New Preorder
/ Preorder is an option that provides address validation, customer service inquiry and telephone listing information.
To help insure order accuracy, address validation may be required when submitting certain order types. Address validation can be accomplished:
·  By selecting New from the Preorder tab drop-down menu
·  By clicking the Validate link located in the SVC ADDR GRP section on the EU form of the LSR while entering an order.
Preorder—Preorder tab
Preorder—Validate Link within the Order

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EASE VFO Preorder, Continued

Preorder—Preorder Tab
/ Take the following steps to do a preorder from the Preorder tab in EASE VFO.
Step / Action
1 / With the Order List in view, roll your cursor over the Preorder tab and select New from the drop-down menu.
Result: The Preorder Initiation screen appears.
2 / Type a tracking ID in the TXNUM field or use the pre-populated ID.
Note: This can be up to twenty-five alpha, numeric, or alpha-numeric characters.
3 / Select EMBQ from the drop-down menu of the Trading Partner field if necessary.
Note: No action is necessary in the Service Center field as it pre-populated

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EASE VFO Preorder, Continued

Preorder—Preorder Tab (continued)
Step / Action
4 / Use the table below to determine the next step.
If / Then
Preordering an address / Select A-Address Validation from the TX TYPE drop-down.
Preordering customer service information on a CenturyLink or your customer’s working telephone number or circuit / Select E-Customer Service Information from the TX TYPE drop-down.
Preordering directory listing information on a CenturyLink or your customer’s listing telephone number / Select T-Listings for Telephone Number from the TX TYPE drop-down.
5 / Click the Initiate button.
·  The Address Validation response displays. Press the Ctrl button with while clicking the following link to view— #Exhibit 1—Address Validation Screen
·  The Customer Service Information response displays. Press the Ctrl button while clicking the following link to view— #Exhibit 2—Customer Service Information Screen
·  The Listings for Telephone Number response displays. Press the Ctrl button while clicking the following link to view—#Exhibit 3—Listings for Telephone Number Screen)

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EASE VFO Preorder, Continued

Preorder Tab Steps (Continued)
Step / Action
6 / Use the following table to determine the next step.
If / Then
Doing a preorder on a CenturyLink address and you are on the Address Validation screen
. / a.  Type the CCNA in the CCNA field.
b.  Type Embarq in the TPID field.
c.  Select A-New inquiry from the TXACT drop-down.
d.  Type the OCN in the CC field.
e.  Type the address including city, state, and zip code in the SVC_ADDR_GRP section.
f.  Click the Submit button.
Press the Ctrl button and click the link to view an example of the results and messages—#Exhibit 4—Preorder Results for Address Validation
Note: There is a Glossary on the last page of this document that provides the SVC_ADDR_GRP section field names and definitions.
Doing a preorder on either a CenturyLink or your working telephone and you are on the Customer Service Information screen / a.  Type the CCNA in the CCNA field.
b.  Type Embarq in the TPID field.
c.  Select A-New inquiry from the TXACT drop-down.
d.  Type the OCN in the CC field.
e.  Type the state abbreviation in the STATE field.
f.  Select Y in the AGUATH field to indicated that you are authorized to receive CSI records
g.  Type a working telephone number in the WTN field (do not use spaces or dashes) or if inquiring on a circuit, type the circuit number in the ECCKT field.
h.  Click the Submit button.
Press the Ctrl button and click the link to view an example of the results and messages— #Exhibit 5—Preorder Results for Customer Service Information

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EASE VFO Preorder, Continued

Step 6, continued
Step / Action
6 / If / Then
Doing a preorder on either a CenturyLink or your directory listing telephone and you are on the Customer Service Information screen / a.  Type the CCNA in the CCNA field.
b.  Type Embarq in the TPID field.
c.  Select A-New inquiry from the TXACT drop-down.
d.  Type the OCN in the CC field.
e.  Type the state abbreviation in the STATE field.
f.  Type the listing telephone number (with no dashes or spaces) in the LTN field located in the DLI_REQ_INFO section.
g.  Click the Submit button.
Results: The preorder query is initiated and the results display on the Results tab.
Press the Ctrl button and click the link to view an example of the results for a residential listing messages— #Exhibit 6—Preorder Results for Residential Listing Telephone Number . Press the Ctrl button and click the link to view an example of the results for a business caption listing— #Exhibit 7—Preorder Results for Caption Business Listing Telephone Number.

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EASE VFO Preorder, Continued

Preorder—Preorder Tab (continued)
Step / Action
7 / Use the following table to determine the next step.
If / Then
The preorder is a success / You can:
·  Click the Save button to save the preorder.
·  Click the Printable Version button to view and print the preorder.
·  Click the Close button to exit.
Note: The preorder record is not saved if you close without saving first.
The preorder is not a success / You can:
·  Click the Change button to try the preorder again.
·  Click the Save button to save the preorder.
·  Click the Printable Version button to view and print the preorder.
·  Click the Close button to exit.
Successful Preorder
/ Once a preorder is successful you may want to proceed to order initiation. When preordering a CenturyLink telephone number you may wish to copy and paste service and equipment codes from the preorder into the RS page Feature section of your order.

