9th September 2010 / AGENDA ITEM 8
1.0Matter for consideration
1.1The Area Panel is asked to consider the key issues and priorities within its boundaries that have been identified by local residents and partner organisations.
2.1To agree a theme for the next Forum meeting and develop a work plan of themed single-issue topics.
3.1The Area Forum meetings are open for all residents who live within the boundary of the Forum and, at the discretion of the Panel, open to neighbouring residents that are affected by an issue being considered by the Forum.
3.2Whilst striving to be consistent in terms of how the Forums operate, each Forum meeting will have an opportunity to adopt its own theme/style, which reflects issues important to the community.
3.3To assist with the identification of a ‘theme’ for the Forum meeting and to develop a work plan for the Area Panel, it suggested that the Panel consider information from a variety of sources including:
ISSUES FEEDBACKCouncillors / Will have the opportunity to raise any key ward/ constituency issues they have come across since the last meeting.
Community Members / Will have the opportunity to raise any key community related issues they are aware of.
Community Partners / Will have the opportunity to raise any key issues that the organisation they represent is aware of in the Panel area, or update on the work of that organisation in the area.
Police / Will have an opportunity to report on any key police incidents, or statistical information (e.g. crime etc) in relation to the Panel's area or individual wards.
Reassurance Plus / Will have an opportunity to report on the Reassurance Plus initiatives in the Panel’s area.
Fire / Will have an opportunity to report on any key fire related incidents, or statistical information in relation to the Panel's area or individual wards.
NHS Blackpool / Will have an opportunity to report on the work of NHS Blackpool in the Panel's area, or an update on previous health initiatives. Supporting statistical information for the area can also be reported.
Council Services report / A representative from relevant Council services (e.g. Street Scene, Traffic and Transportation) will report on key traffic and highway issues relevant to the Panel's area.
The Lead Officer’s report / The Lead Officer will report back on the outstanding Forum issues following on from the last meeting of the Forum.
3.4Upon agreement of the ‘theme’ for the Forum, the Area Panel should give consideration to:
- Suggestions for an appropriate venue within the Community
- Which services / officers / partners could be invited to present / lead discussions at the Forum?
- Which parts / groups within the community does the issue affect, including neighbouring Area Panel areas
3.5On agreement of a theme and the issues at paragraph 3.4 above, the Chairman, Lead Officer, Democratic Services Officer and appropriate selected representatives will hold a planning meeting to agree a detailed format for the event. The next Parklands Area Forum has been scheduled for 31st January 2011.
3.6The following two requests to have a stall at the next meeting of the Forum have also been submitted:
- Blackpool LINk to attend the Forum to promote awareness (information stand).
- Grow Blackpool (information stand).
- National Census of Population (information stand). A report is attached at Appendix 8 (c) for information
4.0Financial considerations
5.0Legal considerations
Relevant officer:
Georgina Atkinson, Senior Democratic Services Adviser
Tel: (01253) 477164, email:
John Blackledge, Assistant Director, Leisure Services
Tel: (01253) 478430, e-mail:
Appendices attached:
Appendix 8 (a) - Area Forum Report, July 2010
Appendix 8 (b) - National Census Report
Appendix 8 (c) - Fire Report for Parklands Area Panel
Appendix 8 (d) – NHS Blackpool Report
Background papers:
Websites and e-mail links for further information: