes, and toolsto help families model and adopt healthy habits that will last a lifetime! You will want to be sure to share all we offer in Nutrition Education with your 3 unique audiences!

Nutrition and Fitness:

There is a wealth of information in the Nutrition and Fitness sections of your website, including Ask the Nutritionist, which features frequently asked nutrition questions and detailed answers from our Registered Dieticians. Explore and see all we have prepared for you in Nutrition and Fitness!

Our two In‐House RD’s bring expertise, new ideas, and a fresh perspective to our content and services. We offer nutritional content, images, lesson plans and features that are updated quarterly. The SuperKids Nutritionnewsletters and SuperKids Health and Nutrition Tipsmenu-backnewsletters are updated monthly. We make what is important to you… important to us. We keep Nutrition Education top of mind and current!

Menus Page: Interactive Nutrition Menus and Online Menus-

Menus Page

Your Menus Page is where Interactive Nutrition Menus, Online Menus, monthlySuperKids Nutrition Newsletters, and any other documents you may wish to provide may be displayed.

*Display nutrient facts for menu items interactively with our Interactive Nutrition Menus and Online Menu Designer. TheInteractive Menusfeature isincluded with your website and our Online Menu Designertakes providing nutritional data a step further, allowing you to create beautiful calendar menus- choose from 100s of different backgrounds, add images and content, and display nutritional information right from the menus you post on the Menus Page of your website, with just a click! Make critical nutritional information such as “Carb Counts” or Allergens available to those who need it most…school nurses, parents of children with diabetes, or students who are learning to make smart nutrition choices.

Wellness Page: Place a Strong Focus on Wellness-
Your Wellness Page is a great place to show how strong your district’s commitment to Student Wellness is!

You may post your district Wellness Policy here and focus on your Wellness Committee, what the Wellness Committee’s Goalsare, and what they are doing to achieve their goals!

Meal Application Page: Streamlining the Application Process-

Meal Applications

You may customize your Meal Applications Page and add any important information you would like to focus on! Districts using an Online Meal Application Provider may easily link to their Online Meal Application provider in the customizable content section of their Meal Apps Page.

Pre-Payments Page:

From your Pre-Payment Options Page you may link to your Online Pre-Payment Provider, making it simple for parents to make their payments online, right from your website. You may alsocustomize this page and provide important information about pre-paying for school meals, customize a prepayment envelope, and specify the preferred method of pre-paying for meals.

Internal Staff Section: A Website within a Website!

Take your staff resources, training and development online with the Internal CN Staff Site

We make is easy for you to put training, tools and information atyour staff’s fingertips. Putting it all online helps keep your staffdevelopment current and up‐to‐date…and helps your staff

succeed in their job of feeding kids!

The pages of your Internal Staff Site are customizableand you may easily create additional pages. Linking to documents is easy and allows you to make all the forms your staff may need easily accessible, right from your department website!