Allen Lothrop Gifford, M.D.
Boston University Schools of Public Health and Medicine
715 Albany Street, Talbot Building 3W Boston, Massachusetts 02118
Phone: (617) 414-1361 • Fax: (617) 638-5374
Email :
Center for Health Quality, Outcomes Economic Research
VA New England Healthcare
200 Springs Road (152)
Bedford, Massachusetts 01730
Phone: (781) 687-3038 • Fax: (781) 687-3106
Positions & Appointments (Current):
2010-present Professor of Public Health and Medicine, Boston University
2006-present Director and co-Research Coordinator,
U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs QUERI Center for HIV and Hepatitis
Implementation Research (HHQUERI)
2006-present Associate Director and Co-PI
U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs HSR&D Center for Health Quality,
Outcomes Economic Research, Bedford, MA
2006-present HIV/Hepatitis Lead Clinician
VA New England Healthcare System, Bedford, MA
2006-present Staff Physician, VA Boston Healthcare System
Positions & Appointments (Past):
2006-2010 Associate Professor of Public Health and Medicine, Boston University
2002-2006 Associate Professor of Medicine In-Residence, University of California, San Diego
2001-2004 Advanced Research Career Development Award Scientist, VA San Diego Healthcare System
1996-2002 Assistant Professor of Medicine In-Residence, University of California, San Diego
1996-2006 Research Scientist, Veterans Medical Research Foundation, San Diego
1996-2006 Consultant,
Health Sciences Program, RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, California
1995-2006 Staff Physician, Medical Service, VA San Diego Healthcare System
1992-1995 Attending Physician, AIDS Clinic and Inpatient Consultation Service, Moffitt- Long Hospital, San Francisco, California
1993-1995 Clinical Instructor in Medicine, University of California, San Francisco
1982-1983 Peace Corp Volunteer
Teacher, College d’Enseignement Generale, Magaria, Republic of Niger
1993-1995 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow - Health Services Research,
Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholar Program, Stanford University
1992-1993 HIV/AIDS Fellow, University of California, San Francisco, California
1989-1992 Intern, Junior, and Senior Resident in Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco
1989 M.D. with Honors and Distinction,
University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC
1981 A.B., Magna Cum Laude
Harvard University
Extramural and VA Peer-Reviewed Funding (PI and CoPI):
06/01/98-09/30/14 HIV 98-001 (PI- Allen Gifford/CoPI Steven Asch) VA HSRD QUERI - HIV/Hepatitis Research Center $560,433 per year
10/01/07-09/30/13 HFP 90-011 (PI- Dan Berlowitz/CoPI-Allen Gifford) VA HSR&D Center for Health Quality Outcomes and Economic Research $702,000 per year
05/01/09-04/30/12 IIR 08-298-1 (PI-Jack Clark/CoPI-Allen Gifford,) VA HSR&D Patients’ Experiences of Antiviral Treatment for Hepatitis C in the VA $703,400 total
10/01/07-09/30/12 1 R01 MH076911-01A2 (PI-Allen Gifford) NIH/NIMH Implementing Computerized Clinical Assessment of HIV Patient Adherence $2,819,900 total
05/01/05-04/30/07 VA - IIR 03-089-2 (PI-Allen Gifford) VA HSR&D Merit Award
Evaluating HIV/AIDS Care Access and Quality in the VA $288,550 per year
05/01/05-9/30/05 VA-QUERI (PI- Allen Gifford) VA HSR&D Award
Expert Panel on Collaborative Care for Depression in Veterans with HIV $35,000 total
02/01/05-1/31/07 IMA 04-417 (PI- Allen Gifford) VA HSRD Award
Collaboration Support for Academic Expert in Implementation Research $300,000 total
07/01/01-6/30/05 RWJ Foundation (PI- Allen Gifford) Generalist Award
Adherence Care Enhancement $300,000 total
06/01/04-9/30/04 VA-QUERI (PI- Allen Gifford) VA HSR&D Award
Supporting HIV Adherence with Patient Audio-CASI Assessment/Instruction $50,000 total
10/01/01-09/30/04 RCD-98-347-3 (PI- Allen Gifford) VA Career Development Award
A Program to Optimize Veterans’ Adherence to Chronic Disease Medications $450,000 total
06/01/01-05/31/03 (PI- Burnam; Site PI- Allen Gifford) NIMH Mental Health and Services among Adults with HIV: Analyses of HCSUS Data $30,000 total
07/01/00-06/30/02 VA - HII 99054-2 (PI- Allen Gifford) VA HSR&D Merit Award
A Medication Adherence Intervention for HIV-Infected Veterans $488,976 total
