Year 5 Medium Term Planning
Week / Maths topic covered / TS / Objectives covered /1 / Place value of decimal numbers
Ordering and rounding decimal numbers / TS1
(3 days)
(2 days) / · Use decimal notation for tenths and hundredths
· Understand what each digit represents in numbers with one and two decimal places
· Order numbers with one and two decimal places and place them on a number line
· Round a number with one or two decimal places to the nearest whole number
2 / Measures and handling data: metric units in length, weight and capacity, line graphs / TS_M2/D2
(5 days) / · Read, choose, use and record standard units to estimate and measure length, weight and capacity to a suitable degree of accuracy; convert larger to smaller units using decimals to one place, e.g. change 2.6kg to 2600g
· Order measurements in mixed units
· Round measurements to the nearest whole unit
· Interpret a reading that lies between two unnumbered divisions on a scale
· Construct line graphs
· Understand where intermediate points have and do not have meaning
3 / Mental multiplication and division / TS3
(5 days) / · Revise multiplication and division facts for the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10 times tables. Learn multiplication and division facts for the 7 times table
· Know squares of all numbers to at least 10 × 10
· Know and apply tests of divisibility by 2, 3, 5, 9, 10 and 100
· Use factors to multiply, e.g. to multiply by 6, multiply by 3, then 2; to multiply by 5, multiply by 10, then halve
· Use knowledge of doubling and halving two-digit numbers and place value to double and halve decimals, e.g. double 3.4 and half of 8.6
· Begin to express a remainder as a fraction of the divisor when dividing two-digit numbers by single digit numbers, e.g. 21 ÷ 4 = 5¼
4 / Multiplying and dividing three-digit numbers by single-digit numbers / TS4
(5 days) / · Approximate first
· Revise multiplying multiples of 10 to 90, and multiples of 100 to 900, by a single-digit number
· Revise using the grid method to multiply three-digit numbers by single-digit numbers
· Use the grid method to multiply two-digit numbers with one decimal place by single digit numbers, e.g. 3.6 × 7
· Use chunking on the ENL to divide three-digit numbers by single-digit numbers, including those leaving a remainder
5 / Fractions, decimals, percentages, ratio and proportion / TS5
(5 days) / · Recognise the equivalence between the decimal and fraction forms of halves, quarters, tenths and hundredths
· Use this to help order fractions, e.g. 72/100, 0.76 and ¾
· Begin to understand percentage as the number of parts in every 100
· Use ratio to describe relationship between 2 quantities, e.g. there are twice as many boys as girls
· Use ratio to solve problems, e.g. to adapt a recipe for 6 people to 3 people or 12
6 / Shape and data handling: Symmetry, parallel and perpendicular lines, classifying 2-D and 3-D shapes / TS_S2
(5 days) / · Recognise parallel and perpendicular lines in shapes
· Use a set square and ruler to draw shapes with perpendicular or parallel sides
· Recognise reflective symmetry in regular polygons, e.g. know that a square has four axes of symmetry and an equilateral triangle has three
· Identify, visualise and describe properties of rectangles, triangles, regular polygons; use these properties to classify 2-D shapes
· Identify, visualise and describe properties of 3-D solids; use these properties to classify 3D solids
· Create 3-D shapes with increasing accuracy
· Identify and draw nets of 3-D solids
· Use Venn and Carroll diagrams to sort shapes and show information about shapes
Half term
7 / Reasoning and explaining
Mental addition and subtraction / TS6
(3 days)
(first 2 days) / · Solve mathematical puzzles
· Explain methods and reasoning orally
· Make general statements and justify these
· Derive quickly pairs of decimals with a total of 1, e.g. 0.8 + 0.2
· Derive quickly pairs of decimals with a total of 10 e.g. 7.8 and 2.2
· Use strategies used to add/subtract pairs of whole two-digit numbers to add/subtract two-digit numbers with one decimal place, e.g. 7.4 + 1.9, 2.5 + 2.6, 9.8 – 2.1, 7.4 – 0.6, 6.3 – 5.7
8 / Mental addition and subtraction
Written addition of three and four-digit numbers / TS7/7a
(last day)
(first 4 days) / · Use strategies used to add/subtract pairs of whole two-digit numbers to add/subtract two-digit numbers with one decimal place, e.g. 7.4 + 1.9, 2.5 + 2.6, 9.8 – 2.1, 7.4 – 0.6, 6.3 – 5.7
· Use compact vertical addition to add pairs of three-digit numbers, including amounts of money
· Use expanded addition to add more than two three-digit numbers
· Use expanded vertical addition to add pairs of four-digit numbers
9 / Written addition of three and four-digit numbers
Subtraction by counting back & finding a difference / TS8
(last day)
(4 days) / · Use compact vertical addition to add pairs of three-digit numbers, including amounts of money
· Use expanded addition to add more than two three-digit numbers
· Use expanded vertical addition to add pairs of four-digit numbers
· Find a difference between four digit numbers e.g. 5431 – 4789 by drawing an ENL
