Fareham Locality Patient Group Meeting Minutes

Westlands Medical Centre

Wednesday 21st September 2011


Dr Keith Barnard Fareham Chair

Brenda WoonGosport Locality Manager CCG

Louise Hale-TaitGosport Locality Administrator CCG

Ronald RichardsonPatientHighlands Medical Centre

Paul BurnhamPatientStubbington Surgery

Kay BurnhamPatientStubbington Surgery

Sue BaileyPractice ManagerStubbington Surgery

Jim EnoksenPatientJubilee Surgery

Jill NewbyPatientWestlands Medical Centre

Dr Katy KnightonGPStubbington Surgery

Sue MartinPatientWestlands Medical Centre

Veronica ChadwickPatientJubilee Surgery

Jean KingPatientCentre Practice

Lin BarlowDeputy Practice ManagerWestlands Medical Centre

Lorna HarveryPatientWhiteley & Locks Road Surgery

Jim DoddPatientWhiteley & Locks Road Surgery

Bob PennellsGosport Chair

David WilliamsPractice ManagerWestlands Medical Centre

Presentation from MrTobyCave from NHS Hampshire

TobyCave gave a presentation on the Hampshire Care Record. Within the last 7 years from 2004-2011, 70% of practices in Hampshire have signed up to the Care Record. 8 out of 21 practices in Fareham and Gosport have signed up to the record andhewould like patients to encourage the surgeries to sign up for this.

Some patients are concerned about who and what information can be found on the system. Toby informed the group that only clinical staff can access the Hampshire Care Record and this will have an audit trail to be able to see who has been accessing what information. Clinical Staff will have a password to log in to the system and will also get patients’ consent to look through their records.

Toby informed the group that in December 2010 a survey was produced for patients regarding the Hampshire Care Record and the outcome was very positive. If a surgery has signed up for the Record then patients have the choice to opt out of having their records on the system. This can be done by the patient contacting their GP and opting out.


Brenda Woon informed the group of her future role as lead for the South East on patient & public engagement. The role has yet to be defined but Brenda will inform the Group at a later date.

Proposed Closure of Locks Road Surgery

Keith Barnard informed the group of a letter that he received from Fareham Borough Council regarding section 106. Dr Paul Howden advised the group that a decision is due to be made by the end of the year. Keith stated that Fareham Borough Council are looking to build more properties but does not appear tobe interested in expanding the health service to accommodatepeople moving in to the new properties.

Feedback from patient surveys

The Group informed the Chair that some of the Surgeries have carried out their surveys within the practices but unfortunately have not received any feedback, but will bring back the results at the next meeting. Paul Howden informed the group of the virtual email concept to carry out surveys for patients who are unable to attend the surgery. Action: ALL

Patient Participation Groups in Fareham and their representatives

The Group discussed the idea of having 2 representatives from each PPG so if there is any sickness or patients cannot attend for any reason, the practice will still have a representative to attend the meeting.

Brenda and Keith will discuss the attendance of the group and will bring this back to the next meeting

Action: Brenda/Keith

The group informed Brenda that Sarah sent out reminders a week before the meetings. Louise to action this.

Action: Louise

Brenda asked the group if all Fareham Practices have PPGs. Sue informed Brenda that she will be attending the Fareham Practice Mangers meeting and will clarify this with Practice Managers.

Action: Sue Bailey

Promotional Stands

Louise Hale-Tait updatedthe group about the new promotional stands within the surgeries. These stands will be changed every two months for a new promotion. At present for the months of September and October the stand is promoting ‘Unscheduled Care’. Louise requested that if patient representatives would like to help out withupdating the boards with the relevant information could they please contact Louise on: . Louise thanked Kay and Paul Burnham for their help with the promotional stand in Stubbington Surgery.

The Patient Website

Louise also informed the group that there is a promotional page on the website which patients can look at to help them with the layout of the posters.

There is also a new Patient Participation Group page on the Gosportwebsite. This page will include up to date Terms or Reference, Agendas and Minutes from the previous meetings in the Gosport and Fareham Localities.

Brenda informed the group of the website development meeting which is being held on Thursday 20th October at Brune Medical Centre. This meeting is to develop the website for the future.

Terms of Reference

Brenda informed the group that Gosport Locality has Terms of Reference for the Gosport Patient and Public Sstakeholder Group. Keith asked representatives to take these Terms of References back to have a look through and to bring any comments to the next meeting.

Action: ALL

Louise will send out the previous Fareham Locality Terms of Reference to Patient representatives.

Action: Louise

Any other Business

Keith informed the group that he received an email from Amanda Gray, practice manager at Dr Jordan & Partners. This email discussed a proposal to move those partners and staff who currently work from Fareham Health Centre to expanded premises at their Highlands Medical Centre site, so consolidating all their services at a single location.Keith will discuss with Amanda what feedback she would like from the patients and bring this back to the next meeting. Action: Keith

Date of Next Meeting:

Wednesday 14th December 2011 at 6.30pm

Whiteley Medical Centre

Yew Tree Drive




PO15 7LB