This course is an exploration of written text—fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and drama. This year’s course is both reading and writing intensive, and the goals include developing a student’s writing, editing, critical reading, vocabulary, analytical thinking, speaking, and listening skills. During this semester, you will focus on close reading strategies to understand the techniques that authors use to achieve their purposes.

Course Rules and Expectations:

Be respectful of classmates and teachers.

  • Follow all rules and guidelines in accordance with the Student Handbook (cell phones, tardiness, hall passes, etc.).
  • If you lose or damage a book that is signed out to you, you are responsible for the replacement cost.


The following items should be brought with you to class every day:

  • Three-ring binder
  • Lined paper
  • Writer’s Notebook
  • Pen and pencil
  • Class texts and handouts
  • Assignment book
  • SSR book

Course Content

Reading May Include:

Drama:The CrucibleArthur Miller


  • The Catcher in the RyeJ.D. Salinger
  • Of Mice and MenJohn Steinbeck
  • The Great GatsbyF. Scott Fitzgerald
  • Independent reading approved by parent

Non-fiction, Short Fiction & Poetry:

  • McDougal Littell text (in-class textbook resource)
  • Selections from major newspapers, magazines, etc

Writing (may include):

Journal entriesVocabulary/Literary activities

Creative prose/Poetry writingGrammar activities

Dramatic scenePersuasive essay

Informal essays/Opinion papersThesis-based papers

Research paper related to course contentCore assessments

Speaking/Listening Skills/Peer Workshop:

Participation in literature circles

Peer editing and advising

Collaborative partner and group assignments

Core Assessments:

Literary Analysis Essay (10% of overall grade)

You will be writing a thesis-based essay analyzing how an author using a literary technique to develop a theme throughout a piece of literature.

Text-to-World Connections Assignment (10% of overall grade)

You will be identifying and analyzing the literary and stylistic techniques that an author uses in a given piece of literature. You will then mimic and identify these content and stylistic features in a creative piece.


Grading is based on a straight points system. Here are some details to note when viewing the online gradebook:

  • Every effort is made to keep dates up-to-date
  • Any assignment that is missing, even due to excused absence, will be flagged as “missing” and will calculate as a zero until the assignment has been completed.
  • Some housekeeping assignments and ungraded homework checks will be logged in the gradebook but scored as zero points.
  • Students are responsible for regularly checking their grade online and comparing it with returned assignments. Students may check their grade online at home or in school before or after class.

Your final grade will be calculated as follows:

  • Each marking period grade 35% (x2)
  • Each core assessment 10% (x2)
  • Multiple choice final exam10%

Homework, Assignments, Tests, & Participation:

  • If you are absent, it is your responsibility to make-up any work you missed. See the teacher to schedule a time after school to review missed instruction and determine a due date for late work.
  • Whenever possible, please type assignments. If you handwrite work, please do so neatly and in pen. If your work is illegible, it will be returned to you to redo. Make sure to proofread and use spell check!
  • Workmust be turned in at the beginning of class on the day it is due. You will not be permitted to print assignments once you arrive in class. If you submit a paper via email, have a back-up plan in the event the email is not received.
  • Participation is an essential part of this class because it helps you get involved in the learning process and allows us to determine whether or not you understand the material. It is important to ask questions.

Academic Integrity:

Academic integrity is taken very seriously by Central Bucks School District. Plagiarism/cheating is defined as the copying of someone’s work and representing it as your own OR allowing someone to copy your work. Plagiarism or cheating, in any form, is unacceptable at CB West. Any student violating this policy will receive behavioral and academic consequences.

Best of luck this semester!

Please return this portion to us by ______. Thank you.

I have read and understood Mrs. Curran’s & Mrs. Hanson’s classroom guidelines and course expectations.

Student’s Printed Name: ______

Parent/Guardian Printed Name(s): ______

Parent/Guardian E-mail Address(es):______

Parent/Guardian Phone Number(s): ______


Student SignatureParent/Guardian Signature

Please return this portion to us by ______. Thank you.

I have read and understood Mrs. Curran’s& Mrs. Hanson’s classroom guidelines and course expectations.

Student’s Printed Name: ______

Parent/Guardian Printed Name(s): ______

Parent/Guardian E-mail Address(es):______

Parent/Guardian Phone Number(s): ______


Student SignatureParent/Guardian Signature