Please keep syllabus in the front of your health binder!

Health and Physical Education 2015-16

Crystal Melton

Malcom Bridge Middle School

Welcome to Health and Physical Education! Health and PE is a required 18 weeks connections course. Below is a general outline of the class. Please see us if you have any questions or concerns. Ilook forward to teaching you this quarter!

Teacher Contact

Coach Crystal Melton


Planning Time: 10:05-11:15

Areas of Study in Health:

The curriculum that will be covered in Health is based on the Georgia Performance Standards. You will study selected topics from the list below based on your grade level. Some of the topics review information you have studied in the past, while others introduce new information.

Personal Health/HygieneMental HealthViolence Prevention

First Aid & SafetyNutritionDisease Prevention

Alcohol, Tobacco & DrugsFamily LifeHuman Sexuality

**Each student will receive a separate letter regarding the Sexuality Education Program that will be covered in Health.

Areas of Study in Physical Education

FitnessgramGolfSpeedballTeam Handball

Ultimate FrisbeeVolleyballSoccerBadminton

Team GamesDance AerobicsBasketballWhiffleball/Softball

Physical Education Objectives

Personal Fitness: The student will apply the knowledge, skills, and concepts of physical fitness to develop and maintain an active healthy lifestyle. (GPS PE Standards 8.1, 7.1, 6.1, 8.2, 7.2, 6.2)

Social and Safety Skills: The student will demonstrate appropriate individual and group behaviors while following class rules and safety procedures. (GPS PE Standards 8.5, 7.5, 6.5)

Lifetime Activities:The student will learn and practice physical activity skills for lifetime fitness and fun.

(GPS PE Standards 8.4, 7.4, 6.4, 8.3, 7.3, 6.3)

Healthy Living:The student will apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes for developing and maintaining a self-directed healthy lifestyle.(GPS PE Standards 8.6, 7.6, 6.6)

Grading Scale:

30% Participation/Effort(dressed out, completes exercises,demonstrates involvement)formative

25% Health Assignments and Projects (activities, journals, articles for health portion)summative

25% Fitness Activities (based on Fitnessgram activities throughout the quarter)summative

20% Quizzes**(written/skills tests throughout the semester)summative

**All re-testing opportunities will be allowed through the MBMS retesting policy procedures

Make Up Work/ Additional Help/ Late Work:

Please see the “Absent Student” notebook regarding information about assignments that you miss while absent in health. Late work will count 10 points off for each day it is late.

Dress Out RequirementsGPS PE Standards 8.5, 7.5, 6.5

Dressing out is important for good hygiene, performance and safety. Dressing appropriately for physical activity is an important lifetimehabit. Dressing out ismandatory and consists of correctly worn athletic shoes, socks, t-shirt and athletic shorts. Students are not allowed to chew gum or wear jewelry (exception of stud earrings and close fitting rings), hats or sunglasses in class. Shoes must be tied snuggly for active movement.

1st Dress Cut / Warning
2ndDress Cut / Loss of Participation Pts
3rdDress Cut / Loss of Participation Pts; step
4thDress Cut / Loss of Participation Pts; Referral


Each student will be issued a locker and needs to purchase a lock. It is the responsibility of the student for keeping the lock locked on the locker, securing all valuables and keeping the combination confidential.

Illness and Injury

When a student is unable to participate, students MUST have a written note signed by a parent per day of non-participation. If the illness or injury exceeds three days of non-participation a doctor’s note is required. A note excusing you from participation does not excuse you from dressing out. The teacher will assign appropriate activities.

Discipline and Behavior Management

MBMS will utilize a Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support (PBIS) System that consists of School-wide expectations and rules used to teach students appropriate behavior. These appropriate behaviors will be acknowledged through our Lightning Buck system. Effective consequences will be administered to discourage inappropriate behavior. Consistent discipline referral procedures will be used throughout the school through a Step System that includes parent contact and teacher detention. Discipline data will be used to track the progress and identify areas to target for intervention.

Physical Education Behavior & Safety

Students are taught respect for others, themselves, and equipment throughout all health and fitness units. It is the responsibility of the student to demonstrate responsible and self-directed behavior during all activities and adhere to the following safety expectations:

  1. No one has the right to interfere with the learning, safety, or well being of others

Automatic referrals or punches are as follows for PE:

Malicious Horseplay, improper use of equipment that may or does result in the injury of themselves or others, non-compliance to instruction/directions that is critical to the safety of the student or others, 3rd Dress Cut per quarter

  1. Students are expected to participate safely and responsibly in all PE activities.
  2. Equipment is issued and used under the direction of the PE teacher and is to be used in a safe and proper manner.
  3. Report all injuries or safety concerns to a PE teacher.

Parent/Guardian/Student Communication

We have read and understand the student expectations/procedures for MBMS Health and Physical Education.

Teacher:Coach Melton

Period # ______

Parent Signature: ______Date______

Print Signature: ______

Student Signature ______Date______

Print Signature ______

PLEASE LIST ANY HEALTH CONCERNS that may limit physical activity: (allergies, asthma, diabetes, etc….)