4.2.4ARC VERBAL DISCUSSION OF: April 20, 1999

ARC 1st and 2nd READING: May 18, 1999

ARC 3rd READING: June 22, 1999



District Of Kitimat

Recreation Department

1999 / 2000 FEE SCHEDULE

Prices to Take Effect 1 September 1999




On the direction from the Advisory Recreation Commission the rounding of fees are to be to the nearest .05 or .10 when applicable to facilitate divisibility for computer calculation of GST and the lower fee vs. higher fee is to be used at the mid-point.




Advisory Recreation Commission Mission Statement and Objectives...... 1

District of Kitimat Statement of Objectives...... 2

Fee Policies...... 3

Age Categories3


Program Fees...... 3

Prime / Non-Prime Time3

Admission Fees4

Meeting Rooms...... 4

Children 6 Years and Under4

Reduced Fee for Rental of Recreation Facilities4

Tournament Bookings...... 4

Leisure Economic Access Policy5

Physio Swim5

Physically / Mentally Challenged...... 6

Child Development Centre Family Swim6

Scuba Diving Lessons6

Scuba Equipment During Public Swim...... 6

Statutory Holiday Facility Rental for Exclusive Use6

School District / Recreation Department Reciprocal use Agreement7

Public Admission Fees...... 8

Regular Fees8

Court Rental Fees8

Court Memberships...... 8

Indoor Tennis9

Riverlodge Recreation Centre9

Arts Wing Fees...... 9

Kiln Firing9

Room Rental Rates10

Martial Arts Fees...... 11


Sam Lindsay Memorial Pool12

Pool Rental Rates...... 12

Sauna and Whirlpool12

Tamitik Jubilee Sports Complex13

Ice Rental Rates...... 13

Adult Ice Rental Rates13

Youth Ice Rental Rates13

High Performance Athlete Program Ice Time...... 13

Special Events, Ice Shows13

Net Pegging14

Summer Rental Rates...... 14

Shows / Concerts14

Senior, Intermediate, or Junior Hockey14

Room Rental Rates...... 15



Community Tent...... 15

Equipment Rental Rates16

Corporate Fitness Program17

Park Campground Fees...... 17

Skate Sharpening Fees17

Field User Fees18

Rock Climbing Wall...... 18


Advisory Recreation Commission


It is the Goal of the Advisory Recreation Commission, through sound leadership, to represent the community and to keep Council informed of indoor and outdoor recreational opportunities for the people of Kitimat.


  • To promote a healthy lifestyle physically and mentally and to provide quality programs and facilities.
  • To encourage, through the Recreation Department, the availability of the highest quality programming in our community.
  • To encourage the development of sportsmanship, leadership skills, skills development, self esteem, enjoyment and creativity within the recreational community.

APRIL 1995



1.The provision of basic leisure services at a reasonable cost to anyone desiring programs or the use of facilities for which taxes have been and are being used.

2.The concept of pluralism is adopted whereby it is recognized that individuals and groups with different and varying backgrounds will desire various forms of leisure services.

3.The right of citizens to participate in leisure pursuits of their choice is recognized.

4.That fact notwithstanding, it is the view of the District of Kitimat that there is a hierarchy of leisure pursuits whereby certain pursuits are of greater value to the individual and the community than others might be. In line with this view, the District of Kitimat is committed to encourage broad participatory opportunities and since participation is considered as having a higher value than spectatorship, individual and group participation in leisure programs will be promoted and encouraged.

5.Any services provided which may be considered to be over and above the basic leisure services will be provided only on the basis of a proportionately greater input on the part of the participant.

6.Commercial enterprises shall not be allowed to profit at the expense of the taxpayer while using District of Kitimat facilities and resources.

7.Competition with the private sector will be avoided, except where the private sector chooses to offer what is considered to be a basic leisure service.

8.The value of programs or services provided by the District of Kitimat shall not be determined solely by the amount of revenue produced or by the number of participants involved.

9.The cost of administering the collection of revenue shall not be disproportionate to the revenue which accrues or the advantage gained.

10.In order to allow the fullest and most economical use of the District of Kitimat's facilities, no group or individual shall be given exclusive rental of any room or facility for an extended period of time.

