Underwood Independent School District #550
Regular School Board Meeting
March 16, 2015
6:30 pm
The Underwood School Board Regular March meeting was held Monday, March 16, 2015 in the Conference Room. Present were Board Members John Wold, Paul Carney, Michele Peterson, Ardy Johansen, and Mandy Rich, Superintendent Jeremiah Olson, Principal John Hamann, Community Ed Director Anne Stenoien, and Business Manager Margie Thieschafer. Absent: Aaron Sletten. Visitors included Katie Johnson, Mark & Tracy Schoening, Paul Tiffany, Desiree Frie, Maggie Clausen, Steve Plantenberg, Mike Beech, and Preston Euerle.
Michele Peterson, Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:33 pm with a quorum present. Motion to approve the amended agenda (Johansen/Wold: MCU). Motion to approve minutes of the February 18, 2015 Regular meeting (Johansen/Wold: MCU). The following donations were acknowledged – $100 Nash Finch - Labels for Learning; $912.33 Service Food - Education Advantage and $2,000 Tips, Inc. - Clay Target Team. Thanks for your generous donation.
Katie Johnson from Monsanto presented a check for $2,500 to Underwood Public School on behalf of Mark & Tracy Shoening, recipient of Otter Tail County’s America’s Farmers Grow Communities program. Thanks for the generous donation.
Motion to approve payment of the February and March computer generated checks #45488-45546 and electronic payments for $349,653.96 (Johansen/Carney: MCU). Total expenditures in February by fund were General $389,453.26; Food Service $38,520.07; Community Service $10,948.09; Building $49,120.45 and Debt Service $0.00; for a total of $488,041.87.
Paul Tiffany and Olson presented information on going wireless on Underwood School grounds and the E-rate program requirements.
Motion to approve purchase for components necessary to have wireless available everywhere on school grounds (Johansen/Wold: MCU).
Board members read a letter of resignation, due to retirement, from Sandy Sundblad. Motion to accept resignation according to board practice (Wold/Johansen: MCU). Board thanks Ms. Sundblad for service to students and community of Underwood.
Motion to approve teacher seniority list (Carney/Johansen: MCU).
R A Morton officials gave recommendations on the 2015 Construction Project.
Motion for approval to accept base bids for 2015 construction project in the areas of school renovation, fitness center and music suites; (contractors listed on document provided by R A Morton) (Wold/Johansen: MCU) Proposal will be going out for bus garage.
Motion to advertise for half time Music Teacher, with focus in elementary music, starting next school year (Johansen/Carney: MCU).
Motion to advertise for Physical Science Teacher starting next school year, contingent on FY16 budget (Johansen/Carney : MCU).
Committee reports: Rich reported on school readiness; Wold reported on Fergus Falls Area Special Education Cooperative and building committee with Johansen.
Stenoien gave the Community Education report. Hamann gave the Principal report.
Motion to approve Spanish Club fundraiser through Otter Tail Power (Johansen/Rich: MCU).
Olson gave the Superintendent report.
School Board obligations were discussed.
Motion to adjourn (Rich/Carney: MCU)
Meeting adjourned 8:18 pm.
John Wold