G&T PTO Minutes

September 22, 2015

The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Vreeland at 6:38pm.

In attendance

(Sign-in sheet attached)

Approval of Minutes


Executive Board

Out-Going Executive Board members were introduced.

PresidentCeenali Mohapatra

TreasurerJodi Latore


Membership/Data EntryMillicent Pala

T-Shirt Co-coordinatorMarvelene

Ceenali gave a brief summary of each member’s role in the committee. She further expressed a need for more participation by G&T PTO members.

Mrs. Vreeland concurred and added that there was a need for a forum in order to pass or agree on issues arising pertaining to the G&T body throughout the school year.


Mrs. Vreeland proposed that all available positions be outlined and that a new Executive Board for the 2015-2016 school year be elected.

A motion to elect Mrs. Maria Medina for the role of President was made by Mrs. Azar and seconded by Ritika. Maria Medina was confirmed as the new President.

A motion to nominate Filipa Couto for the role of Treasurer was made by Marvelene and seconded by Jodi Latore. Filipa was confirmed as the new Treasurer.

A motion to nominate Millicent Pala for the role of Secretary was made by Ceenali and seconded by Maria Medina. Millicent was confirmed as the new Secretary.

A motion to nominate Shital and Rakhi for the role and Co- role of Membership and Data entry was made by Ceenali and seconded by Reshmi Neelakandan.

A motion to nominate Marvelene to continue on as T-shirt Co-coordinator was made by Mrs. Vreeland, and seconded by Ceenali.

Executive Staff

There were a number of parents who showed interest in joining the Board, therefore it was agreed that they would serve as Executive Staff.

A Motion to nominate Ritika Garg for the role of Executive staff was made by Ceenali and seconded by Mrs. Vreeland.

Ceenali nominated herself for the role of Executive Staff and was seconded by Rakhi.

Jodi Latore was nominated by Mrs. Vreeland for the role of Executive staff and seconded by Marvelene.

Vijaya Shetty was nominated by Shital and seconded by Mrs. Vreeland.

Mrs. Vreeland advised the out-going treasure to write a resignation letter in order to facilitate a smooth transition.

The new Executive Board members will be sworn-in at the up-coming Open House meeting on 9/29/2015.

There will be a PTO table set-up at the back for new membership and T-Shirt sales.

Elected Executive Board for 2015-1016 school Year

PresidentMaria Medina

TreasurerFilipa Couto

SecretaryMillicent Pala

Membership/Data EntryShital Shah and Rakhi Laddha

T-Shirt Co-coordinatorMarvelene Ralph

Executive StaffRitika Garg

Executive StaffCeenali Mohapatra

Executive StaffJodi Latore

Executive StaffVijaya Shetty


The Budget for the current school year was distributed by Mrs. Vreeland and reviewed by the board and members. All present were in favor of approving the budget as presented.

New Business

Mrs. Vreeland proposed setting up meetings in advance on a quarterly basis.

The first Quarter meetings are as follows:

  1. Open House September 29th2015 at 6pm
  2. Elementary School Poetry Night January 26th2015 at 5:30pm
  3. Elementary Music and CWTA Performance on March 14th 2015 at 5:30pm
  4. June 7th 2015 at 6:30pm

Next Meeting

September 29th 2015 at 6p.m. at AvenelMiddle School.

Motion to adjourn was made at 7:30pm and was passed unanimously.

Minutes Prepared by M.M. Pala