Council of Counseling Psychology Training Programs

Executive Board Meeting 8/5/11

Todd Campbell, Kathie Chwalisz, Lonnie Duncan, Angela Ferguson, Bill Hoyt, Margo Jackson, Mark Leach, Mike Scheel, Jon Schwartz, Donna Thomas, Marty Heesacker (by phone)

  1. Breakfast
  2. Approval of minutes of EB Meetings at 2011 CCPTP Midwinter Conference

MOTION (ML): Approved with minor amendments (TC 2nd) 10-0-0.

  1. Review of Bus Mtg agenda for 8/6/11.
  2. Awards program will be at the beginning; we will want to publicize the Lifetime Achievement Award especially, and encourage TDs at Saturday’s Business Meeting to begin thinking about nominees for the coming year.
  3. We should put a history of the award winners on the CCPTP website, and consider posting CVs for the winners.
  4. EB reports: Treasurer brief report; Past Chair will discuss Master’s training issue; CE-designate will comment briefly on BEA and training imbalance (CCTC); Chair-Elect will discuss plans for MidWinter mtg.
  5. Some discussion of preview of Treasurer’s report. We will show some loss of cash on hand since last year at this time. Contributing factors include lack of BEA grant for last year’s Mid-Winter conference and dinner this year for LAA winner. Also discussed transaction fees when dues or conference fees are paid by credit card. Possibilities to consider include increase in institutional dues and/or conference fees; and/or impose a processing fee for credit card payments.

ACTION PLAN: Propose institutional dues increase from $200 to $225 annually at 8/6/11 Business Meeting. (This will need to go out on listserve for discussion and vote, as we won’t have a quorum at Business Meeting.)

  1. Greg Brooks presented information on sites for Mid-Winter. Austin… Charleston Doubletree = $149, including free WiFi (min $17,000 food/beverage). Miami Mayfair (boutique hotel; rooms are all suites with large hot tubs) = $189, free WiFi in Coconut Grove (min $14,000 food/beverage).

MOTION: DT: Midwinter Conference in Miami (MJ 2nd): Approved 10-0-0

  1. CoA liaison (Nancy Elman) will be leaving this year. We will need to come up with a slate of three nominees. (Last year we nominated Kathy Bieschke; Tammi Vacha-Haase; Sue Lease, and Kathy was selected.) Tammi has agreed to be nominated again. Needs (MH): Doggedly hard worker; policy minded and work well with others: two very different skill sets. Kathie will ask Sue Lease and Paul Gore if they are willing to be nominated.
  1. Liaison reports
  2. APPIC (Todd) has completed its move; some changes to AAPI, including rich text option for essays, safety features for TD portion; new directory search options. In 2013 APPIC will roll out a standard hours log (fee for service) to assist with hours accounting prac through post-doc. Match stats: 74% matched in Phase I; 30% of unmatched applicants matched in Phase 2.
  1. ACCTA (Angela): Self-care, budget cuts, diversity training mission. Review of changes in AAPI portal. Next conf 9-10 to 9-14 in Lake Geneva WI. (integrating SJ issues: guest speakers Suzette Speight and Liz Vera) For next liaison: be aware it is not necessary to be there all 5 days.
  1. ASPPB (Mike): We attend one of their two meetings per year (Fall). Continue to refine model licensure guidelines. Now 12 states are allowing pre-doc hours to count toward licensure. Ideas for making EPPP more competency based. For next liaison: this is also a 5-day conference, but it is not necessary to be there all 5 days (priority is the Exec Board mtg). Mike will look into getting an ASPPB rep to our Business Meeting.
  1. SCP (Kathie): Some discussion of whether it is most useful to attend the mid-winter meeting, versus working with and communicating with relevant members of SCP. Liaisons are limited in which meetings they are allowed to attend, and speaking is discouraged. However, the face time is important. SCP is contributing 75% of funds needed for the masters benchmark competencies group, and CCPTP membership will vote on whether to support the remaining 25%.

MOTION: MJ (DT 2nd): Approved 9-0-0

  1. Synarchy (Council of Counseling Psychology Related Training Councils): Mike & Margo
  1. BEA (Board of Educational Affairs , APA): Mark-Voted positively on having doctoral, internship, and post-doctorates to mandate accreditation.
  1. and CCTC (Council of Chairs of Training Councils): & Mark [1st of 4-year term]-Dominated by the internship imbalance. There is a working group looking at this issue and talking every two or three weeks. Some of the complexities include California internship sites, School Psychology needs. One of the focuses is to discuss requiring accreditation for licensure. Discussed if we should go back to a provisional accrediting unit.
  1. MPCAC (Masters in Psychology and Counseling Accreditation Council): Donna-
  1. Follow-up needed on:
  2. Agreement with CCPC
  3. MCAC accreditation
  4. Liaison to AASCB
  5. Carrie Winterrowd’s idea re presentation by OGS award recipient
  6. Slate of three CoA nominees due in Sept. Tammi Vacha-Haase has agreed to be nominated again. Kathie will ask Sue Lease and Paul Gore.
  7. Comments on provisional accreditation Qs posed by CoA (comments due 10/1)
  1. Adjourn.


Council of Counseling Psychology Training Programs

Executive Board Meeting 8/7/11

Kathie Chwalisz, Lonnie Duncan, Angela Ferguson, Bill Hoyt, Margo Jackson, Mark Leach, Mike Scheel, Jon Schwartz, Donna Thomas, Marty Heesacker (by phone)

  1. Breakfast
  2. Welcome to new board members and confirm offices:
  3. Executive Board photo
  4. CCPTP 2011-12 Roles and Liaisons—Plans and items needing action
  5. Treaurer-Elect and ACCTA Liaison: Johanna Nielsson
  6. Communications-Elect: Liz Welfel
  7. Chair-Elect-Designate, ASPPB liaison: Marty Heesacker
  8. Chair and SCP Liaison, Synarchy Rep: Kathie Chwalisz
  9. Chair-Elect and BEA, CCTC liaison: Mark Leach
  10. Past-Chair and CCOPP Liaison: Margo Jackson
  11. Awards and MPCAC/AASCB Liaison: Donna Thomas
  12. Communications and APPIC liaison: Todd Campbell
  13. Secretary: Bill Hoyt
  14. Planning for Midwinter Conference
  15. Program Committee (Kathie, Donna, Marty, Liz, Bill). Kathie will set Doodle poll.
  16. Ideas for theme programming
  17. Masters training (counseling versus psychology)
  18. Kathy Bieschke reflections on program closure; maintaining relevance in our colleges
  19. Blazing a new trail for CP in 21st century
  20. Re-centering counseling psychology for 2020 (research and grant funding; masters training; etc.)
  21. How does CCPTP support CP programs seeking accreditation?
  22. Becoming a more proactive organization: Strategic planning. Ideas for future agenda items:
  23. Model social media policy
  24. Compiling data from formal or informal listserve surveys
  25. Systematic data collection (e.g., TD compensation practices; how many programs have affiliated masters programs; masters licensure laws by state). Liz and Todd will consider what types of data would be useful to CCPTP members.
  26. CCPTP official responses to BEA statement on masters training
  27. Joining initiatives from other organizations (dealing with budget cuts ACCTA; leadership training SCP; ASPPB model licensure requirements for supervised hours)
  28. ACTION PLAN: Monthly conference calls for EB. Kathie will set a Doodle poll.