11.In carrying out its responsibility, the District of Kitimat continually strives for improvement and thus constant analysis and assessment of programs and facilities will take place to assure changing needs are assessed and met as required.

12.The District of Kitimat will seek communication and cooperation with all public, quasipublic and private-leisure delivery and related agencies to ensure that comprehensive co-ordinated and integrated systems of leisure services and programs is effected.

June 1981

Recreation Department


1. It is recognized that at least some of the cost involved to deliver a recreational or leisure service should be recovered by means of a user fee or charge, and that the User Fees and Charges should be reviewed annually and be effective 1 September to 31 August of the following year.

The most widely accepted formula is to recover all or part of the normal operating cost. This formula has been accepted by Council and the Advisory Recreation Commission with the objective to recover 32% of projected costs in all facilities, excluding major expenditures, over a 5 year period commencing 1998.

2. Age Categories

It is recognized that there should be different rates on the basis of the age of the participants and the following age categories have been established:

a)PreSchoolers4 years of age and younger

b)Children5 to 14 years of age inclusive

c)Students15 to 18 years of age inclusive

d)Adults19years of age inclusive

e)Senior Citizens60years of age and older

3. It is recommended that admission fees should be standardized in all facilities where applicable.

4.Goods and Services Tax - GST is included where applicable.

5.The program fees (excludes admission to public programs) are based on the cost to provide a program, including a charge for facility and administration overhead costs. However, based on present policy, program costs outlined above are subsidized as follows:

a)Preschoolers up to 50%

b)Children up to 50%

c)Students up to 25%

d)Adults none

e)Senior Citizens up to 50%

5.1Public Program Admission Ratios:

That the ratio be maintained for public programs:

  • Children/Seniorsbe a maximum of 40% of adult fees
  • Studentsbe a maximum of 60% of adult fees
  • Economy ticketsbe 80% of regular price (current policy)
  • Membershipbe 30% of regular admission (current policy)

5.2Facility Rental Ratio Goal:

That the ratio goal be established for facility rentals:

  • child / senior be a minimum of 40% of adult
  • student be a minimum of 60% of adult

6.Prime time and nonprime time have been standardized for pool and ice facilities where applicable and are defined as:

a)Prime TimeMonday to Friday 6 pm to 12 midnight

Saturday to Sunday8 am to 12 midnight

Statutory Holidays8 am to 12 midnight

FEE POLICIES (Continued)

b)Non-Prime TimeAll other times

c)SpecialSchool Days, 8:30am to 4pm (50% of Prime Time)

d)Spring/Fall YouthAll ice at prime rate ice fee

e)Spring Adult ratesSee page 12

f)NID Days, Youth8am to 3pm, see rate (must have a parent in attendance as supervisor)

a)NID School Day SpecialSee page 13

b)Elite Athlete Ice ProgramSee page 13

7.Admission Fees

a)To be standard in all recreational facilities, for recreational sponsored public sessions.

b)Those fees consist of single fees, economy tickets (booklets) and memberships (passes).

Memberships are:

1)passes good for 4 months (or pro-rated on the 1st of each month). For use in all recreation facilities for recreation-sponsored public sessions.

i.Fall season1 Septemberto31 December

ii.Winter Season1 Januaryto30 April

iii.Summer season1 Mayto31 August

8.Meeting Rooms - Guidelines

a)Rates are for morning, afternoon or evening.

b)No charge is levied for normal equipment used in conjunction with room rentals or programs.

c)Volunteer youth groups who meet the criteria set out in the Users Fees and Charges (item 10) shall be allowed the following providing the meeting rooms are available:

i.one annual general meeting in the Riverlodge activity room or Tamitik meeting room free of charge;

ii.monthly executive meetings are at a reduced cost of $6 per meeting in the Riverlodge meeting room or the Tamitik meeting room;

iii.new leisure time activity groups wishing to hold public meetings to form a leisure service activity in our community be allowed four organizational meetings free of charge, when rooms are available.

9.Children 6 Years and Under


10.Whenever groups requesting a reduced fee for rental of recreation facilitieshave part of their participants under 18 years of age and part over 18 years of age; that the reduced rate be granted when the 18 and under participants represents a minimum of 80% of the participating groups.