· Count back in 1000s, 100s, 10s and 1s to subtract, e.g. 5431 – 1021, 5431 – 2006
10 / Using a calculator
Time: 24-hour clock, using calendars / TS10
(2 days)
(3 days) / · Use the decimal point
· Enter and interpret money calculations
· Tell the time using digital and analogue clocks using the 24-hour clock
· Read timetables using the 24-hour clock
· Use a calendar to calculate time intervals
11 / Problem solving / TS11
(5 days) / · Use all four operations to solve single- and multi-step word problems
· Recognise and extend numbers sequences or patterns and use this to solve problems
12 / Assess and review / TS12
(5 days) / · Understand what each digit represents in numbers with one and two decimal places
· Recognise the equivalence between the decimal and fraction forms of halves, quarters, tenths and hundredths
· Relate finding fractions to division
· Derive quickly pairs of decimals with a total of 10 e.g. 7.8 and 2.2
· Approximate first when calculating
· Use strategies used to add/subtract pairs of whole two-digit numbers to add/subtract two-digit numbers with one decimal place, e.g. 7.4 + 1.9, 2.5 + 2.6, 9.8 – 2.1, 7.4 – 0.6, 6.3 – 5.7
· Use expanded vertical addition to add pairs of four-digit numbers
· Find a difference between four digit numbers e.g. 5431 – 4789 by drawing an ENL
· Know all multiplication and division facts for the 2 to 10 times tables
· Use ratio to describe the relationship between two quantities, e.g. there are twice as many boys as girls
· Use ratio to solve problems, e.g. to adapt a recipe for 6 people to 3 people or 12
· Explain methods and reasoning orally
Scroll down for Mixed Age Range
Mixed Age Range Planning
Week / Year 5 / Year 6 /1 / TS1: Place Value: understanding decimal numbers (3 days)
TS2: Ordering, comparing and rounding decimal numbers
(2 days) / TS1: Place value – multiply and divide by 10, 100, 1000, including decimals
(3 days)
TS2: Ordering, comparing and rounding numbers, including decimals and negative numbers (2 days)
2 / TS_M2/D2: Measures and handling data: metric units in length, weight and capacity, line graphs (5 days) / TS_M2/D2: Measures and handling data – Use a variety of metric measures, relate one to another and convert
Frequency charts, graphs, pie charts, Mean, median, mode (5 days)
3 / TS3: Mental multiplication and division; use squares, factors and tests of divisibility (5 days) / TS3: Mental multiplication and division; use multiples, factors and tests of divisibility; recognise prime numbers
(5 days)
4 / TS4: Multiplying and dividing three-digit numbers by single-digit numbers using informal written methods (5 days) / TS4: Written methods for multiplication and division, using appropriate methods drawing on mental strategies (5 days)
5 / TS5: Fractions, decimals, percentages, ratio and proportion (5 days) / TS5: Fractions, decimals, percentages, ratio and proportion (5 days)
6 / TS_S2: Shape and data handling: Symmetry, parallel and perpendicular lines, classifying 2-D and 3-D shapes (5 days) / TS_S2: Shape: Co-ordinates, translation, rotation and transformation of shapes on grids (5 days)
7 / TS6: Reasoning and explaining (3 days)
TS7: Mental addition and subtraction
(2 days) / TS6: Reasoning and explaining (3 days)
TS_D3: Handling data and probability
8 / TS7: Mental addition and subtraction
(1 day)
TS8: Written addition and subtraction
(4 days) / TS7/7a: Mental and written addition and subtraction (5 days)
9 / TS8: Written addition and subtraction
(last day)
TS9/9a: Subtraction by counting back and finding a difference (4 days) / TS7/7a: Mental and written addition and subtraction (4 days)
TS8: Using a calculator
10 / TS10: Using a calculator (2 days)
TS_M3: Time: 24 hour clock, using calendars (3 days) / TS8: Using a calculator (2 days)
TS_M3: Time: 24 hour clock, using calendars
(3 days)
11 / TS11: Problem solving / TS9: Problem solving
TS12: Assess and review / TS10: Assess and review
Y5 Links to Renewed Framework Objectives
2006 Renewed Framework Objectives / Hamilton Maths ObjectivesUsing and applying mathematics
Solve one- and two-step problems involving whole numbers and decimals and all four operations, choosing and using appropriate calculation strategies, including calculator use
Represent a problem by identifying and recording the calculations needed to solve it; find possible solutions and confirm them in the context of the problem / Problem solving
Use all four operations to solve single- and multi-step word problems
Approximate first,
Recognise and extend number sequences or patterns and use this to solve problems
Using a calculator
Choose written, mental or calculator methods to solve calculations
Use the decimal point on a calculator
Enter and interpret money calculations on calculators
Plan and pursue an enquiry; present evidence by collecting, organising and interpreting information; suggest extensions to the enquiry
Explore patterns, properties and relationships and propose a general statement involving numbers or shapes; identify examples for which the statement is true or false / Investigating
Look at patterns, investigate general statements.
