CASC Ontario Council
May16, 2014, 1pm – 3pm
Teleconference Minutes
Present: Ciaran McKenna – chair (SW), Kathy Edmison – treasurer (CN-adhocCindy Elkerton (CN), Nicolas El-Kada (NE), Anke Flohr (CN), Dan Moulton (NE), Mike Chow (SW), Nicolas El-Kada (NE) Marvin Shank (SW),Merv Wilson (CN)
Regrets: Desmond Buhagar (CN),Nicolas El-Kada (NE)
Absent: Neil Elford (adhoc)
- Meeting called to order at 13:05
Merv moved the approval of the agenda.
Anke seconded.
Motion passed.
- Minutes from March21, 2014
Minutes should show that Dan was absent.
Kathy moved the acceptance of the minutes as circulated.
Cindy seconded.
Motion passed.
N.B. Since we voted on the minutes Rebekah Hackbusch, past vice chair, (ONE) asked that she receive the minutes for her review as she was present on that call on March 21st and she wanted to ensure that they were accurate. We have since received edits from Rebekah, so we will need to revisit passing these minutes at our next meeting.
Minutes from April 10th, CASC Ontario Caucus
Anke moved we accept.
Mike seconded.
Motion passed.
N.B. Similar to the March minutes Rebekah has asked for a change / edit to agenda item #12, so we will need to revisit these minutes again at our next conference call.
- Financial Statement report
Report was to follow our conference call. Members had no questions for Kathy.
4.Terms of Reference and by-laws/update/next steps.
Ciaran to distribute Terms of Reference to Regional Chairs for them to circulate to chairs of our regions so they can review with their members and vote on at their fall AGMs.
5.Clinical Pastoral Identity and the CRPO, Article from Bob Bond for discussion and support from the Council prior to it going on our website.
Members had not read the article so the decision was made to defer this discussion to a special council call on May 23rd. High level discussion regarding same have been added below.
Varying points of opinion on the amount of history in the document, from confusing to very helpful in remembering our origins.
A lengthy discourse around section “ d, Interpretations and Statements from the CRPO”
Find a way to fine tune the language.
Make it more invitational
We also should not “water” this document down.
Action: Marvin and Ciaran to work on editing this section and get the edits to our council and Bob Bond.
6.Grandparenting Process and support for our members registering.
It is hard to support them if we don’t know what they need.
Cindy suggested a doodle survey.
Kathy said she had access to the doodle web site.
Questions were developed.
Action: Kathy would put our questions into doodle format and distribute to the Council.
Web link to survey:
7. Reflections on Winnipeg Convention, Ontario
Over all a very good conference
Felt rushed regarding lunch and an AGM thrown together
Lessons to keep in mind for SWONT members planning 2015
8. Other Agenda items. Meeting with Deputy Minister of Health.
Marc Doucet, President of CASC National has been invited to meet with the Deputy Minister of Health along with some other members from CASC Ontario. Ciaran will be present as Chair of CASC along with 2 or three other members who are to be contacted in the coming weeks regarding their availability to participate. This is a meeting of introduction and hopefully set up further opportunities for dialogue.
Council supported this meeting.
9.Parking Lot items:
- CASC Ontario Executive Administrator paid staff person- Develop draft job description
10.Next meeting dates NB Ciaran in Ireland on June 20th Can members make the afternoon of June 13th
Friday, June 20, 1-3pm (Conflict for Ciaran)
Friday, July 18, 1-3pm
- Meeting Adjourned at 15:00.