STEM Biology Treiber’s Expectations

1) Please visit my website through CCHS homepage. It contains info concerning tests, HW, lectures, QUIA

website, etc. We will also be using Canvas a learning management system.

2) Grades are determined by the point system. Grades will be based on your HW/online work, in-class work, projects, quizzes, and tests. HW/online work is set up as “Basic” work plus “uPicks” work. Basic work will make up 50% of the HW/online work grade. “uPicks” activities will make-up the other 50% of the work. You choose what “uPicks” work you want to do

3) Topics studied




4) HW will be checked for completion on a through Canvas. Late daily HW will result in 1/2 of the original pts if turned in on the test day.

Flips (ppt videos) will always be due by 11:59 pm the night they are assigned unless otherwise noted

Other online HW/activities will be due by 11:59pm the night before the test unless otherwise noted

Late Portfolios/Lab NB- (due the day of the test) Hit List quizzes / Labs / Journals - complete explanation on next page

10% deduction for all work being graded each day it is late.

Daily class/group/Lab work missed- make up by doing a 2-3 page paper on the topic

Hit List quizzes- no make-ups (do extra credit to make-up points).

If you know you are going to be absent take it before you miss class.

5)Corrections– will be mandatory if you score below 80% on a test.

Corrections will take place during Intervention. (You may also correct before/after school up until 3:00)

To receive 1 pt back per missed question you can correct some of your questions. Refer to the directions on the

correction notebook. You cannot correct lab/essay questions.

If you miss the original day of the test, you CAN NOT do corrections. You may take a test early to be able to do

corrections if you know you will miss the test date. Under NO circumstances can youphotocopythem or remove them

from my room. Doing so will result in a 0 for the corrections and a loss in theprivilege to correct by yourself.

Remember, corrections are a privilege and an opportunity not a “right”.

6) “Intervention”- you will be mandated to attend power if your average grade drops below 80, you have any missing

work or if you score below an 80 on a test. You can attend intervention anytime you want to have a quiet place to

work or a place to work on group projects.

7) Remind app- parents and students- Subscribe to Remind to receive reminders from me about major assignments/tests/etc.

How to subscribe- Toreceive texts-Send a text to81010 with a message @blendstorto receive emails - send anemail to emind- is a one-way text messaging and email system. All personal information remains completely confidential. I will never see your phone number.

8) A File box will be stored in the classroom for all student work. Every student will have their own classroom folder to

keep their paper work in. All tests/corrections need to be kept in the folder.

Classroom folders will be kept and graded the last week of the quarter.

9) Honors paper will be assigned during the semester. This is a CCS requirement for all honor classes.

10) There will be 4 projects assigned for this class during this semester

11)Extra Credit / Enrichment Activities- there will be random opportunities to do extra credit in

class- turning in forms, progress reports, etc. Take advantage of this to better your grade.