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Complex Address Inquiries

/ Complex Address inquiries can be entered using the Additional Address Information and Location designator fields. Enter the minimum required address inquiry fields plus the Additional Address and Location Designators—For example:
Additional Address Information and Location Designators:
Field Name / Field Function
AAI / Complex address name.
LD1 / Description types: UNIT, APT, ROOM, RM, FL, FLR, BLDG, STE, COMM.
LV1 / The value associated with the Description Type. For example: 1, 100, etc.
·  The LD description type can be placed in any LD1, LD2, or LD3 field.
·  The associated value will be placed in the corresponding LV1, LV2, or LV3 field.
Complex Address with AAI, LD1 and LV1 Populated:

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EASE VFO Preorder, Continued

Preorder—Validate Button
/ While entering an order, a validation of a CenturyLink address can be initiated by clicking the Validate link next to the CFA field or the Address Detail section as shown below.
Validating the address
/ After clicking the Address link, the Results tab is displayed (the Inquiry tab of the LOCATION_INQUIRY) is bypassed. The IRM field of the Results screen allows you to identify whether or not a CenturyLink address is valid.

EASE VFO Preorder Exhibits and Response Messages

Exhibit 1—Address Validation Screen
Exhibit 2—Customer Service Information Screen

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EASE VFO Preorder Responses and Exhibits, Continued

Exhibit 3—Listings for Telephone Number Screen

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EASE VFO Preorder Responses and Exhibits, Continued

Exhibit 4—Preorder Results for Address Validation
IRM Responses for Address Validation
/ Following are the possible IRM field responses that may be seen when doing a preorder on a CenturyLink address.
Message / Action
The address parameters are too general. Please be more specific. / Enter specific address data.
Server not available. Zip code or requested name was not recognized. / Zip code incorrect, please verify, correct and resubmit.
Address is valid on SIG and WILSERV. / None – address validated successfully.
Address is valid on SIG, however, WILSERV cannot verify address. / None – address validated in SIG.
Unable to get data from IMS. Please try again later. / IMS down, please try again later.
Multiple complex addresses – Enter complex name. / Please verify and enter complex name in AAI field.
Note: If the IRM response does not indicate a valid address, click the Change button and change the address information accordingly.

EASE VFO Preorder Responses and Exhibits, Continued

Exhibit 5—Preorder Results for Customer Service Information

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EASE VFO Preorder Responses and Exhibits, Continued

Error responses for Customer Service Information
/ Following are the possible EAS_Error responses that may be seen when doing a preorder for customer service information.
EAS_Error Response / Definition
Phone number has no active account. / No records are found as the telephone number provided is not active.
WTN does not match your Company Code / Account belongs to another CLEC company.
Preorder failed – TN can not be found for state selected / Occurs if the wrong state was entered – or if the telephone number is part of an Embarq major account.
Note: If a CenturyLink WTN entered is not the main billing number, an error will not occur, however, no features or services will display. The main telephone number will display in the ATN field in the CSI RESP section.
When the main telephone is entered in the WTN field all associated telephone numbers (ATNS) appear on the preorder in the feature detail section.

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EASE VFO Preorder Responses and Exhibits, Continued

Exhibit 6—Preorder Results for Residential Listing Telephone Number

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EASE VFO Preorder Responses and Exhibits, Continued

Exhibit 7—Preorder Results for Caption Business Listing Telephone Number

Address Details section

/ There are certain fields required in the Address Details section for any order that contains an address. The minimum entries in the Address Details section are:
·  SANO = House Number
·  SASN = Street Name
·  STATE (must be in all capital letters)
Following are the other fields that could possibly be required in the Address Details section of the order depending on the address.
Address Field / Definition
AFT (Address Format Type) / Identifies the format of the address being supplied
Valid Entries:
A = Rural route and/or box number
B = Unnumbered
C = Provider Assigned house number
D = Descriptive
E = Provisioning Address
SAPR (Service Address Number Prefix) / Identifies the prefix for the address number of the service address
SASF (Service Address Number Suffix) / Identifies the suffix for the address number of the service address
SASD (Service Address Street Directional Prefix) / Identifies the street directional prefix for the service address—for example, N = North, S = South, E = East, W = West, etc
SATH (Service Address Street Type) / Identifies the thoroughfare portion of the street name of the service address—for example, LN = Lane, BLVD = Boulevard, ST = Street, etc

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Glossary, Continued

Address Details section (continued)
Address Field / Definition
SASS (Service Address Street Directional Suffix) / Identifies the street directional suffix for the service address—for example, N = North, S = South, E = East, W = West, etc
Note: The SASS is different than the SASD. The SASS is when the directional comes after the street name—for example, Main St West.
LD1 (Location Designator 1) / Identifies additional specific information related to the address—for example, building, floor, unit, or room
LV1 (Location Value 1) / Identifies the value associated with the LD1 of the address
LD2 (Location Designator 2) / Identifies additional specific information related to the address—for example, building, floor, unit, or room
LV2 (Location Value 2) / Identifies the value associated with the LD2 of the address
LD3 (Location Designator 3) / Identifies additional specific information related to the address—for example, building, floor, unit, or room
LV3 (Location Value 3) / Identifies the value associated with the LD3 of the address

Complex Addresses

/ Complex address inquiries can be entered using the Location Designator fields. You must populate the minimum required address inquiry fields plus the location designators if applicable as follows:
·  LD1 – Enter description types—for example, UNIT, APT, ROOM, RM, FL, FLR, BLDG, or STE
·  LV1 – Enter the value associated with the description type—for example, 100, 1, or 36
The LD description type can be placed in any Location Designator field—
LD1, LD2, or LD3 and the associated value is placed in the corresponding
LV1, LV2, or LV3 fields.


EASE VFO Preorder New Version 2, February 2011

© 2011 CenturyLink, Inc. All rights reserved.