09/30/96-08/31/00 1 R01 NR04415 (PI- Allen Gifford) NIH Nurse-Led Patient Education for Symptoms of HIV/AID $644,708 total
07/01/97-06/30/00 R97-SD-1137 (PI- Allen Gifford) State of California
Improving Drug Adherence and Viral Load with HIV Education $118,737 total
Extramural and VA Peer-Reviewed Funding History (Co-Investigator):
01/01/2013-06/30/2014 RRP HX-12-014 (PI- Groessl) VA QUERI Increasing Access to HCV Self-Management via the Internet $150,000
04/01/12-03/31/15 R34 DA032423 (PI- Sabin) NIH China Adherence Through Technology Study (CATS) $680,437 total
03/01/12-12/20/16 U24AA020778 (PI- Samet) NIAAA The Uganda Russia Boston Alcohol Network for Alcohol Research Collaboration on HIV/AIDS (URBAN ARCH) Consortium – Administrative Coordinating Core $235,874 per year
09/01/11-06/30/16 R01DA032082 (PI- Samet) NIDA Linking Russian Narcology HIV Care to Enhance Treatment, Retention Outcomes (LINC)
$499,627 per year
10/01/11-09/30/12 RRP10-228 (PI- Ho) VA HSR&D Modeling the VA Cost Impacts of New medications for Chronic Hepatitis C $100,000 total
04/01/11-03/31/15 VA SDP 10-444 (PIs- Kanwal Pyne) VA SDP Hepatitis C Implementation of Translating Initiatives for Depression into Effective Solutions
$1,208,830 total
01/01/11-12/31/11 RRP 10-195 (PI- Bokhour) VA HSR&D Evaluating Implementation of an HIV Adherence Informatics Intervention $100,000 total
07/01/08-06/30/11 VA HSR&D 08-002 (Co-PIs- Goetz, Asch) VA HSR&D Multi-VISN Implementation of a Program to Improve HIV Screening and Testing
$1,887,300 total
10/01/09-09/30/10 RRP 09-126 (PI- Solomon) VA/QUERI How Providers Prioritize Preventive Care Tasks $99,600 total
07/09-07/10 VA RRP 09-192 (PI- McInnes) VA RRP Intervention to Provide Veterans with Health – Related Internet Skills $99,200 total
10/07-9/11 VA SDR 07-002 (PI- Rosen) VA HSR&D Validating the Patient Safety Indicators in the VA: A Multi-faceted Approach $1,902,000 total
10/06-09/10 VA IIR 02-275 (PI- Stepnowsky) HSR&D Effect of Self-Management on Improving Sleep Apnea Outcomes $671,750 total
10/07-09/09 HHSA290200600012/AHRQ (PI- Drainoni) AHRQ Program Evaluation to Improve Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Screening Practices and Testing
Uptake in Select Primary Care Provider Settings $550,000 total
09/06-08/09 VA IAC 05-067 (PI- Groessl) VA IAC A Self-Management Intervention for Veterans with Hepatitis C $724,931 total
11/01/08-07/31/09 VA HSR&D IAB 07-231-3 (PI- Rosen) VA HSR&D Improving Safety Culture: Leveraging Frontline Expertise $100,000
10/07-03/09 HHSA29020060012 (PI- Rosen) AHRQ Development and Use of Ambulatory Adverse Event Trigger Tools $399,933 total
04/06-03/09 VA MNT 05-152 (PI- Pyne) VA MNT HIV Implementation of Translating Initiatives for Depression into Effective Solutions
$902,000 total
04/08-10/08 VA STP SHP 08-193 (PI- Clark) VA STP Patients’ Views of Hepatitis C Treatment Completion or Withdrawal $51,100 total
04/08-10/08 VA RRP 08-251 QUERI (PI- McInnes) VA RRP Email Social Marketing of HIV Testing: Patient and Provider Perceptions $72,600 total
05/08-09/08 VA SHP 08-203 (PI- Groessl) VA SHP Liver Biopsy Use for VA Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C: Patterns and Predictors
$87,800 total
05/06-04/08 VA SDP 06-001 (PI- Goetz) VA SDP Implementation and Evaluation of a VISN-Based Program to Improve HIV Screening Testing
$298,450 per year
01/06-12/09 VA NRI 04-252-2 (PI- Shively) VA NRI Heart PACT: Patient Activation in High-Risk Patients with Heart Failure $555,800 total
01/01/00-12/31/05 AI-27-670-16/15 (PI- Havlir) NIH / NIAID San Diego AIDS Clinical Trials Unit $1,461,794 total
12/01/99-11/30/02 1 R01 HS10220 (PI- Lenert) AHRQ Is Non-Adherence a Revealed Preference? $303,896 per year
10/01/99-09/30/02 HIS 99043-1 (PI- Samuel Bozzette) VA/HSRD QUERI Data Collection for Veterans with HIV/AIDS: Survey $608,679 total
08/01/98-07/31/02 1 U01 AI43638 (PIs- Richman Havlir) NIH / NIAID San Diego and Southwestern Primary Infection Program $1,230,233 total
09/01/94-04/30/00 5 U01 HS08578 (PIs- Shapiro Bozzette) AHCPR HIV Cost and Services Utilization Study (HCSUS) $2,984,381 per year
01/01/99-12/31/00 VA IIR-98011-1 (PIs- Ampel Mohler) VA HSR&D Award
Adherence of HIV+ Patients to Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Treatment $92,000 per year
