Sustainability Planning Worksheet
Tips for sustainability planning and a guide to filling in this worksheet are available on theSustainability webpage.
1.1 Keep key parts of the project going (as is or a modified version), e.g., services, staff salaries, training, infrastructure, data collection, evaluation, continuous quality improvement (CQI), and fidelity monitoring. / 1.1 example—Sustain key services. / 1.1 example—The project director and sustainability planning team will work with partners to identify key components of services that must be sustained to meet needs and improve outcomes by [date].
1.2. Integrate key project activities into your ongoing practices, institutionalizing necessary program strategies and activities into organizational policy and infrastructure. / 1.2 example—We will Integrate project training intoour agency’s on-going training curriculum. / 1.2 example—The project director will meet with these decision-makers [names] by [date] to propose this integration.
1.3. Embed key elements of the project in the broader system. / 1.3 example—We will embed intervention fidelity monitoring intoour organization’s on-going CQI system. / 1.3 example—The project director will meet with thesedecision-makers [names] by [date] to propose this embedding.
1.4. Expand the project and take it to scale, e.g., to serve more people, replicate in other communities, and to expand statewide or nationally. / 1.4 example – We will expand key parts of project to 5 more counties in our state. / 1.4 example – The project director will work with [names of state leaders] to identify 5 counties that are good candidates for expansion by [date].
1.5. Leave a legacy of knowledge, e.g., replication manual, that can be used by others who wish to replicate your project or implement something similar. / 1.5example – We will develop a replication manual. / 1.5 example – The project director will work with key partners to identify content, roles, responsibilities, and timeline for developing replication manual by [date].
2. WHY sustain the project? Why do you believe part or all of your project should be sustained? / Your best response to this question at this point / Next steps to draft, update, and implement the plan: Who will perform each task? When?
2.1. What are early indicators that program elements should or should not be sustained? / 2.1 example—Provide anecdotal evidence that our services are meeting needs and improving outcomes. / 2.1 example—The project director and sustainability planning team will work with partners to confirm sources of solid evidence of outcomes by [date].
2.2. When will you knowfor sure? How will you know? / 2.2 example – As data is collected and analyzed it will become increasingly clear. When project has ended and all data are analyzed, we’ll know for sure. / 2.2 example –The project director will work with evaluator and other key partners to identify timeline, indicators, and key decision points by [date].
2.3. How will you assess and gather evidence to identify the particular strategies and key components that should or should not be sustained? / 2.3 example – We will conduct a rigorous process and outcome evaluation. / 2.3 example – The project director will work with evaluator and other key partners to revisit and revise evaluation plan, as needed, by [date].
2.4. Are there other sources of evidence for sustainment, e.g., cross-cluster findings or findings from other similar initiatives? What are they and how will you gain access to and use this evidence to build your case and inform your sustainment plan? / 2.4 example – We will identify other sources of evidence for sustainment. / 2.4 example – The project director will work with evaluator to assess other sources of evidence and identify the ones that will help make the case for sustainment of this project by [date].
3. HOW do you plan to sustain your project? / Your best response to this question at this point / Next steps to draft, update, and implement the plan: Who will perform each task? When?
3.1. What changes will be requiredto sustain program benefits? What systems, legislation, policy, procedures, training, and funding sources would need to change? When are the barriers to these changes happening? What are the opportunities, e.g., how do your sustainment goals fit with other current systems change initiatives? / 3.1 example – We need to identify changes to systems, etc., that are needed, the barriers to making these changes, and how they changes can be folded into current systems change initiatives in our state. / 3.1 example – The project director and sustainability planning team will complete this task and report back to the advisory committee by [date].
3.2. How much will it cost to sustain key program elements? What are the costs of not doing so? If you don’t know, how can you find out? What are potential funding sources? How will you secure funding and other resources that will be needed to sustain program benefits? / 3.2 example – We need to identify costs and resources. / 3.2 example – The project director will work with evaluator to identify costs and with the advisory committee to identify resources by [date].
4. WHO can help? Can you succeed by your efforts alone or will you need help? / Your best response to this question at this point / Next steps to draft, update, and implement the plan: Who will perform each task? When?
4.1. Who are the key individuals and organizations whose support will be required? / 4.1 example – List key individuals and organizations / 4.1 example – The project director and sustainability planning team will work with advisory board to identify additional individuals and organizations whose support will be required by [date].
4.2. How and when should you engage partners to develop and implement your sustainability plan? / 4.2 example – Early and often. / 4.2 example – The project director will work with advisory board to establish a timeline and action steps for engagement by [date]
4.3. What support is needed from each of them? / 4.3 example – We need to work on this. / 4.3 example - The project director will work with advisory board to specify what kinds of support are needed from which individuals and organizations by [date].
4.4. What evidence would convince them that they should provide this support? / 4.4 example – We need to work on this / 4.4 example - The project director engage with identified individuals and organizations to learn what questions they have and what evidence they would find compelling by [date].
4.5. How will you maintain the involvement of key project partners on an ongoing basis in the planning and operation of your program as well as during and after the grant project? / 4.5 example – We need to work on this. / 4.5 example – The project director will engage with key partners to identify on-going needs and secure on-going commitment by [date].
5. TRANSITION—If there are parts of your project that will NOT be sustained, how will you manage the transition? / Your best response to this question at this point / Next steps to draft, update, and implement the plan: Who will perform each task? When?
5.1. Which parts will NOT be sustained? Why? / 5.1 example – We do not plan to continue funding the dedicated project director position. / 5.1 example – The project director and sustainability planning team will work with the project team to establish a plan for transitioning her responsibilities to [name] by [date].
5.2. Who needs to know? How will you tell them? When? / 5.2 example – The project director. / 5.2 example – Project team will discuss this with project director by [date].
5.3. How will you manage this transition to minimize negative impacts on service recipients, your organization and staff, and your partners? / 5.3 example – Develop and implement a transition plan and be transparent about it. / 5.3 example – Project director will implement transition plan and communicate it to everyone who needs to know by [date].
6. DISSEMINATION and COMMUNICATION—How can effective dissemination help you achieve your sustainment goals? / Your best response to this question at this point / Next steps to draft, update, and implement the plan: Who will perform each task? When?
6.1. For each sustainment goal, identify howdissemination can helpachieve this goal. Whomshould you target? When? What are the key messages? How do you communicate them most effectively? Who can you partner with? / 6.1 example – We need to work on this. / 6.1 example – Project director and sustainability planning team will work with project staff and advisory board to answer each of these questions by [date].
6.2. Complete Effective Dissemination Worksheetfor Children’s Bureau Discretionary Grant Planning / 6.2 example – We need to do this. / 6.2 example – Project director and sustainability planning team will complete this worksheet by [date].