Make general statements and justify these
Recognise and extend number sequences or patterns and use this to solve problems
Explain reasoning using diagrams, graphs and text; refine ways of recording using images and symbols / Reasoning and explaining
Solve mathematical puzzles
Explain methods and reasoning orally
Counting and understanding number
Count from any given number in whole number and decimal steps, extending beyond zero when counting backwards; relate the numbers to their position on a number line / Order numbers with up to one or two decimal places and place them on a number line
Explain what each digit represents in whole numbers and decimals with up to two places, and partition, round and order these numbers / Use decimal notation for tenths and hundredths
Understand what each digit represents in a number with up to two decimal places
Round a number with one or two decimal places to the nearest whole number
Express a smaller whole number as a fraction of a larger one, e.g. recognise that 5 out of 8 is 5¤8; find equivalent fractions, e.g. 7¤10 = 14¤20, or 19¤10 = 19¤10; relate fractions to their decimal representations / Recognise the equivalence between the decimal and fraction forms of halves, quarters, tenths and hundredths.
Use this to help order fractions, e.g. 72/100, 0.76 and ¾
Understand percentage as the number of parts in every 100 and express tenths and hundredths as percentages / Understand percentage as the number of parts in every 100
Use sequences to scale numbers up or down; solve problems involving proportions of quantities, e.g. decrease quantities in a recipe designed to feed six people / Use ratio and proportion to describe the relationship between quantities, e.g. there are twice as many boys as girls, or 3 red beads for every 2 red beads, 3 out of every 5 beads are red
Knowing and using number facts
Use knowledge of place value and addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers to derive sums and differences, doubles and halves of decimals, e.g. 6.5±2.7, halve 5.6, double 0.34 / Number bonds
Derive quickly pairs of decimals with a total of 1, e.g. 0.8 + 0.2
Derive quickly pairs of decimals with a total of 10 e.g. 7.8 and 2.2 and with a total of 1, e.g. 0.78 + 0.22
Recall quickly multiplication facts up to 10 × 10, use to multiply pairs of multiples of 10 and 100 and derive quickly corresponding division facts / Multiplication and division facts for the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 times tables
Revise multiplication and division facts for the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10 times tables
Learn multiplication and division facts for the 7 times table.
Revise all multiplication and division facts for the 2 to 10 times tables
Know squares of all numbers to at least 10 × 10
Know and apply tests of divisibility by 2, 3, 5, 9, 10 and 100
Identify pairs of factors of two-digit whole numbers and find common multiples, e.g. for 6 and 9 / Use factors to multiply, e.g. multiply by 3, then 2 to multiply by 6.
Use knowledge of rounding, place value, number facts and inverse operations to estimate and check calculations
Extend mental methods for whole-number calculations, e.g. to multiply a two-digit by one-digit number (e.g. 12×9), to multiply by 25 (e.g. 16 × 25), to subtract one near multiple of 1000 from another (e.g. 6070–4097) / Mental addition and subtraction
Use strategies used to add/subtract pairs of two-digit numbers to add/subtract numbers with one decimal place, e.g. 7.4 + 2.3, 6.3 – 5.7, 1.5 + 1.6
Count back in 1000s, 100s, 10s and 1s to subtract, e.g. 5431 – 1021, 5431 – 2006
Find a difference between four digit numbers e.g. 5431 – 4789 by drawing an ENL
Mental multiplication and division
Use factors to multiply, e.g. multiply by 3, then 2 to multiply by 6.
Double any number up to 100 and halve even numbers to 200 and use this to double had halve decimal numbers e.g. double 3.4 and half of 8.6
Begin to express a remainder as a fraction of the divisor when dividing two-digit numbers by single digit numbers, e.g. 21 ÷ 4 = 5¼
Use efficient written methods to add and subtract whole numbers and decimals with up to two places / Written addition and subtraction of 3 and 4-digit numbers
Use expanded or compact vertical addition to add pairs of four-digit numbers and/or pairs of four-and three-digit numbers
Use expanded addition to add more than two three-digit numbers
Use understanding of place value to multiply and divide whole numbers and decimals by 10, 100 or 1000
Refine and use efficient written methods to multiply and divide HTU×U, TU×TU, U.t×U, and HTU÷U / Multiplying and dividing two- and three-digit numbers by single-digit numbers
Approximate first
Begin to the use, or revise using, the grid method to multiply three-digit numbers by single-digit numbers
Use the grid method to multiply two-digit numbers with one decimal place by single digit numbers, e.g. 3.6 × 7
Use chunking on the ENL to divide two- and three-digit numbers by single-digit numbers, including those leaving a remainder (answers less than 30)
Decide whether to round up or down after division
Find fractions using division, e.g. 1¤100 of 5kg, and percentages of numbers & quantities, e.g. 10%, 5% and 15% of £80 / Relate finding fractions to division and use to find simple fractions of quantities, e.g. 1/3s, 1/5s, 1/6s and 1/10s
Use ratio to solve problems, e.g. to adapt a recipe for 6 people to 3 people or 12.
Use a calculator to solve problems, including those involving decimals or fractions, e.g. to find 3¤4 of 150g; interpret the display correctly in the context of measurement / Using a calculator
Use the decimal point on a calculator
Enter and interpret money calculations on calculators
© Hamilton Trust 2010 Year 5 Spring