Account Debtor:Account Creditor:
NYHYTTAN 723In care of: General delivery
SE-713 94 NORANora [near SE-713 01]
SWEDENSwedenRepublic© in AdamahRepublic©
Statement of Account
Non-Negotiable – Private Between the Parties
Day Invoice sent:5822-06-03± [August9, 2005]
Invoice #: GAS-5822060301-NFA-GAS
Payment due on: 5822-06-14± [August 20, 2005]
In accordance with notice and terms contained within that certain private, consensual contract by and between Account Debtor NYHYTTANS FASTIGHETS AB and Account Creditor Gunnar Anders Smårs Jr©, i.e. "Notice by Written Communication / Security Agreement NO. GAS-5820060301-NFA-GAS" dated 5820-06-03 [September 1, 2003,]received on 5820-06-03 [“2003-09-01 14:00:41”] by Posten Sverige AB, Postcenter Nora (761331) [ID. 20030901-76133115/171] for NYHYTTANS FASTIGHETS AB and [once again] on 5821-05-30± [August 17, 2004] by NYHYTTANS FASTIGHETS AB,NYHYTTAN 723, SE-713 94 NORA, SWEDENand executed[1] by NYHYTTANS FASTIGHETS AB on or before 5821-06-14±[i.e. on or before the day labeled“2004-09-29”(i.e. upon the attachedwritten communication entitled “Kronofogdemyndigheten BEVIS,”)] an accounting of unauthorized-use fees incurred by NYHYTTANS FASTIGHETS AB, current[2] as of the date of this Invoice, re NYHYTTANS FASTIGHETS AB’S use of Account Creditor's private, common-law copyrighted property, is set forth as follows:
Principal Amount Unauthorized-Use Locator Occurrences of Use Extended Amount
100,000.00 silver dollarsWritten communication[3] dated “2004-11-11”, identified
”U nr” ”U 16243-04,” and ”Smårs, Anders Gunnar,”
and signed ”L Sjöholm” [Larsuno Sjöholm]
for ”Kronofogdemyndigheten” and
for ”Sökande” “Nyhyttans Fastighets AB, Nora:”
Using 500303-9335© 1 100,000.00
Using “Smårs, Anders Gunnar” 1 100,000.00
Grand Total: 200,000.00 silver dollars
The total amount of this Invoice is Two Hundred Thousand silver dollars (200,000.00 silver dollars[Each silver dollar weighing 412.5 grains or 26.730 grams of silver .900 fine] or an equivalent value in gold coin). This amount is now due and owing. Payment in full is herewith demanded.
Remit unto:
Gunnar Anders Smars Jr©
In care of: General delivery
Nora [near SE-713 01]
SwedenRepublic© in AdamahRepublic©
This Invoice is dated on the Third Day of the Sixth Moon in the Year of Our Creator five thousand eight hundred Twenty-two, more or less [2005-08-09.]
The Undersigned, Gunnar Anders Smårs Jr©, does herewith confirm that the Undersigned has examined this Invoice and any accompanying schedules, statements, and documents and that, in accordance with the best of the Undersigned's knowledge and belief, this statement of account is true, correct, and complete. This invoice out of Gunnar Anders Smårs Jr© is based on all information of which Gunnar Anders Smårs Jr© has any knowledge.
Without prejudice. All Rights Reserved.
Gunnar Anders Smårs Jr©
Witnessed by:
Ulla-Britt Gustavsson Lena Karlsson .
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[1]Said Security Agreement was executed, by the unauthorized use of the common-law copyrighted trade-name/trade-mark ANDERS GUNNAR SMÅRS JR©, when NYHYTTANS FASTIGHETS AB initiated, and then continued building upon, the acts associated with the written communication specified within under the heading “Unauthorized-Use Locator.” [Notice that, although the Undersigned may be a temporary visitor upon premises rented or purchased by other entities from NYHYTTANS FASTIGHETS AB, the Undersigned has never been, and is not, a resident, or a renter, of any property ever owned by NYHYTTANS FASTIGHETS AB. Obviously the acts leading up to said written communication are acts based upon a case of mistaken identity and are as such, by their very nature, unlawful.]
[2] This invoice is limited by that unauthorized use, by NYHYTTANS FASTIGHETS AB, of the common-law copyrighted trade-name/trade-mark ANDERS GUNNAR SMÅRS JR©, of which the Undersigned has received proof.
[3] Certified Copy attached.