11.Tournament Bookings

In booking of tournaments held in the recreation facilities, a social room will be supplied, if available, at no additional cost, in the facility the tournament is being held. The social room is for the convenience of participants during the tournament hours only.

(Please note that the intent of this does not include the use of Riverlodge Community Room for evening dance socials - this would mean the Activity Room to socialize in while the event takes place.)

FEE POLICIES (Continued)

12.Leisure Economic Access Policy - 50% discount off memberships only

The intent of the Leisure Economic Access Policy is to assist citizens of our community to the many leisure opportunities available through a program of work assistance opportunities for credit towards programs for the worker and/or spouse and siblings.


Person applying must belong to one of the following groups:

i.UIC (Employment and Immigration Canada)

ii.Single-parent family

iii.Referred to by Ministry of Social Services and Housing

iv.You receive Provincial Income Assistance (G.A.I.N.)

v.You have a Provincial Transit Pass

vi.You receive the BC Seniors' Supplement


i.Live at Lion’s Club Youth Group Home

a)The department will partially or completely subsidize certain programs offered at Riverlodge Recreation Centre and Tamitik Jubilee Sports Complex for financially burdened community residents as long as the following qualifications are met and that the respective applicant would like to trade volunteer services for our programs.

b)Interested persons must discuss program subsidies with the supervisor of either Tamitik Jubilee Sports Complex or the Riverlodge Recreation Centre depending on where the program in question is offered. (Before they register for a program.)

c) The work that these applicants perform would be valued at gym marshal's rate of pay. The applicant would volunteer for as many hours (most likely completed at different times) as deemed necessary to match the dollar value of the subsidy he/she received. The supervisor of the Tamitik Jubilee Sports Complex or the Riverlodge Recreation Centre would decide the time period in which the volunteer work was to be completed (either before, during, or after the program in which the applicant wishes to participate).

d) The volunteer labour could consist of the following duties.


Set up of equipment in the gym for volleyball, badminton; set up and movement of gymnastics equipment; assistance with programs that have high registration numbers; volunteer instruction of a program if he/she has the skills and desire to do so; assistance with the colouring of posters and of posting them; updating of our Resource Centre; organization of cupboards in the Arts Wing of the Bunkhouse; clean up of the grounds and facility.


Help to organize special pool events such as Family Day; assist with programs such as Mini-Hockey; help with crowd control at various functions.

The volunteer program addresses program assistance and does not infringe on work done by CAW Local 2300 (i.e., sweeping or cleaning). The work may include assistance to a CAW Local 2300 member in presentation of a program.

e)Physio Swim

Citizens with permanent or temporary disabilities be allowed 10 free passes per year to the pool at a convenient time for pool operation to reduce costs to taxpayers - excluding WCB or ICBC.


Eligibility - Referred by Physio Department.

Page 1 of 21Prices include GST where applicable

FEE POLICIES (Continued)

f)Physically / Mentally Challenged

Rental of Recreation Facilities for Exclusive Use

It is recognized that the physically / mentally challenged population in our community must be augmented with able-bodied persons to ensure that programs provide a fulfilling and wholesome experience for participants.

i.Fees for exclusive physically/mentally challenged use for recreation facilities is based on the current public dropin fee schedule, including discount tickets.

ii.Able-bodied persons are permitted to participate with the physically/mentally challenged.

iii.A minimum of five people be required to participate in the program.

iv.The intent of the program be focused to physically/mentally challenged participation.

v.The supervisor of the facility monitor the program to ensure the intent of the physically/mentally challenged participation is being met;

vi.The times for these exclusive use programs must be at times convenient for the facility and the physically challenged community to ensure that there is no excess cost to the taxpayers.

13.Child Development Centre Family Swim

The Child Development Centre is permitted one 1-hour swim per week at a convenient time for pool operations and normal admission fees are charged. This program can be incorporated with the Sunday family swim.

14.Scuba Diving Lessons - Private Sector

The private sector is permitted to teach scuba lessons during public swims, providing qualified PADI Instructors are present and supply the District of Kitimat with a photocopy of liability insurance with a minimum of $2 000 000.

