This conference has been accredited by the Barreau du Québec for a total of 10.25 hours (Block 1: 2h35; Block 2: 2h35; Block 3: 2h30; Block 4: 2h35) of Continuing Legal Education. Accreditation no. 10055461.
Day 1: Friday, 28 September 2012
Friday morning block08:30 / Registration and coffee
09:00-09:10 / Mot de bienvenue / L. Smith
09:10-10:00 / Plenary: Back to the Future / E. Weinrib
S. Smith: président
10:00-10:25 / Break
10:25-12:10 / Panel: The Place of the Law Faculty in the University of the Future / S. Toope: Thinking, Doing, Being: What Do We Mean by ‘Practicing’ Law?
S. Van Praagh: Teaching Law: “Historian and Prophet All in One”
H. Dagan: Law as an Academic Discipline
M. Graziadei: commentator
M. Moran: présidente
12:10-13:25 / Lunch
Friday afternoon block
13:25-15:10 / Parallel panels 1
1A Transnational law of commercial contracts
1B Juridification of CSR and the institutionalization of human rights responsibilities of the business sector
1C Mixity and hybridity in the classroom and the courtroom
15:10-15:35 / Break
15:35-16:40 / Round table; rapporteurs; questions
16:40-17:30 / Plenary: Market Totalitarianism: Thinking Through Legal Technique / A. Riles: speaker
R. Provost: président
Parallel panels 1, Friday afternoon
Code / Panel title / Speakers
1A / Transnational law of commercial contracts / G. Saumier: The Designation of Non-State Law as Lex Contractus in International Dispute Resolution
R. Wai: Already Transnational Private Law
R. Michaels: Rethinking the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts
G. Bermann: commentator
F. Gélinas: président
1B / Juridification of CSR and the institutionalization of human rights responsibilities of the business sector / K. Buhmann: Applying discourse analysis to the development of the ‘UN Framework’: Prospects for legal theory and teaching law-making processes
C. Ryngaert: Exploring the potential of transnational private regulation in the field of business and human rights
M. Footer: Locating the nexus of human rights and CSR in informal international law and policy-making: the challenge of complex transnational regulating and governance
R. Janda: président
1C / Mixity and hybridity in the classroom and the courtroom / M. Bailey: One Family Law?
S. Donlan: Back to the Future? Stateless Law, the State of the Law Schools and Comparative Legal History
R. Jukier: The Impact of Stateless Law on Legal Pedagogy
L. Langevin: Civil Liability : Getting out of Law and Getting out of Civil Law
M. Devinat: président
Day 2: Saturday 29 September 2012
Saturday morning block08:45-9:55 / Parallel panels 2
2A Making Room for the State in Legal Pluralism: The Future of a Paradigm?
2B The Production of Stateless Law
9:55-10:20 / Break
10:20-12:00 / Parallel panels 3
3A En-Acting Stateless Law: Teaching, Learning, Performing beyond the State
3B (Re)Charting the State: Borders, Rights and Governance
3C Rethinking Law and Economics in the Wake of the Global Financial Crisis
12:00-13:15 / Lunch
Saturday afternoon block
13:15-15:00 / Panel: The future of law’s relationship with other disciplines / M. Bódig: Doctrinal Knowledge, Legal Doctrinal Scholarship and Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Law - Reassessing the Realist Legacy in the Age of Globalization
M. Cumyn: La structure d’un ordre juridique sans État
L. Assier-Andrieu: Un inceste fécond: la relation du droit et des sciences sociales
N. Kasirer: commentator
P. Zumbansen: président
15:00-15:20 / Break
15:20-16:10 / Plenary: Against Legal Pluralism / J. Gardner: speaker N. Hazan: président
16:10-17:10 / Round table, rapporteurs, questions / H. Dedek: président
17:10-17:30 / Mot de synthèse / D. Jutras
Parallel panels 2 & 3, Saturday morning
2A / Making Room for the State in Legal Pluralism: The Future of a Paradigm? / F. Makela: A Conceptual Vocabulary for Discussing Internormative Apperception
M. St.-Hilaire: L’étude de la pluralité juridique hors le «pluralisme juridique » : L’avenir de la discipline ?
D. McKee: Legal Pluralism and Globalization’s Background Rules
H. Kong: président
2B / The Production of Stateless Law / J. d’Aspremont/L. van den Herik: The pluralization of the modes of production and dissemination of knowledge about (international) law
J. Ellis: Interdisciplinarity and law’s autonomy
R. Buchanan: présidente
3A / En-Acting Stateless Law: Teaching, Learning, Performing beyond the State / G. Painter: Struggles towards a Non-State Justice
M. Antaki: Teaching Stateless Law
V. Forray: « Qu’est ce qu’une “faculté de droit”? – De la philosophie au droit»
F. Zenati-Castaing: «Non ratione imperii, sed imperio rationis»
M.-C. Ricgaud: présidente
3B / (Re)Charting the State: Borders, Rights and Governance / A. Ahmed: The Emergence of Identity Politics in International Law and Development
E. Arbel: Bordering the Nation: Examining Canada’s “Multiple Borders Strategy”
O. Aronson: Border Disputes: Negotiating the Boundaries of State Power under Jurisdictional Pluralism
U. Khan: You’ve been a very bad boy: Legal & Quasi-Legal Social Control Strategies of Sex Trade Clients
H. Shamir: présidente
3C / Rethinking Law and Economics in the Wake of the Global Financial Crisis / D. Driesen: The Economic Dynamics of Law: An Introduction
R. Hockett: Retrieving Keynes: A Proposal for Systemic Risk Reduction
J. Hackney: A History of Corporate Finance Theory, Economic Dynamics, and the Financial Crisis
A. Bjorklund, présidente