Commish Corner – Fall Season – Week 3!

Top News and Questions

a.  And the close games continue!

i.  Cardiac Arrest by 1!

ii. Elders by 1!

iii.  Boom by 2!

iv.  DarkNight by 2!

v. CACI by 2 - again!

vi.  Supermen by 2!

vii.  Gagas by…53?!

b.  Undefeated at 3-0!

i.  BallStars all alone in Elite!

ii. Recruits all alone in A!

iii.  Desert Storm all alone in B (Shouldn’t they really be in A?)!

iv.  ZeroGravity in Women’s!

FanCam – slow night!


Game of the Week –Gagas over Terminators (104-51)

Ok, to be fair, the Terminators started with 4, and had to go outside the team to get a 5th in the game…but wow, were the Gagas merciless! They buried 3’s from all over the court, and from multiple players! They played fundamental basketball, and picked apart the defense of the struggling Terminators. “Well, what can I say, the ladies can play!” stated Terminator coach Armand Belcher. The Gagas face the undefeated and reigning champ ZeroGravity, so if they are on like this night, look out!

Legend of the Week – (Jen Shannon)

Jen was just simply on fire as she poured in 3’s from all over the court to finish with 35 points – high score across all players for the week!

Not sure which one is Jen (hint, far right!), but how can they lose when both she and Krista Jay are playing?!

Other Action!

Tough shot! / “Are we really down by 50 to the woman’s team?” / Pumped up!

The Top 20+ Scorers for the Week!

Team / Player / Points / Comments
19+ Women Division>Gagas / Jen Shannon / 35 / Legend of the Week!
30+ A Division>Squires / Jamal Yusuf / 31 / Unstoppable!
Elite Open Division>Armaggedon / Alexander Wallace / 29 / “Like I said, still mad we lost a game!”
19+ Women Division>Katniss / Sara Saurus / 28 / Great game!
19+ Women Division>Gagas / Cassidy Blaine / 28 / The Gagas put on a clinic!
30+ A/B Division>Supermen / Robert Taylor / 28
19+ Women Division>ZeroGravity / Kelli Darden / 25
Elite Open Division>Armaggedon / Mike Big / 24 / “We’re not losing again!”
30+ A Division>Borg / Robert Simpkins / 24
19+ Women Division>ViperWolves / Jayme Harris / 23
Elite Open Division>Ninja / Hans Wampler / 23
Elite Open Division>LightsOut / Carlos Serrano / 22 / “Bring on the BallStars!”
30+ B Division>Boomshakalaka / Justin Bye / 22
30+ A Division>OGs / Joe Bane / 21
30+ C Division>Mad Bombers / Ivan Poblete / 21
Elite Open Division>Armaggedon / Eli Springs / 20 / “We’re not losing again!”
30+ A Division>Recruits / John Brown / 20
30+ A Division>Cardiac Arrest / Anthony Wills / 20
30+ B Division>Killers / Chris Brandt / 19
Elite Open Division>BallStars / Lyle Wright / 18
19+ Women Division>Gagas / Liz Leer / 18 / The Gagas put on a clinic!
30+ A Division>FullThrottle / Christopher Melton / 18

Story by Anonymous.

Pictures courtesy Allie Cortese