Individual study plan
prepared (datum/date) / Revision (date)New / Monitoring and revision
Previous revision (date)
1. Ph.D. student
Family name / Given name / Swedish social security number
Address / City / Email
2. Intended degree
PhD / Licentiate degree
3. General information
Department / Unit, section
Field of study / Subject of dissertation, preliminary title
General study plan attached / Research plan attached
Date for admission / Prel date for dissertation
Date for half-time control
Preliminary date / Completed
At half time doctoral student is tested according to the department's goals for the half-time.
At half time doctoral student is tested against the general study plan for a licentiate degree objectives.
4. Activity rate
Full-time / Part-time / %
5. Supervision
Main supervisor, name, title and university / Supervisor training, time and place
Planned supervision, fequency, total time and form
Assistant supervisor, name, title and university / Supervisor training, time and place
Planned supervision, fequency, total time and form
6. Research training[1]
A Courses
(HT / VT, year) / Course / Contents / Credits / Completed
Total credits
B. Dissertation work (summary)
(HT / VT, year)/ / Description / Completed
C. Conferences, presentations and proposals
(HT / VT, year) / Description / Completed
D. Other research training
(HT / VT, year) / Description / Completed
7. Financing
Financing plan attached
Financing plan described below
Adopted before 140701, 80% research, 20% teaching. Total time 4 years and 9.6 months
Adopted after 140701, 90% research, 10% teaching. Total time 4 years and 4.8 months.
8. Yearly follow-up
Comments on supervision, adaptations in the study plan, other factors influencing the research training, activity rate, etc.
Prel date for next follow-up
9. Additional notes and comments
Additional notes and comments
10. Signatures
The plan shall be adopted after consultation with the doctoral student and his or her main supervisor.
After consultation
Date / PhD-student / Date / Main supervisor
After consultation
Date / Assistant supervisor / Date / Assistant supervisor
Date / Head of department
/ 5 (5)
1. General syllabus / Attached to the establishment of ISP2. Research Plan / If the research proposal is attached in the preparation of the ISP, any revisions are attached even at follow-up
3. Current excerpt from Ladok / Attached at follow-up
4. Financing plan / Attached at the establishment of the ISP. Approved by the head of department
5. The supervisor's follow-up of PhD degree goals / Attached at follow-up
[1] Att koppla aktivitet till examensmål åligger handledaren och ska vid ISP-uppföljning göras i bilagan ”Handledarens ISP-uppföljning relativt högskoleförordningens examensmål”.