Data standards and eCommerce– Superannuation funds
SuperStream G2B contributionsv2.0 production readiness notification
CHECKLIST / G2b readiness notification / May 2017 / UNCLASSIFIED
format / DOCUMENT / ISSUE Date / Classification

Superfund trustees should use this form to notify the ATO that their systems and business processes to support government-to-business (G2B)(i.e.government to fund) contributions have been established, tested and areconfirmed as ready for production cutover.

This form may be completed by a person or entity with formal authority to act on behalf of the superannuation fund– authorised administrator or intermediary where this is part of their agreed business practice. Note the obligation to implement SuperStream remains with the fund trustee.

You should submit this form only when the fund has confirmed their readiness to cutover to production. It is the fund’s decision to determine their readiness to cutover. Aspects to consider in this decision include:

  • sufficient testing has been conducted to allow self-certification of production systems and operational processes
  • there is a lead time of 10 business days to update the certification details on the Fund Validation Service before it becomes effective
  • once a Unique Superannuation Identifier (USI) has an activeGCON2.0-X certification value, that USI will receive all government contributions and recovery requests in the SuperStream data standard.

Funds can submit this G2B contributions v2.0 readiness notification from 1 May 2017.


  1. Please review and complete the checklist below, noting the specific fund(s) and USI(s) the form is being submitted for. The number of USIs you choose to test will depend on the different registry system(s) being utilised by the fund.
  2. Ensure the relevant person within the fund or trusteewith responsibility and accountability to implement G2B contributionsv2.0has provided approval of your response. Refer to the explanatory notes at the end of this form.
  3. Once you have completed a response for each question please save a copy of the completed checklist for your records and send a copy to .

Fund name(s) and ABN(s): / USI(s) ready for production cutover:
(Attach separate spreadsheet if required)
Person completing the form:
Contact number:
Activity / Completed – Y/N
  1. Integration testing**has been completed or you have received advice from your solution provider that they are satisfied that integration between solutions is satisfactory and does not require additional testing.
The type of integration testing required will depend on the type of message exchange solution implemented between the fund and solution provider(s).
  1. Business readiness check
Confirmation that necessary business processes, production environments and personnel are in place to support receipt and processing of government (G2B) contributions payments, including:
  • operating and support processes and procedures, including necessary recovery processes
  • operational and support personnel training or guidance
  • outsourced partnering arrangements for data processing and/or money handling.

  1. Confirmation OR approval of responses**
Where applicable, approval has been received from the fund or trustee.
Where the administrator is completing this form, and it is part of their agreed business process to act on behalf of the trustee, they can sign this form but should ensure the trustee is copied into their response back to the ATO.
  1. Certification details on FVS have been updated
Once the fund has confirmedtheir readiness to cutover to productionthey can arrange for the certification details on Fund Validation Service to be changed to GCON2.0-X.
Further details about how to update the Fund Validation Service can be found in theFVS user guide (PDF, 959kB).

**Explanatory notes:

When to submit this form / You should submit this formAFTERyou haveconfirmedyour readiness to cutover to production. This means you must be satisfied you have done enough testing to warrant self-certification of production systems and operational processes.
Confirmation of responses (Q3) / Administrators acting on behalf of a trustee and completing this form as part of their agreed business practice do not need to seek additional approval of their responses but should carbon copy the trustee on the responses and checklist sent to the ATO on their behalf.
Integration testing / Integration testing describes testing the exchange of messages and/or payloads between funds and their solution provider(s).
Integration testing between funds and their gateway solution provider(s) may not be required for contributions as it may have already been established for rollovers v2.0.