TO: People who do business with Harsens Islanders
DATE: April 23, 2010
The ad deadline for the Memorial Day edition is just one month away! Oh, how the years go by!
I am keeping the ad prices the same AGAIN... knowing that everything from real estate to retail is still struggling. There are 15 weeks in this years FLYER season, beginning on Friday, May 28 (Memorial Weekend), with the 4th of July edition distributed on Friday, July 2, ending on Fri-Sat, September 3-4 (Labor Day). There is a 10% discounted rate available for those who pay upfront, in full, for the entire season.
I have already clipped many articles from the eventful winter, and received many calls from new advertisers. For such a little island, there is no lack of things to write about or folks wanting to advertise. The people of HarsensIsland look forward to (and many even depend on) the FLYER for news, service and business information. For those of you who are receiving this letter for the first time, we print and distribute an average of 1500 papers, free of charge, to the residents and visitors of HarsensIsland as they pull on the ferry each weekend of the summer. PLUS the FLYER is available for pick-up at many of the local businesses that advertise in the FLYER. On the three holiday weekends, an average of 2500 copies of the FLYER are printed and distributed. Below, I've listed the pertinent information about ad sizes, prices, dates and rules. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
- The 1st issue is distributed on Fri. & Sat. of Memorial Day Weekend (May 28-29)
- There is a 10% discount to those who submit their ad & full season payment by Mon. May 17.
- The absolute, final ad/$ deadline for anyone wishing to advertise in the first holiday issue is
5pm., Sun, May 23.
- All ad payments must be received BEFORE an ad can be run. You can mail your payments
(info below) or drop off your payments at Sans Souci Market.
- Ads can be mailed, emailed () or dropped offat SansSouci Mkt.
- Typesetting is available through our printer PDQ at #586-725-1888 or
Prices vary depending on size/amt of detail/ graphics involved. Talk to Tom or Joan forinfo.
NOTE: You are purchasing the space. You are totally free to change your ad copy every week, provided you turn it in to Sans Souci Mkt or e-mail me directly no later than the Sunday before @5pm. If you email your ad/photo directly to PDQ, there is a $5 charge for their computer time.Ad prices for the 2010 Flyer Season:
Business Card Size (3 3/4" x 2")1/2 Business Card Size (3 3/4" x 1")
one week: $31one week: $20
holidays: $41holidays: $28
3+ consecutive weeks: $26/wk3+ consecutive weeks: $13.50
full season (15 wks.): $390full season (15 wks): $202.50
less 10% if pd by 5/11/08: $351less 10% if pd by 5/11/08: $182.25
1/4 Page (4" x 5")1/2 Page (8" x 5")
one week: $62one week: $80
holidays: $85holidays: $110
3+ consecutive weeks: $50wk3+ consecutive weeks: $77
full season (15 wks): $750full season (15 wks): $1155
less 10% if pd by 5/11/08: $675less 10% if pd by 5/11/08: $1039.50
Full Page (8 1/2" x 11"): 1 wk: $130; holidays: $165; 3+ wks: $112/wk; full $1680; w/disc. prepd. $1512.
Classified Ads: (1-10 words $5); (11-25 words $7); (26-40 words $8)
Non-commercial/non-profit organizations receive a substantial discount for their advertisements:
Political Organizations: less 30% Community Organizations: less 60%
Please direct all inquiries and correspondence to:
Current address:THERESA KUKAWKAfrom June 17 – Labor Day contact me:
603 N. 6th Street8024 Middle Channel
St. Clair, MI48079 Harsens Island, MI 48028
(810) 329-2549(810) 748-9528
* All ad’s appear in the FLYER in the form they are submitted (unless you pay for additional typesetting)
* NO INSERTS allowed. Full page ad’s can be purchased and will be printed as part of the FLYER.