Transcript from 64th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 4, 2015
(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)
Transcript courtesy of Keshe Foundation New Zealand (KfNZ)
Video link:
The Kf Promotional Video
Aahh… good morning, good day to you as usual,
The integrity of world peace comes according to what you do personally, how you get it put out, how you match the road map,
In the past 4 weeks we start teaching extensively in one direction – to achieve lift, and motion, and energy, directly by public and not by the Keshe foundation.
The target of the Kf originally has been, and it has stayed the same, that we are teaching for two purposes, one is for Peace, and the consequence of that takes man into Space, to join the man into the Universal family.
YOU HAVE NO CHOICE! Read this very carefully. You have no choice but to walk the path of Peace.
So – terrorists, or in another name International terrorists as kings and queens and Presidents – their job is finished.
Black is the origin of the creation, Middle East is the division, and White is the end product.
The biggest defense and opposition is going to come directly from one place, and one place only, and that is from the religious leaders.
Documents page by page I release, names, how I delivered, who took the money, to force peace.
So World Leaders have two choices – we push for peace – or – we open the books!
So – we have two choices. World leaders start talking about Peace, and spending money on Peace – or – it comes to one point – do we need world leaders to rob us, kill us, and then terrorize us as a human race, to fit their own seat?
Video commentary by MK: Ok this is now a quarter to One, this has been on top of us for nearly three hours, over three hours now.
IN MY NAME – No need to fight because as its written on the paper, in my name, because my name means Love, that’s what its called – Mehran. Affection, Love, Kindness.
To run a government without war expenditure is 20% taxes.
30-40% of the Earth population will leave this planet within the first 3 years. 50% of this lot will never come back.
First of all there’ll be mayhem on this planet because of this technology. The ones you robbed want their wealth back, the one who has the wealth will fight to keep it, because it’s their habit to steal.
So – you tell me what you want to see next. My suggestion is – lets play hangman game – have you ever played hangman? You know what it is? At this time its nobody dying, we say choose a president that he will forget he’s a hangman, and we show him in public. Is President Obama good enough? Choose!
So the choice is yours. Choose war and we wipe you out. Choose peace and we help you out. Which way do you want to go?
The enlightenment doesn’t come in physicality, the enlightenment comes through the soul, and all of you have not understood the work of your own soul.
Saudi Arabia exports 6,000,000 – 6 million barrels of oil a day, officially. Unofficially there is another 2.8 million for the king’s children.
Where is this money going? Instead of supporting humanity for Peace, it is used for a tool of war. Let’s see how they kill each other!
Not in My Time! Not while it’s on My Watch!
I’m not afraid of my life because my life is beyond their touch. But what I’m afraid of is a single soul to be attacked or damaged under my watch under my agreement. And it won’t happen.
Try to understand one simple thing. If you do not steal from yourself, too busy to steal from your own soul, you will see the light, you will fly.
One point which is important for you, in a way its irrelevant for me, is WHO HAVE YOU SOLD YOUR SOUL TO?
So – the position is very simple. You came here for 63 weeks, to steal from me, knowledge that you can steal from your nation. Today is the 64th. 63 was 9 – 64 is 10, it’s the beginning.
So … try to understand the Principle of the technology, not blindly, through your soul through understanding of the operation of your physicality, then you find your physicality at peace, then you will live a peaceful life, and then you create a peaceful world, and then you have a jackpot! – We take you into space to meet the universal family.
I’ve seen one man in my lifetime and he is forgotten because we chose to, and we know who he is, Mikhael Gorbachov.
So – when you start building your reactors, take time coating them, take time assembling them, and take time building them.
Understand one thing, I explain this to children when I teach them about plasma, this is because they can see it. Go home, get the onion, cut the onion right across, right in the center, that’s the shape of the Onion,
Hhmm there was a question that maybe I can get in, it was an actual reactor type question,
Ooohhhh! Our Chinese friend has arrived! Morning, welcome home, congratulations,
The Kf Promotional Video
Rick: Its Thursday June 4th2015 and today we’ll be hearing from Mr. Keshe as we have for the last 63 Knowledge Seeker workshops, and also we hope to hear from Dan Winter in today’s workshop, and I think we might hear from Mike as well, and who knows who else will be contributing to the festivities today – OK lets start out with the Kf promotional video, this one has the English subtitles, go ahead Vince…
Vince: Where does humanity go from here? What have we tried to do? What if there is more, much more? The Kf is proud to announce a new way to bring humanity forward through technology that brings humanity in line with the natural operation of the planet and the Universe itself. The new science and technology discovered and developed by the nuclear engineer Mehran Keshe centers upon the use and control of magnetical-gravitational fields.
