HUG Unit 2 Migration test review

  1. Basic vocabulary
  2. Know the differences between chain migration, step migration, forced migration, voluntary migration, intervening obstacle, intervening obstacles.
  1. Which examples would fit with which vocab in #2? Mr. Peraulta and Mr. Zannikos, Kingsley, slaves in the US, wall that separated E and W Berlin, India-Pakistan migration in 1949, lack of documentation, your migration to Clemmons, a demilitarized zone, the Pacific Ocean, the Appalachian Mountains, an unexpected job offer during a migration, Chinese RR laborers, the Great Migration
  1. What are examples of pull factors for Mr. Peraulta and Mr. Zannikos and Kingsley?
  1. What is the role of an urban ethnic enclave?
  1. What are examples of environmental push factors?
  1. What are Ravenstein’s Laws of Migration?
  1. What is Zelinksy’s Theory of Migration Transition?
  1. What were the opinions of Calvin Coolidge and Representative Robert Clancey about immigrants?
  1. According to the immigration wave chart, how did immigration into the US change from the 1600s to 2006?
  2. 1st wave
  3. 2nd wave – early
  4. 2nd wave –
  5. 1st peak
  6. 2nd peak
  7. 3rd peak
  8. Early Asian
  9. Late Asian
  1. Early Latin America
  2. Late Latin America
  1. What were the effects on immigration of the 1920s Quota Laws (remember the homework data charts?) and the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act?
  1. What is the basis for admitting immigrants into the US today?
  1. Are most immigrants entering the US documented? Explain.
  1. What is a maquiladoras and where would it be located?
  1. What is a remittance and what is the economic effect of remittances?
  1. International migration
  2. Which continents/large regions are source countries and which are destination countries?
  1. Which of Ravenstein’s Laws still applies to international migrants? To guest worker programs?
  1. How does the US current quota affect brain drain from source countries?
  1. Internal migration - interregional
  2. What are the characteristics of migrations of Native Americans in the late 1800s that were “sponsored” by the US government?
  1. What are the current overall trends of internal migration in the US?
  1. What are the trends of African American migration in the US?
  1. Where (in what large region) is most of the population of the US located?
  1. What are environmental consequences of internal migration in the US?
  1. What internal migration is occurring in China? In Mexico? In Japan (think tsunami areas)?
  1. Internal migration - intraregional
  2. What is an example of a general intraregional trend?
  1. Refugees
  2. What is the primary motivation (using Lee’s theories) for refugee migration?
  1. Know the differences between a migrant, a refugee and an internally displaced person. (reasons for migration, length of stay, planning, age, source and destination)
  1. What is the difference between warehousing and refoulement?
  1. US Committee for Refugees – what are the largest groups of international refugees?
  1. Know your geographers and their contributions: Lee, Ravenstein, Rubenstein, Thompson, Zelinsky
  1. Review the power points and homework. Remember the refugee worksheet!!!