Associated Students of Western Nevada
Meeting Minutes for November 4th, 2008
Dini Conference Hall, Carson Campus
Virgil Getto Hall 309, Fallon Campus
- Meeting was called to order at 7:45 A.M.
- Roll Call: Executives present: Andy Pozun, Vanessa Wasilchuk, Nathan Keeley,and Jamee Jackson
Senators present: Leah Burfield, Susan Burns,Cindy Davisson, Brandon Fischmann, Ashlee McGarity, Ashlee Negrete,Paul Roberts, Mercedes Simpson, Jonathan Snook, Dallas Poeand Kelsey Zampirro
Representatives present: Ashley Cruz, Amber Gillenwater and Austin Jones
Advisor: Katie Leao and Christina Hillis
TardyUnexcused: Sarah Kramer, Marlene Purcell, Dallas Poe
Public Comment: Dean Kinkella, Mike Malay, Marge Konieczny, Molly Greenberg, Christina McDonald, Debbie Ingraffia-Strong
- Approval of minutes: Leah moved the motion to approve the 2008-10-28 minutes with amendments. Austin seconded the motion. The motion passes.
- Public Comment: None at this time.
- Executive Reports: Andy: Next week is NACA. Also, if there are any conflicts within the group please see to Katie or myself. Vanessa: Wanted to thank Leah and Sarah for coming out to the Nevada Day Parade. Marlene: The Blood Drive, Family Fall Festival all went well. Just working on getting ready for NACA and upcoming events(Veteran’s Appreciation, Angel Tree, and Giving Tree). Nathan: Nothing to report at this time. Jamee: Nothing to report at this time.
- Advisor’s Report: Katie: I’m back, so contact me about anything. Christina: NACA training is going to be in Fallon on November 11th, 2008. The mandatory meeting will go over the planning for this trip, room assignment, group expectations, group rules, and also go over the group cheers. Next, Nevada Day Parade went great, thank you to Leah and Sarah for coming out from Fallon. Also, timesheets will be due while we are in NACA, so don’t forget to submit them before we leave. The new spreadsheet timesheets will probably start being used for the spring semester and we will have training on how to use them.
- Committee Reports: No committee reports at this time.
- Fallon Angel Tree: Mercedes presented the Fallon Angel Tree to the board. She explained that an Angel Tree is a way for students to get extra help throughout the holiday season by completing an application to possibly receive a gift with a maximum of $20. She is asking for $100 to help cover up to 5 gifts that might not be filled by donations from faculty, staff, and other students. Austin moved the motion for $100 for the Fallon Angel Tree. Ashlee Negrete seconded the motion. The motion passes.
- Mitten Tree: Mercedes presented the Mitten Tree to the board. She explained that the Mitten Tree aka the Giving Tree is a way to collect mittens, gloves, hats, and scarves. On the last day of the event ASWN will donate them to organizations that will distribute the mittens out to the local community. Voting on this item will be done at the next governing board meeting in two weeks.
- NSNA Club Funding Request: Requesting $600 for the mid-year and annual conference. The funds are for the 4 officers to attend the conference. The funds are to be distributed $260 for the mid-year conference and $340 for the annual conference. Sarah moved the motion to approve $600 for the NSNA club to attend the mid-year and annual conferences. Brandon seconded the motion. The motion passes.
- Nursing Club: Molly Greenberg is from the Nursing Club presenting the constitution to the board. The purpose of the club is only open to the students that are enrolled in the Nursing Program at WNC. The club would have officers in both first-year and second-year students. The club would help with graduation and raising funds for scholarships. They also want to raise funds for a Nursing Pinning Ceremony. They also are interested in giving back to the community. Voting for this item will take place at the
- CarsonHoliday Giving: Vanessa presented the Carson Holiday Giving Tree event to the board. There is a giving outside of the Angel Tree by the student services office done through the Salvation Army and we would like to request $535 to sponsor 15 individuals off of the tree with a maximum of a $35 present each. Voting for this item will take place in two weeks at the next governing board in two weeks.
- Old Business: Leah inquired about if Stephanie Hanks from Jive-N-Java has submitted the invoice. Amber wanted to thank everyone for coming out to the Nevada Day Parade on Saturday. Austin wanted to thank everyone who donated blood at the Carson Blood Drive, there were 24 people who donated blood total. Sarah also stated that the total count for the Fallon campus blood drive was 30 people donated.
- New Business: Amber sent out the cheers for NACA, she also stated if there are any comments or suggestions for the cheers to contact her asap. They are already printed out in Carson campus and Jamee will print them out for the Fallon Campus.
- Adjournment: Andy moved to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:18 AM.