الأمانة العامة
Directory of
Arab Scientists and Technologists Abroad
Conducted by
Network of Arab Scientists and Technologists Abroad
And Association of Arab Universities
Dear Colleague,
It is with pleasure that we write to introduce to you the project for the establishment of an electronic directory (data base) for scientists and technologists of Arab origin who work abroad in advanced industrial countries. This project is being undertaken by the Network of Arab Scientists and Technologists Abroad (ASTA), headquartered in Champaign, Illinois, USA and the Association of Arab Universities (AArU), headquartered in Amman, Jordan.
Our initial research showed that considerable members of Arab scientists, technologists and professionals of Arab origins` now reside abroad. These are dispersed geographically in numerous countries and are engaged in a wide range of research and development fields. It has long been the desire of these human resources to give back to their origins home land. At the same time it has long been the wish of Arab institutions to establish mutually beneficial relationships with these human resources. Unfortunately, the absence of effective mechanisms for locating and communicating with these human resources has limited the scope of efforts to date. So far the effort is spotty and limited to isolated projects.
The purpose of this project is to help create an effective mechanism through which scientists may be contacted by Arab institutions interested in their specific expertise as advisors, consultants, instructors, researchers, participants in and organizers of seminars and conferences, etc., at governmental or private institutions in Arab world or with Arab institutions abroad.
In inviting you to participate in this important effort we solicit your cooperation in completing and returning the on-line form. Some of you has already responded to an earlier form request. For those, the information will be transferred and communicated so they may update it. The present form is an updated and more complete form. It would also be helpful if you were to include a curriculum vitae in the appropriate section of the form.
The identification of Arab scientists of Arab origins residing outside the Arab world is not an easy task. We apologize for the incomplete directory. We have undertaken a major effort, still we depend on you to provide us with the names and addresses of friends and colleagues.
Yours Sincerely,
Dr. Munir H. Nayfeh
Professor of Physics, University of Illinois & President of ASTA
Dr. Saleh Hashem
Secretary General, Association of Arab Universities
Association of Arab Universities
P.O. Box 401 Jubeyha
Amman, Jordan
Telephone: (9626) 534-5131
Fax: (9626) 533-2994
Arab Scientists and Technologists Abroad
1110 W. Green st.
Urbana, IL61801,USA
Champaign, IL61820, USA
Phone1: (217) 333-3774
Phone2: (217) 898-3123
Fax1 : (217) 333-9819
Directory of Arab Scientists and Technologists
Abroad (ASTA)
Conducted by
Network of Arab Scientists and Technologists Abroad
Association of Arab Universities
Family Name First Name:Middle Name:
………………………………. ……………………………..…………………......
Postal Address:
Date of Birth:………………..
Sex: Male Female Month:……………………...
Place of Birth:
Education And Training
List in the table below all collegiate and graduate degrees, excluding honorary degrees, that have been awarded to you
Type of Degree / Granted Month Year / Major Field / Institution Name / City and StateBachelor's
Other (Specify)
Title of Doctoral Dissertation
- ………………………………………………
- ………………………………………………
- ………………………………………………
- ………………………………………………
- ………………………………………………
- ………………………………………………
- Present Employer:
Name of Employer:
- Type of Business performed by employer: (Please describe briefly)
- Type of work you perform: (Please specify as accurately as possible)
During a typical week in your principal job, what percent of working time did you devote to each of the following activities?
….%Management of administration
….%Basic Research
….%Applied research
….% Operations, Production, Commercialization, Technology management
and Finance
Entries should total 100%
Preferable Type Relationship
Please give a brief career history starting with the position prior to your present position and continuing back in the time for a maximum of four positions
Name and Location
(City and State) Position Title Dates Held Primary Work Employment
Of Employment Activity Specify
- …………. ……………. …………..…………….. …………….
- …………. ……………. …………..…………….. …………….
- …………. ……………. …………..…………….. …………….
- …………. ……………. ………….. …………….. …………….
Please check the type of relationships with Arab institutions that you may find acceptable.
Participation in Seminars held in the Arab world
Short-term Consultancies in Arab countries
Long-term Consultancies
Employment in an Arab country
Employment in Arab firm outside Arab world
Preferred periods during year for participation:
Preferred Arab Countries:
- ……………………………………………..
- ……………………………………………..
- ……………………………………………..
- ……………………………………………..
- ……………………………………………..
- ……………………………………………..
Publications and Patents
Please provide a selected bibliographical list of your publication (books, papers, reports) and patents,
- ………………………………………………….
- ………………………………………………….
- ………………………………………………….
- ………………………………………………….
Other Remarks (Curriculum Vitae)