Job Description Format

For companies wishing to offer UTA Marketing students with an opportunity to perform as an intern for their companies, a brief job posting with the following information is helpful to the students. If you produce this information in a Microsoft Word format, you can attach it to an email and send it directly to .

o  Title of the opportunity being offered (Part time job in marketing, full time job in marketing, or internship in marketing, or a combination of these)

·  A paragraph about the company and its background, the industry, and the products/services offered by the company.

·  Qualifications (if required):

o  Educational Qualification.

o  Computer Skills required

o  Other skill sets required

·  Job description / job profile (examples of categories are listed below)

o  Duties / responsibilities

o  Learning opportunities

o  Remuneration( paid or not- if paid, the amount or range of pay)

o  Numbers of hours needed or required and the approximate work schedule

o  The start date and end date (if applicable) of the work

o  Tentative work schedule needed or required (a flexible schedule works best for students)

·  Location

o  Where would the student have to report to work? For students, this is a big item. They need to know how far they have to drive to get to work.

·  Full Contact information, including:

o  The person they are to contact about the opportunity

o  How to send the information to that person (email, phone, fax, or mail)

o  Any deadlines, if applicable.

An example of a job posting is listed below. Any questions should be addressed to Dr. Dan Gossett, Senior Lecturer and Internship Coordinator for the Department of Marketing, The University of Texas- Arlington. Dr. Gossett’s email address is .

Summer and Fall 2006

International and Technology

Business Development Internships


1.  Meet CEOs from the region’s top companies

2.  Gain hands-on experience in leading trends such as biotechnology, foreign direct investment

3.  The opportunity to work at North Texas’ largest chamber of commerce, with over 4,000 business partners and contacts


·  3.0 Overall Grade point average or above

·  3.25 Grade point average in degree courses

·  Ability to work for three months minimum


·  Students with focus on international or technology business, marketing, MIS, non-profit management or languages

·  Bi-lingual (any language) with ability to read and write as well as speak fluently


·  Non-compensated

·  15-20 Hours per week

·  Business attire

·  Parking/transportation on own

Example of Tasks

/ Benefit/Skill Learned
Plan, market and execute monthly international event where a group of approx. 40 business professionals interact with a Consul General, Ambassador or other foreign trade representative / -  Database management
-  Target marketing
-  Logistical event management
-  Increased awareness of international business in the Dallas region
Internet-based research for creation of publication material and marketing materials / -  Increased familiarity with graphic design and technical writing
-  Practical experience with multi-tasking and meeting deadlines
Continued development of both Technology and International databases through relationship building networking events, participation in meetings between Directors and business community and collaboration with affiliated organizations / -  Development of one-on-one interpersonal skills with CEO level executives
-  Focused research on decision makers within region

Please contact 214-712-1930 more information or to schedule a telephone interview for placement.. Check out for more details on our programming and involvement in the business community.