Property Department, Zonal Office, Civil Lines, Nagpur 440001

Notice Inviting tender for

Work: Tender for Disposal of Bank’s Car Ambassador 1800cc – MH 31 CS 5977 Hindustan Motors under Zonal Office Nagpur

Sealed offers from interested parties are invited for disposal of captioned Bank’s Carlying at Zonal Office, Palm Road, Civil Lines Nagpur-440001 as is and where is basis. Interested parties may inspect the items as per following schedule. Interested parties may send their Tenders as per the enclosed format in “Sealed Covers” super scribing “Tender for Purchase of “Ambassador Car”

Tenderdocument/Offer may be collected/downloaded from Banks web site submitted to the Bank at Allahabad bank, , Zonal Office, Property Department, first floor , Palm Road, Civil Lines Nagpur – 440001 as per following programme.

Year of Manufacturing-2009 / Car Ambassador 1800cc – MH 31 CS 5977 Hindustan Motors
Issue of Tender /Offer Documents / Date: From 24.05.2016 to13.06.2016
Time of Completion of work / 4 days (with effect from the work order)
Submission of Tender/Offer / On or before 14.06.2016 up to 15.00 hrs
Opening of tender / On 14.06.2016 at15.30hrs
Site Inspection time / Between 10.00 hrs to 17.00hrs
Earnest Money / Rs.5000/- (five thousand only) by crossed demand draft /Banker’s Cheque favouring ALLAHABAD BANK payable at Nagpur enclosed in a separate envelope. The earnest money will be forfeited in case the successful offerer does not deposit the offers amount within two days
Liquidated Damages for
Delay / If the work not completed up to the satisfaction of the Bank within the stipulated period of 2 days , the parties shall be bound to pay to the Employer a sum equivalent to 1% of the accepted tendered per week subject to ceiling of 10% of the accepted contract amount by way of liquidated damages.
Deposit / The successful offerer has to deposit the full amount within a period of 2 (Two) days after receiving the information /intimation from the Bank.

The Bank will not be bound to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever.

(Assistant General Manger

Zonal Head)

The Assistant General ManagerDate:
Allahabad Bank
Zonal Office Building,
Palm Road Civil Lines,
Dear Sir,
Offer of Bid for purchase of Bank’s Ambassador 1800cc – MH 31 CS 5977 Hindustan Motors
In reference to the tender notice for sale of Bank’s Car Regn. No MH 31
CS 5977, I would like to bid for purchase of the car on “As is where isbasis”.
I submit my offer alongwith requisite earnest money as per tendernotice for
purchasing the above car. The details are appended hereunder:-
Car No. / Earnest Money / Details of DD/Banker’s Cheque & Date / Bid Amount
MH 31 CS 5977 / Rs. / Rs.
Yours, faithfully,
Signature ------
Mob. No: ------

Property Department, Zonal Office, Civil Lines, Nagpur 440001

Work: Tender for Disposal of Bank’s Car Ambassador 1800cc – MH 31 CS 5977 Hindustan Motors under Zonal Office Nagpur


  1. The work to be completed within a period of 4 days from the date of work order.
  1. Earnest money Rs.5000/- (Rs. five thousand) will be released on satisfactory completion of the job.
  2. All erasures and alteration made while filing the tender must attested by initials of tender. Overwriting of the figures is not permitted.
  1. It is your responsibility to take all necessary safety / precautionary measures for the safety of your labours and Bank shall not be responsible in case any accident / mis-happening occurred to your labour during execution of captioned work.
  1. The contractor should quote in figures as well as in words the rate and amount tendered by them. The amount for item should be worked out and the requisite totals to be given.
  1. Parties are required to organize the work in such a way that occupants of the building /flats are put to no hardships and living conditions of the occupants are not affected. Parties are required to take adequate care during progress of work to protect belongings of occupants, furniture etc. In case of any damage, the same shall be made good by parties at their own cost.

(Parties Signature)