15.Scuba Equipment During Public Swim

Individuals are permitted to use their scuba equipment during specific public swims providing a current qualification certificate is produced prior to the swim.

16.Statutory Holiday Facility Rental for Exclusive Use


The fee for stat holiday rentals is the regular rate plus 30% of all premium manpower costs for the program and a minimum three-hour rental will be charged due to the four-hour minimum manpower costs.


The fee for statutory holiday youth rental is the regular adult rental rate, and a minimum of three hours rental.

FEE POLICIES (Continued)

17.Coast Mountain School District No. 82 Kitimat / Kitamaat Village / Recreation Department Reciprocal Use Agreement

The District of Kitimat and Coast Mountain School District No. 82 in Kitimat/Kitamaat Village have participated in a reciprocal use program. The agreement is:

a)Coast Mountain School District No. 82 in Kitimat/Kitamaat Village has use of the recreation facilities during school days between 8:30 am and 4:00 pm at no charge, and if additional costs are incurred they are charged to them. The exception is recreational swims, where the District of Kitimat will provide the first lifeguard free of charge (District of Kitimat Policy and Procedures Manual).

b)The District of Kitimat Recreation Department has use of the school district facilities at no charge (with exception of Mount Elizabeth Theatre) after 5:00pm, on school days with the direct cost incurred on weekends.

c)In addition, it has been agreed that Mount Elizabeth Secondary School has the use of Tamitik Arena for the graduation ceremonies in exchange for two free uses of Mount Elizabeth Theatre.

d)The Riverlodge Recreation Centre is provided (convention format) free of charge for MESS dry grad celebrations from 11:00 pm to 7:00 am one night per year of the Grad Committee's choice; in addition one evening per year is provided free of charge for Kitimat City High School graduation ceremonies in the Community Room. However, the booking must be made in advance to eliminate conflict with other user groups.

e)Coast Mountain School District No. 82 Kitimat sports fields are booked for community use by the Recreation Department after 5:00 pm and on weekends, by contacting Riverlodge Recreation Centre.


  • Regular Fees

1See Fees Policies on Page 3, Item #2, for definition of age groups.

2Seasonal passes sold:

4 Month / Leisure Econo Access

  • 1 January to 30 April
  • 1 May to 31 August
  • 1 September to 31 December

Pass allows access to public sessions only at Riverlodge (weight room, open gym, badminton, and sauna) and Tamitik (sauna, whirlpool, fitness areas, public swim, and public skating).


30% of 120 regular admissions for "4 Month"

are prorated on the first of each month

family is: 2 adults pay / all children free

3GST is not charged for 14 and under.

4Economy tickets represent 80% of regular admission.

5See Leisure Economic Access Policy page 5

6Family rate to be two adult admissions

  • Court Rental Fees


Each person in court pays one ticket.

  • Court Memberships

A membership system where a person pays one fee for a designated season or period of time allowing unlimited court usage.


  • Indoor Tennis (Tamitik Arena): (no charge for outdoor tennis courts at Riverlodge)


  • Arts Wing Fees
  • Kiln Firing

1.Loading to be by Recreation Staff or delegate only.

2.Firing to be by Recreation Staff or delegate only.

3.Kiln to be fired only when full.


  • Room Rental Rates

1Socials operate between 7 pm and 2 am. SOCAN ($57.55)--Federal government legislation requires that this fee be paid at social functions that provide music. Community Room socials include the use of the kitchen. Set up included as part of normal fee and arrangements and other facility activities are to be co-ordinated with Recreation Administration Co-ordinator. When possible decorations may be put up the day before.

2Limited use of kitchen facilities; catered meals, alcohol; within regular building hours of the season, Sunday to Friday at 4 p.m.; for such events as business meetings, bingo, etc.

3Seniors/teen dances operate between 6 pm and 12 midnight with the building clear by 1 am.

4Convention rental includes use of the entire facility for each day of the conference. This does not cover set up time as the policy for all rentals is that set up time is a part of the rate, providing the amount of time required is reasonable.


  • Martial Arts Fees

Tae Kwon Do

Trial period 1 to 30 September - no fee.

Fall fees to be paid by 30 September, Winter by 1 February.

Training session schedule is 1 September to 31 May, with shared use of room.