EURES Scheldemond 2015
One of the partnership’s activities was the development of innovative service delivery mechanisms for jobseekers and employers, such as online speed-dates, where employers and employees from across the border can have a first acquaintance without the hassle of travelling.'
Call identification number:VP/2014/011Project January 2015-31 December 2015
Grant identification number:VS/2015/0082 / EU contribution in euros:152 091.73Policy area:Free movement of workers
Policy sub-area:EURES
Implementing/Participating countries:BeLgium, the Netherlands / Target groupsi Jobseekers, workers, employers and pubLic empLoyment services (PES).
The partnership aimed to help the PES in the FLanders- NetherLands border region to join forces with EURES and non-EURES actors in providing services and the development of a coherent approach towards the specific needs of the cross-border labour market. Specific objectives included the following:
•Information and advice for cross-border workers, jobseekers and employers via traditional and online media;
•maintenance of a platform for regular employment brokerage services and other activities aimed at linking supply and demand based on the needs of the labour market;
•building partnerships and networks with stakeholders in the field of cross-border work, and developing an integrated service;
•improving the monitoring and transparency of employment in the cross-border context.
Results and impacts
Most of the planned activities of the project were successfully implemented. The EURES advisers contributed to the strengthening of the labour market position of cross-border workers, the improvement of the cross-border labour market based on the principle of ‘fair mobility,' and the improvement of cooperation in the cross-border region. The cornerstone activities of the EURES Scheldemond is the matching, placement and recruitment support services, including front and back office and online information and advice. The job fairs organised during the project duration were widely attended: the six smaLL-to-medium-scaLe fairs were attended by over 4 500 people, whereas the two major events organised by the project team drew as many as 15 000 interested attendees. The cross-border partnership established by the project helps workers to overcome obstacles related to different Labour and taxation laws, social security and pension schemes, as weLL as the procedures of qualifications recognition. Some four training sessions were organised during the project for over 100 practitioners. Generally, the project has increased opportunities for workers and empLoyers in the extended labour market.
Lessons learned
The project revealed that directing employers and jobseekers towards seLf-service e-moduLes is not effective for attaining objective resuLts of activities. The tracking of matching and placements in a cross-border context remains a challenge. Moreover, the partnership allowed its partners to strengthen their expertise in cross-border provision of job-reLated information for empLoyers and jobseekers, pLacement and recruitment.
Transnational dimension
The project strengthened the collaboration between the organisations providing empLoyment services in the FLanders- Netherlands border region, especially on issues related to the effective provision of information and advice on cross-border mobility.
Building cross-border partnerships was one of the objectives of the project. It managed to deveLop a wide-ranging network of partners and partner organisations from both participating countries. Integrated cooperation between the partners was developed by the establishment of the EURES Round-Table platform, and organisation of training sessions, seminars and conferences.
Sustainability of results
EURES Scheldemond activities are continuing: cross-border employment information is provided online, job fairs, info sessions and workshops are being organised. Also, the project has identified specific activities which would improve the platform of cross-border employment brokerage services and the policy evidence that the project aimed to generate.
Dissemination of project results
Project results and the knowledge generated were communicated to PES and the related labour market initiatives in the participating Member States, mostly in round-table meetings, seminars and two conferences which attracted 97 participants. Some of the project's partners were also involved in the preparatory consultations with the Steering Committee of Ministers of Social Affairs of Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Moreover, continually updated information about the network, events and cross-border work in general is provided online on the project's website.
One of the partnership's activities was the development of innovative service delivery mechanisms for jobseekers and employers, such as online speed-dates, where employers and employees from across the border can meet first without the hassle of travelling.
Policy evidence generated
The project's activities involved monitoring labour mobility and exchanging this information between partners. More precisely, statistical labour market data were compiled and harmonised, and analyses of shortages and excesses within the cross-border regional labour markets were conducted, feeding into the prognosis of labour market developments.
European added value
The project significantly contributed to networking activities between organisations providing employment services in Belgium and the Netherlands. It led to further cooperation between organisations involved and thus value added at the European level in increased geographical labour mobility.
Activities implemented
•Information and advice for actual and potential crossborder workers and employers;
•Establishment of contacts with cross-border workers, jobseekers, employers and other relevant service providers in the cross-border region;
•Development of a platform for job matching and placement activities, for EURES and regular recruitment advisers of the involved PES;
•Development and implementation of integrated cross-border services with the authorities responsible for taxation and social security;
•Promotion of the visibility of EURES services via traditional and online media;
•Compilation of statistical data, regional labour market analysis, analysis of shortages and excesses within the cross-border labour market and forecasting labour market developments.
Werken aan perspectief (UWV)
Vlaamse Dienst voor Arbeidsbemiddeling (VDAB);
Kamer van Koophandel Oost-Vlaanderen — VOKA;
I.V.R. Schelde-Kempen;
Provincie Oost-Vlaanderen;
Provincie Zeeland;
Provincie Antwerpen;
Provincie Noord-Brabant.
Project/organisation website