This new body of knowledge opens the road to hundreds of potential applications, which offer solutions to most of the fundamental problems of the world, such as water, food, environmental contamination and shortages of energy. The KF is proud to unveil the Keshe foundation Spaceship Institute. Nestled amid the beautiful shores of Bari, Italy, the institute is poised to become a central hub in the spreading of plasma technology and knowledge. With its state of the art 21st century facilities, the Institute will be able to provide students and staff an immersive way to learn the plasma technology, to be the leaders of the new generation of scientists and plasma engineers.
The Kf has opened the door to the world for peaceful usage of technology that is independent of the limited resources that are available on Earth. This is an understanding of how everything works together in harmony in our Universe, and it applies to everything from the smallest to the biggest, from atoms to galaxies. We all are able to collectively work together in pursuit of knowledge, innovation and solutions for our society.
This learning environment is new to the world where there will be no tests to confirm yourunderstanding. The knowledge of everyone will be respected and allowed to flourish in a nurturing environment. Hands on testing and experimenting will be widely used in conjunction with round table discussions to bring all opinions and knowledge forward. Students will be introduced to a change in the ethos of working and collaboration. Students will experience first-hand how we share knowledge in a free and open manner. Graduating students are expected to share the knowledge they gain from the University within their respective communities and nations. All formal teachings, lectures and presentations will be in the English language, with technology available for immediate translation.
Keshe foundation Spaceship Institute will be offering 3-year executive Master Programs for undergraduate degree students, and 1-year executive Master programs for graduate degree students, in the following fields: Space Transportation, New Plasma Technology, Health, Agriculture, Materials, Energy. The Health Section is designed to make students able to live in space, without the need to return to Earth. To this end the Keshe foundation SSI has found processes for many diseases, including: ALS, Cancer, Coma, Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis.
Kf SSI will offer online teaching courses which will enable anyone, anywhere around the world to enroll and increase their knowledge and understanding. Students will have the opportunity to direct their work towards commercial spin-offs and seek funding through the help of the Kf. The access to the new science and new technologies is openly available for peaceful use to the benefit of Mankind, to make a better world today. Now you can be part of the changing world and the new knowledge.
All commercial spin-offs are intended to be open-source and patent free. This is part of the core ethos of the Keshe foundation and the Kf SSI. Keshe foundation Spaceship Institute (has had) its official inauguration on April 21st 2015 with courses commencing soon after on May 4th 2015.
The students of the Kf SSI wil be the leaders of the future who will make changes in all areas of space technology, science, medicine, agriculture and energy. Anyone is able to apply, but acceptance is through invitation only. No pre-requisites are required. We will be accepting approximately 250 students for the 3-year executive Masters program, and 120 students for the 1-year executive Masters program.
We welcome humanity’s participation in the knowledge of the Kf SSI. Where does humanity go from here? That is up to you! Apply today!
Rick: OK that was the Kf SSI promotional video, and now we’ll move along to the main part of the workshop and I think first we’ll hear from MK if things are Ok at that end, and he can fill us in on what the latest news is and we’ll progress into hearing from some of our guests as we move on in the workshop… Mr. Keshe? Are you there?
MK: Yes, good morning…
R: I see there’s some tuning going on with Marko there …
MK: Yeah, he knows everything… I’m just as I say, a Jack in the Box, I pop out and do my work and disappear, and he does everything in the background.
