Sara Steinweiss

Technology Development & Instruction

Final Project – Spring 2010 Semester

Lesson Plan

Grade level: 9th Grade Freshman

Class: English

Note: This lesson will take approximately 3-5 class sessions, it depends on student’s ability to use and access computers.

Objective: To have students research on the Web and create a Power Point presentation about their favorite author.

Materials Needed: Access to the library and computer lab for one week in order for students to have access to the use of the Internet and the Power Point program. In addition, access to a laptop and large screen is needed to present my example of a power point presentation.

Handout – Power Point Presentation Project

Aim: To use research obtained about your favorite author to create a power point presentation.

Do Now: Answer the following questions:

  1. What is your favorite genre of literature? 2. Do you tend to read books written by the same author? 3. Who is your favorite author?


  • Allow students 5 minutes to answer the “Do Now” questions. After 5 minutes review their answers.
  • While eliciting answers from students write the names of various authors’ on the board.
  • After an ample list is created, Explain: Today we are going to learn how to research on the internet to find valuable, factual information about the author you have chosen.
  • Instruct: the websites you can you to research are the following,,, and
  • Model: Show students how to accurately research by using the advanced search and narrowing down the amounts of words used in a search
  • Instruct: Take time to research and gather information about the author you have chosen.
  • After student’s gather information it is time to show them how to create a Power Point Presentation
  • Model: Show students the Power Point Presentation about S.E. Hinton as an example of what is expected of them. Explain the Handout – Power Point Presentation Project
  • Title Slide 1
  • Your author’s Name – Title
  • Presented by – Your Name
  • Title Slide 2 – Early Life

On this slide use a bulleted list. Include information about your author’s early life for example:

  • When and where he/she was born
  • What they accomplished
  • What was the first book they wrote
  • Etc….
  • Title Slide 3 – Other Interesting Facts

Be creative! Include interesting facts about your chosen author!

  • Title Slide 4 – Some of your Author’s Great Books.

Use a bulleted list of pieces of literature your author wrote

  • Title Slide 5 – Include a picture of your chosen author
  • Allow students three class session to create their power point presentations.

Homework Assignment:

Each night this week research and create ideas that you would like to include in your presentation. Each day you will present your ideas as I come around to check your progress. In addition, write down any questions you may have about creating a power point or advancing your research.

Summary/Assessment: At the end of the week have the students present their presentations to the class.