October 2, 2017
Dear Parents/Guardians,
It was wonderful to see so many of you at our annual Back-to-School night! We hope you were able to learn about our curriculum and the expectations for your child. Thank you for making the effort to be here to learn about your child’s school experience.
Last month, Ernie Boch Jr, from the Music Drives Us Foundation visited our school after Mr. Sheehan, our middle school music teacher, was awarded a grant for 7 new instruments. Grade 7 and 8 students performed for Mr. Boch, our Mayor and School Superintendent. Congratulations to Mr. Sheehan and our students!
Last week, students began their first session of enrichment. Please ask your child what they have selected for the first enrichment session!
Please review the Attendance Retention Policies in the Student Handbook for specific information. Students in grades 7 and 8 will fail their courses for the quarter if they have more than 3 unexcused absences. We are monitoring excused and unexcused absences carefully. School attendance is essential for a successful year.
Buss passes are now available. Please have your child stop by the middle school office to get one.
All school events are posted on our website. You can also subscribe to the school calendar!!
To enhance the safety of our students, please adhere to parking and driving rules. In the morning, please don’t put your car in the fire lane in our back parking lot or on Salem Street and please keep one line of cars next to the curb in the back parking lotso students aren’t crossing in the street. In the afternoon, please follow the posted parking signs.
telephone: 781-388-0647fax: 781-397-7319
Just a Reminder:
Students should be in their classrooms by 7:50 daily. If your child is going to be absent, please call the main office at 781-388-0643 (grades K-4) or 781-388-0647 (grades 5-8). For safety purposes, if you do not notify the school of your child’s absence, we will send a Connect-Ed call to inform you that your child is not in school and ask you to call the main office to let us know they aren’t coming to school.
Please join us at the next PTO meeting which istoday, October 2 at 3:30. We are looking for parent volunteers…we appreciate any and all help. Remember you put the P in PTO!!
telephone: 781-388-0647fax: 781-397-7319
Please join me at the next Parent Coffee on Friday, October 20 at 2:30 where it will be an open forum to talk with me about the topic of your choice. Hope to see you there!
Ms. Gordon
telephone: 781-388-0647fax: 781-397-7319