Marine Inbound Checklist

Check in Process

  • Turn in (1) full set ORDERS to AMOI (starting with the web orders)
  • Fill out Check in Sheet with AMOI and University Secretary
  • Check in with HRA, CO, XO and MOI
  • Turn in MED/DEN record to AMOI
  • Check in (administratively) to I&I 1/24 Selfridge ANGB (near Detroit).

Click below for map

Selfridge ANG Map from Chemistry Building (from Ann Arbor to Selfridge). This building is right across the street from the collection of planes at the museum and is visible prior to entering the base.

  • Complete Travel Claim at I&I
  • Make sure your TMO is taken care of. Utilize the numbers on your HHG paperwork.
  • Add your GTCC to the I&I hierarchy if you have one
  • Any outstanding issues (i.e. awards, correspondence) that you have should be routed to the AMOI for liaison with I&I
  • Provide school email address ( or for student distribution lists to the AMOI and Battalion Administrative Officer
  • Conduct initial counseling with the AMOI and MOI
  • You will be assigned a platoon within Charlie Company (Marine Company). Make sure you know who your PltSgt, PltCmdr and Company Commander are


  • You will need to enroll in Tri-Care Prime Remote along with your family (if you are married). AMOI has the form. Or you can call Tri-Care and start on the paperwork prior to arriving.
  • Tri-Care Portal
  • There is a VA hospital within 5 minutes of North Hall: VAMC ANN ARBOR GEN PRACTICE-ACTIVE DUTY2215 FULLER RDANN ARBOR, MI 48105(734) 769-7100


  • You can use any dentist for you or your family that takes TriCare/United Concordia. Make sure you stay in Dental Class I or II. Carolyn Ash, DDS, MS is one option – 2311 E. Stadium Blvd Ann Arbor, MI 48104 (734)994-5353


  • There are several garages and metered parking locations in and around North Hall which is located on North University Avenue in between the Ruthven Museum and School of Dentistry.
  • The closest and most convenient is Palmer Garage located on Palmer Drive which is off of Washtenaw Ave.

Things to Remember

  • If you anticipate promotion to Staff Sergeant – get your white trousers before you come here
  • If you are already a SNCO, you are required to have white trousers
  • Ensure that you have Dress Blues
  • Have medals mounted – Blue Dress, Alpha is prescribed for many ceremonies
  • You will also be wearing Service Alphas, Bravos, Charlies – make sure these uniforms fit
  • Have all uniforms fitted and squared away prior to checking in, there are no military experienced Alterations nearby. (I can’t stress this enough!!! If you know you will need service stripes or chevrons – buy them before you get here.) Scrambling the day before a Mess Night or Ball does not reflect well upon you!
  • Purchase extra ribbons, chevrons, badges, etc to have in your tackle box – stock up
  • Have a Tanker jacket
  • Have the new version of the wooly pooly with epaulets
  • Have dependable transportation to get to school and to NROTC events
  • You need to have USMC PT authorized green sweats (without hood)
  • You should have good running shoes and broken-in boots for PT, Boots and Utes runs, and hikes
  • You will be issued Gortex, ILBE, and basic field gear
  • There will not be an opportunity to qualify with the M16 or M9

Daily/Weekly Snapshot

  • Physical Training is Mon, Wed and Friday from 0600-0700. Sometimes PT will go earlier or later depending on distance or weather. You are expected to supplement this PT with your own cross-training.
  • LAB/Drill is Thursday 1530-1730 – this includes classes, guest lecturers or speakers, training, drill, awards ceremonies, inspections, etc.
  • Field Training, Mess Nights, Military Balls are occasionally scheduled.
  • Opportunities for extra-curricular activities such as Drill Team, Color Guard, Endurance Challenge Team, Michigan football/basketball Color Guard are available and encouraged.
  • Leadership billet opportunities are available


Marines are required to take the following Naval Science classes in addition to their regular coursework:

  • NS 203/UC 205-Leadership and Management
  • NS 310/UC 310-Evolution of Warfare
  • NS 402/UC 403-Leadership and Ethics
  • NS 410/UC 410-Amphibious Warfare

Officer Candidates School/ The Basic School

  • Training is paramount and we will do everything we can to properly prepare you to excel at OCS and TBS
  • There is a Field Exercise conducted in the Fall semester
  • Bull Dog Prep is conducted in the Winter Semester


  • Don’t forget that your commissioning request paperwork is generally due to MCRC five to six months before your commissioning date.
  • You need an up to date physical for commissioning (within 12 months of the date of commission)

So if you do not sustain an injury and are going ‘Ground’, you can use your physical that qualified you for the MECEP/MCP program.

If you decide to use your original physical, you must accomplish the following:

  • You must be a class 2 or higher Dental
  • HIV must be within 12 months
  • Female must have a PAP within 12 months
  • Must run a 1st class PFT prior to commissioning
  • Turn in all Annual Certs/PARFQs with your medical paperwork

No one cares more about your commissioning than you do, so make sure you are being proactive!

Tips From current and former Students/Staff

  • Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges
  • Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America
  • Student Veterans of America
  • Check out Adm Boorda Scholarship
  • Download and submit your application to receiveyour Title 31 GI Bill benefits. The application process takes awhile, so if you don't get it done before the summer is over you will not be able to draw your GI Bill when you start school.
  • Research the Chapter 30 and 33 G.I. Bill benefits". It may benefit the beneficiary better to use Chapter 30 benefits depending on scholarships applied for, university attending, FAFSA status, and whether or not they have a family.
  • Fill out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) immediately upon checking in, if not earlier. Through this, I have 100% tuition covered which allows me to use my Chapter 30 G.I. Bill check and scholarship money on other expenses.
  • Organized PT is three times a week.
  • There is also "Drill or LAB" which is a 2 hour session on Thursdays from 1530-1730 where we conduct classes, or actually do close order drill. You will have to go to it unless youhave a class that is a degree requirement and you cannot take it at any other time.
  • As MECEPs we are also required to take 3 Naval Science classes (Evolution of Warfare, Amphibious Warfare, and Leadership and Ethics) You can get a military science minor at Eastern with some of these classes through the Eastern Michigan AROTC.
  • We do a few things to help out in the community, like Toys for Tots stuff, Color Guards, but all in all it isn't bad. Basically you go to class, study, do a few things with the ROTC and spend time with your family.
  • The whole purpose here is to get good grades and prepare to go and graduate OCS. We try to do some extra stuff to represent the Marine Corps in the community and to the Marine Option Midshipmen who will be officers, but have never been Marines, so there are high expectations, but as a SNCO they are no different than what is expected of you in the fleet; it is just a different environment.
  • It is a good idea to review the OCS website as well as MCWP 3-11.2 (Marine Rifle Squad) to familiarize yourself with infantry tactics used at OCS. MCWP 3-11.2