10/01/12-09/30/13 HSR&D RRP 12-194 (PI- Kanwal) VA HSR&D Development of a Shared Decision-Making Aid for Hepatitis C Treatment $99,585 total
Committees and Boards:
2008-present Bedford VA New England Healthcare System Infection Control
2005-present Chair Emeritus, Society of General Internal Medicine HIV Committee
2011-present Boston University School of Public Health, Advisory Committee – Schoolwide DrPH Program
2011-present VA HSR&D/QUERI 2012 Annual Meeting
2011-2012 Member, VA Office of Research and Development National Working Group and
Task Force to report on the Grant Peer-Review Process
2007-2010 Member, Faculty Senate, Boston University School of Public Health
2005-2006 Member, UCSD Human Research Protections Program Institutional Review
2005-2006 Member, UCSD Department of Medicine Committee on Academic Promotions
2004-2006 Standing Member, Behavioral and Social Concerns in HIV Study Section
(BSCH), National Institutes of Health CSR
2003 Ad Hoc Member, UCSD School of Medicine Committee on Academic
Promotions (SOM-CAP)
2002-2004 National Chair, Outcomes Committee - AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG)
2002-2004 Member, VA San Diego R D Committee
2000-2001 National Vice-Chair, Outcomes Committee - AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG)
2000 Chair, VA San Diego Data Work Subcommittee
2000 Chair, Abstract Selection Committee 2000 Annual Meeting, California Region, Society of General Internal Medicine
2000-2003 UCSD School of Medicine - Medical Informatics Subcommittee
1999-2003 National VA Executive Committee, HIV Quality Enhancement Research
Initiative, Department of Veterans Affairs
1999 Editorial Board, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology Special Supplement, AIDS and
1999-2003 Member, AIDS and Related Research Study Section 8 (AARR-8), National
Institutes of Health CSR
1999-2002 Editorial Consultant, Western Journal of Medicine
1998-2006 HIV Cost and Services Utilization Study (HCSUS) Consortium
1998-2006 Recruitment, Adherence, and Retention Committee, AIDS Clinical Trials Group
1998 Abstracts Selection Committee, Veterans Affairs Health Services Research and
Development 1998 Annual Meeting
1998 Abstract Selection Committee, International Society for Quality of Life Research
(ISOQOL) 1998 Annual Meeting
Board Certification and Licensure:
1992 American Board of Internal Medicine. Diplomate.
1991 Medical Board of California. Physician and Surgeon License.
1990 National Board of Medical Examiners. Diplomate.
AIDS Journal of Infectious Diseases
AIDS and Behavior Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
AIDS Care Medical Care
Clinical Infectious Diseases New England Journal of Medicine
Journal of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndromes Topics in Primary Care
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology Western Journal of Medicine
Journal of General Internal Medicine HIV Clinical Trials
Membership in Scientific Societies:
2005-present HIV Medicine Association. Member.
1996-present International AIDS Society. Member.
2009-present American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. Member.
1992-present American College of Physicians. Member.
1988-present Society of General Internal Medicine. Member.
1996-present Academy Health (formerly Association for Health Services Research). Member.
1993-2000 Society for Medical Decision-Making. Member.
Professional Awards and Honors:
2001 Generalist Physician Faculty Scholar Award
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
2001 Advanced Research Career Development Award
U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, Health Services Research Development
1999-2000 President, Society of General Internal Medicine, California Region
1993-1995 Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholar
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
1993 Lawrence S. Linn Award for Research on Quality of Life with HIV/AIDS, Society of General Internal Medicine
1989 Huesner Pupil Award. University of North Carolina School of Medicine
1988 Foreign Fellowship Award, University of North Carolina School of Medicine
For study at the University of Nairobi, Kenya and at Vanga Hospital, Zaire.
