Minutes of the Talysarn Nantlle Partnership Meeting11.07.2011
Llys Llywelyn, Nantlle 7pm.
Carys PritchardVice-Chair (CP)
Kelvin Roberts Co-ordinator(KR)Glenys Lloyd Williams, Community Development Officer(GW)
Wendy Thomas-Ellis Young People Project Worker (WE)
Wena Roberts (WR)
Ifan Llewelyn Jones, Swyddog Cymunedau’n Gyntaf (IJ)
Ann Llwyd Cyfieithydd /Phil Burdett (PB)
Mandy Davies (MD)
Marian Edwards (ME)Rhian Gregory (RhG)
Brenda Roberts (BR)Nerys Williams (NW)
No Apologies: Dilwyn Lloyd
1. Apologies: O P Huws, Vera Jones, Frances Williams, Karen Burdett
Because there was no quorum everyone present was asked if they would be happy to go with the decisions proposed and seconded on the evening. Everyone agreed with this. The quorum can only be changed at the Annual General Meeting – this will happen in September. Everyone agreed with this.
Carys Pritchard, Vice-Chairman, stated that Ian Hughes, Richard Grover and Mareth Williams have resigned from the Partnership. Wena to send forward the appropriate letters.
Read phonetically
2. Notice of Any Other Matter: Bulletin, AMR3. Declaration of Interest: None
4: Minutes of the last meeting: RhG proposed acccepting the minutes as correct and ME seconded.
Matters Arising:
IJ explained Kelvin Roberts’s role as Regeneration Officer / Communities First Co-ordinator.
5. Elect Members: Three new members to be co-opted:
Phil Burdett – ME proposed and IJ seconded.
Karen Burdett – RhG proposed and NW seconded.
Frances Williams – BR proposed and RhG seconded.
6. Elect Officers:
Chairperson – ME proposedCarys Pritchard and RhG seconded – everyoned agreed.
Vice-Chair – NW proposed Marian Edwards and RhG seconded – everyoned agreed.
Treasurer – Phil Burdett put his name forward (temporarily) – ME seconded. Everyone agreed.
Secretary – CP proposed Rhian Gregory and ME seconded – everyone agreed.
7. Bank Account: Those officers named above to be signatories.
8. Quorum: this matter already dealt with at the start of the meeting.
9.Work Schedule Group: Proposalto each member ofthe Partnership tojoin this group. CarysPritchard, MarianEdwards, MandyDavies andRhianGregory are already members – BrendaRoberts agreed to join.Meetingsto beheld duringTuesdayafternoons–date to be set. Everyone agreedto this.
Any Other Matter:
Bulletin/Newsletter: ME proposed returning to the previous agreement with Gwasg Dwyfor and to get the newlsetter out as soon as possible. RhG seconded. Everyone agreed.
For information – a Facebook page has been created for Talysarn and Nantlle Partnership.
AMR: The reportwas shownthrougha projectorso that members ofthe Partnership can view it in its entirety. IJexplained thatGlenys filled in the report. Glenysexplained theprogressetc.RhG proposed accepting the report as correctand MEseconded. Everyone agreed withthis.
Cofnodion 11.07.2011