Apls Course Dates and Venues

Please note this document is updated on a daily basis, please download from the website on the day you intend to apply.
NB – to access the link, please hold down your CTRL key and click on the appropriate link.
For those centres who do not advertise their dates via ALSG, we have included an alphabetical listing at the end of the document with an email link.
The POET course is a 3-day course comprising 1-day of on-line learning (VLE) and a 2-day face-to-face course. You MUST complete the VLE before you attend, so book early and remember that you need at least 10 hours to complete it. When you click on the link, the form is emailed to the co-ordinator at the centre of your choice. /
Course Date / Model / Location / Course Centre / Candidate Application Form:
To apply for a course place / Instructor Application Form:
To offer to teach /
2015 Dates
16-17 July 2015 / VLE + F2F / Manchester / ALSG Manchester / Apply to centre – click here / Instructor – click here to teach
Please note this document is updated on a daily basis, please download from the website on the day you intend to apply.
NB – to access the link, please hold down your CTRL key and click on the appropriate link.
For those centres who do not advertise their dates via ALSG, we have included an alphabetical listing below.
The POET course is a 3-day course comprising 1-day of on-line learning (VLE) and a 2-day face-to-face course. You MUST complete the VLE before you attend, so book early and remember that you need at least 10 hours to complete it. /
Location / Model / Centre Contact Email /
Switzerland / VLE + F2F
(French speaking) /