1980 Alpha Omega Alpha. Awarded Junior year
1980 John Harvard Scholarship. For academic achievement.
1. Gifford AL. Assessing and Following the Patient Who Tests Positive. IM- Internal
Medicine 1993; 1426-1444.
2. Gifford AL. The New AIDS Definition: TB, Pneumonia, Cervical Cancer. Focus: A Guide to AIDS Research and Counseling 1993; 8(6):1-4.
3. Gifford AL, McPhee SJ, Fordham D. Preventive care among HIV-positive patients in a general medicine practice. Am J Prev Med 1994; 10(1):5-9.
4. Gifford AL, Lorig K, Laurent D, and Gonzalez V. Living Well With HIV/AIDS. Palo Alto, CA: Bull Publishing, 1997.
5. Gifford AL, Laurent DD, Gonzales VM, Chesney MA, Lorig KR. Pilot randomized trial of education to improve self-management skills of men with symptomatic HIV/AIDS. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Hum Retrovirol 1998; 18(2):136-44.
6. Gifford AL, Sengupta S. Self-management health education for chronic HIV infection. AIDS Care 1999; 11(1):115-30.
7. Bozzette SA, Phillips B, Asch S, Gifford AL, Lenert L, Menke T, Oritz E, Owens D, Deyton L. Quality Enhancement Research Initiative for human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: framework and plan. HIV-QUERI Executive Committee. Med Care 2000; 38(6 Suppl 1):I60-9.
8. Chesney MA, Ickovics JR, Chambers DB, Gifford AL, Neidig J, Zwickl B, Wu AW. Self- reported adherence to antiretroviral medications among participants in HIV clinical trials: the AACTG adherence instruments. AIDS Care 2000; 12(3):255-66.
9. Gifford AL, Bormann JE, Shively MJ, Wright BC, Richman DD, Bozzette SA. Predictors of self-reported adherence and plasma HIV concentrations in patients on multidrug
antiretroviral regimens. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2000; 23(5):386-95.
10. Gifford AL, Collins R, Timberlake D, Schuster MA, Shapiro MF, Bozzette SA, Kanouse DE for the HIV Cost and Services Utilization Study Consortium. Propensity of HIV patients to seek urgent and emergent care. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 2000; 12(12):833-840.
11. Gifford AL, Lorig K, Laurent D, Gonzalez V. Living well with HIV and AIDS, 2nd ed. Palo
Alto, CA: Bull Publishing; 2000.
12. Mathews WC, McCutchan JA, Asch S, Turner BJ, Gifford AL, Kuromiya K, et al. National estimates of HIV-related symptom prevalence from the HIV Cost and Services Utilization Study. Med Care 2000;38(7):750-62.
13. Wu AW, Gifford AL, Asch S, Cohn SE, Bozzette SA, Yurk R. Quality-of-Care Indicators for HIV/AIDS. Disease Management Health Outcomes 2000;7(6):315-30.
14. Andersen R, Bozzette S, Shapiro M, St. Clair P, Morton S, Crystal S Goldman D, Wenger N, Gifford AL, Leibowitz A, Asch S, Berry S, Nakazono T, Heslin K, Cunningham W. Access of vulnerable groups to antiretroviral therapy among persons in care for HIV disease in the United States. HCSUS Consortium. HIV Cost and Services Utilization Study. Health Serv Res 2000;35(2):389-416.
15. Gifford AL, How to Have Theory in an Epidemic. By Paula A. Treichler. 477 pp.
Durham and London, Duke University Press, 1999. ISBN 0-8223-2318-4. N Engl J Med, 2000; 343(18):1343.
16. Cunningham WE, Markson LE, Andersen RM, Crystal SH, Fleishman JA, Golin C, Gifford A, Nelson C, Liu HH, Nakazono TT, Morton S, Bozzette SA, Shapiro MF, Wenger NS, and the HCSUS Consortium. Prevalence and Predictors of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy Use in Persons with HIV Infection in the U.S. Journal of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndromes, 2000; 25:115-123.
17. Gifford AL, Hecht FM. Evaluating HIV Patients with Headache: Who Needs Computed
Tomography? Headache. 2001;41(5):441-448.
18. Wenger NS, Kanouse D, Collins R, Liu H, Schuster M, Gifford AL, Bozzette SA, Shapiro MF and the HCSUS Consortium. End-of-Life Discussions and Preferences among Persons with HIV. JAMA, 2001;285(22):2880-7.
19. Collins RL, Kanouse DE, Gifford AL, Senterfitt JW, Schuster MA, McCaffrey DF, Shapiro MF, Wenger NS. Changes in Health Promoting Behavior Following Diagnosis with HIV: Prevalence and Correlates in a National Probability Sample. Health Psychology, 2001; 20(5):351-360.