The Health Protection Network’s guidance document (Rabies: Guidance on Prophylaxis and Management in Humans in Scotland) states that the rabies vaccine should be given to those who frequently handle bats in the UK.This document can be downloaded from the Health Protection Scotland website

Where an employer can be identified (e.g. if the handling of bats is as part of an individual’s paid work) the employer is deemed responsible for the payment of the vaccine. Where an employer cannot be identified or if the individual’s involvement with bats is in a voluntary capacity (e.g. a bat carer) the pre-exposure rabies vaccine should be available, free of charge from the NHS. Individuals should approach their GP practice for vaccination, which should provide the vaccine free of charge. Please note that if vaccinated by the GP practice the patient may have to pay a prescription charge if they are required to do so normally.

Following an initial course and one year booster the guidance recommends that bat workers in Scotland should have their antibody titre tested every three years to inform subsequent boosters and furthermore these titre tests should be free of charge (pages 9 12 of the HPS guidance).

Any queries regarding the Bat Conservation Trust policy on rabies vaccination should be directed to the National Bat Helpline on 0345 1300 228 orLaura Brown on 020 7820 7184.

Once the vaccine is administered, which should take place as soon as possible after the request is received, please complete the details below as evidence of the applicant having received the vaccinations.

This is to confirm that ……………………………………...... …………...[name] is in receipt

of the ……………………………………………… vaccine [name of type of rabies vaccine].


Date of 1ST vaccination: ………………….………………….

Date of 2nd vaccination: ……………………………………..

Date of 3rd vaccination: ………………………………..…....


Date of first booster vaccination (1 year after the primary course): …………………………


Date of subsequent 3-5 yearly booster vaccination: …………………………………………


Date of titre test confirming presence of rabies antibodies:.…………………………….……

Signed: ………..………………………………[GP/Nurse/Health professional](delete as appropriate)

Please print name: …………………………………………………………………

Date of signature:……………………………..> OVER

If you are listed, or would like to be listed with the Bat Conservation Trust as a bat carer please send a copy of this form to or Bat Care Coordinator, Bat Conservation Trust, Quadrant House, 250 Kennington Lane, London, SE11 5RD.

In order to protect your right to confidentiality,the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) sets rules for processing personal information. The information we hold about your vaccination status is collected to enable the Bat Conservation Trust to maintain a list of vaccinated people who are able to care for grounded and injured bats.

However, for ease of administration, we may share information about your vaccination status with other relevant and responsible bodies such as the Statutory Nature Conservation Organisations – if you would prefer us not to share your vaccination details please tick this box.

March 2017