Aahh… good morning, good day to you as usual,as I said this is the 64th workshop that we are holding… Our tradition has been that on Thursdays, now that we are in the institute we allow others to look in and it is still the same process, as we do on Tuesday afternoon. We keep when we go on holidays we keep Thursday morning meetings open, that means that even in the summer holidays and Christmas holidays, even though we don’t teach – Thursday’s workshop stays open – there was some confusion about the public holidays held in South Italy this week most of Europe had it last week, so we had to go 2 days when the university is closed. Doesn’t matter open or closed – We keep Thursday morning open as long as we can and as long as the foundation and people around the foundation are active
On the other hand there is an important correction to be done. This week we sent the Peace Roadmap to be posted on the foundation forum and I don’t know how it happened but the wrong one has gone up – on Saturday Sunday I just had a look, I don’t usually look at the website – and I noticed it’s the wrong paper altogether, there’s a lot of mistakes in it – its not the one we sent to be published, and the strangest thing is it’s got the peace flag on it as well, it was the biggest embarrassment for me – I don’t believe in that man with two legs that you call the peace sign – it never served anyone but the ones who wanted to make money out of it – so what we done – the correct one has been uploaded now, I apologize for it, most probably a lot of you had a good laugh, the correct one is loaded.
There is something for the future for you to understand. Any paper which is published, any book which is published, anything released by me and the foundation on my part which I have sent out past ten or fifteen years, all been signed. What this means in the future no-one can say this is what Keshe said. This is the original one that was sent to be published, what you see on all my papers is a signature on the bottom, and all the papers are closed at the end with a private signature of mine. So if you see a copy unless its exactly signed by me its not done by me, so the original one is there and its signed with my signature, and these documents, all my papers as of a few years ago have been lodged and secured with the notary, which means the totality of the papers, the patents, everything, there’s two lots of 700 pages of documents which page by page has been initialed by me and the notary over 2 days 3 days – that means the papers are the original papers, so that one that was published last week, I don’t know how it happened, was not the one that was sent to be published, hopefully doesn’t happen again,
On the other hand the Peace Road Map, we keep to our target, and I thank Marko and Armen and the others who ran the workshop last week because I had a meeting in Rome last Thursday it was appointed to meet one of the world leaders and one of the most powerful men whom I have a lot of respect for, but he was ill. In the coming time we’ll meet again in a few days when he recovers and this is about his work and my work is very much about the peace plan, you all of you know him, I adored his work for years and he is one of the most powerful politicians in the world today. His line of thinking is the same as me and so I told Marko I had to attend this meeting in Rome and meanwhile I met with other officials and they all have seen the World Peace Treaty.
The Road Map is very clear, in the coming weeks and months we will go through the governments and pull the contacts and officials we have, our portfolio of friends and colleagues, many of them business colleagues which now have become leaders in their own right, and in so many ways the Road Map, the Peace Road Map, is the ultimate goal.
There is something that I discussed yesterday with the Knowledge Seekers here, to go through it later on, I hope we have time, and we’ll explain exactly what we are planning to do. The integrity of world peace comes according to what you do personally, how you get it put out, how you match the road map, the document of the peace treaty that you signed yourself into has to go together. This has caused very big problems for a number of world leaders in the past two weeks.
You got to understand, we have access to different governments in different ways and it’s the first time I’ve been told, the political scene, diplomatic scene, and military scene have no objection to the Peace Road Map. What this means? It means the world leaders think it will not happen so they don’t object to it, the military think of it as a laughing stock they don’t see that it can be done, because they’ll have no position as military heads, and the politicians see it as a point they can score against their other colleagues that they are for the peace.
So what I’ve said in the teachings of past few days in the SSI, if you are a student or a knowledge seeker, and to the people around who I speak to in the diplomatic and political side, and the military, is that, you take your time. We shared the patents, we shared the knowledge, and now we enforce the knowledge. So it is going to be the effort of the collective Keshe foundation, if you are here to serve peace and not your pocket, and if, as I said to somebody in the past few days, if your target is peace and this is what your intending and you’re hoping to get, don’t wait for the 21st of June, allocate half an hour a day, to send the world peace message to as many people as possible around the world, half an hour a day, make peace part of your work and your life, 10 minutes a day, doesn’t matter who you send it to, how many other people you contact, how many other websites you can put it on, let it be seen, then we show our way.
The position is very clear. The governments will not act because with it there will be no government, they will not be in the position. The religious leaders will not act because once there is a peace and man understands there is no need to go to a house to pray, because in space there are no houses to pray to, they have no position! So – they are fighting for their position.
This way goes back to a lot of you, hundreds of thousands of you, I received thousands and thousands of emails – I betrayed humanity, I’m another one of the Illuminati, I’m a crook in the pack when I gave the key, the USB stick of patents to the world governments, and then when you received it – nothing. You got what were stealing, you were hoping to steal, because you thought it was stolen from you.