APRIL 26, 2011

ATTENDANCE: Jack Chiaramonte, Chairman; Jody Bishop-Pullan, Steve Colarossi, Erin Halsey, Susan Hamilton, Sue Haynie, Glenn Iannaccone,

Heidi Keyes, Migdalia Rivas

STAFF:Anthony Daddona, Assistant Superintendent.

Call to Order

Mr. Chiaramonte called the meeting to order led those present in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. The beginning of the meeting was held in the Third Floor Atrium of City Hall.


Girl Scouts of Troop 246

Ms. Bishop-Pullan gave an overview of the recycling program and read the following statement to the audience:

As the city ofNorwalk works to improve and enhance its recycling activities, volunteerism is more needed thanever. The Girl Scouts of Troop 246 saw a need to improve the amount and types of plastics we collect in thecafeteria of Rowayton Elementary School. Working in coordination with the school's leaders and custodial staff, they designed a system that included the creation of signs showing which plastics were recyclable and thencolor-coordinating waste bins set up strategically around the lunchroom so that the right plastics went into theright bin.This has been a win-win for taxpayers of Norwalk, as the recycling program not only keeps Norwalk cleanerbut reduces the cost of waste removal at Rowayton Elementary School. There's even income generation from thesold recyclables. Finally, with the good work not only of the Girl Scouts but of the parents, teachers, and the restof a very committed student body, Rowayton Elementary has established a pilot program for keeping Norwalkgreen and clean that our other schools can follow.

The fourth grade students in troop 246 are Rachel Smith,Liv Mulligan, Annika Friedrichsen, Julia Arsenault, Aija Andrews, Delaney Oak and Natalia Fortuna. The fifthgrade students are Eleanor Smith, Oona Nash, Grace Nash, Crissy Kirst, Grace O'Malley, Rebecca Cavanagh,Sam Lesson, Ashley Caraval, Olivia Lipson, Pilar Galvan, Kristina Sequeira, Kaileigh Doyle, Rachelle Sanival,Victoria Major and Maddie Froelich.

Odyssey of the Mind

Ms. Bishop-Pullan read the following statement to the audience.

Congratulations to the Odyssey of the Mind teams from Rowayton Elementary School and Roton Middle Schoolwho won gold and silver medals at the Odyssey of the Mind Program State Competition on March 26 in BristolCT. They will be representing the Norwalk School District at the World Finals at the University of Maryland inMay, competing against teams from the 50 states and 25 countries.

This year, Norwalk was represented by 10 teams in three schools. In addition, teams from Brien McMahonHigh School and Rowayton School won bronze medals, and teams from Rowayton School and Roton MiddleSchool placed 4th and 6th in their problem and division.Odyssey of the Mind is a highly competitive academic program which promotes creative problem solving and divergent thinking skills in students. Teams of 5-7 students work for several months to create a solution to agiven long term problem which is presented to judges at a CT State competition in the spring. During thecompetition, the team is given several minutes to create a solution to an unknown spontaneous problem and isjudged separately on that portion.The teams from Rowayton School were challenged to create and present an original performance where aclassical character acts as a Tour Guide.

Team members are 3rd graders Aidan Maloney, John Fassett, Sebastian Tchokotua, Max Parizot, Billy Begos,Stephanie Skidmore, and Evelyn Barragan and 5th graders Bash Cunningham, Ellie Smith, Schuyler Luther,Sam Lesson, Stephen Kostotrohz, Julie Ely and Remy Gibson.One team from Roton was challenged to design, build, and runvehicles that use mousetraps as their only source of energy. The Mouse Mobiles traveled a course that had segments with different challenges, including twoteam-created challenges. They were required to provide a performance with a theme. Team members are 8thgraders Matthew Allen, Finn Maloney, Connor O'Brien, Tom Skipper, Megan Root, and Sally Aubrey.

The other Roton MS team was challenged to create and present a humorous performance where somethingchanged form or appearance at least three times eventually undergoing a final change returning to its originalform and appearance. Certain character and performance elements and a surprise ending were required. Thisproblem was co-sponsored by NASA. Team members are 6th graders Derek Lue,Griffin Root, Olivia Fasset,Kate Herbert, Keara Meyerson, Madelaine Vineyard and Alex Lemmer.

Ms. Bishop-Pullan announced that this was the twenty year anniversary of Odyssey of the Mind, and she acknowledged the coaches for their tireless efforts with working with the children through the year. She thanked all the parents, teachers and administrators involved with the Odyssey of the Mind programs and Rowayton Elementary and Roton Middle School for the support and congratulated the students on the achievement and wished them luck as they progress to the National Competition in Maryland.

Mr. Chiaramonte stated that the next portion of the meeting would be convened into the regular meeting room A300.

Public Comments

Mr. Chiaramonte stated that there was a press release in response to the newspaper articles on the Brookside incident, and he read the following into the record:

Mr. Iannacconeasked for any individuals who signed up to speak to state their name, address or affiliation and to limit questions or comments to three minutes in length.

Note: Comments are summarized and are not verbatim.

  1. Ms. Marcia Kibbe, 1 Singing Woods Road, Norwalk, thanked the Board Members for all their hours of work and dedicated involvement for the children of Norwalk. She stated that her intent tonight was to speak on the subject of the reduction of hours for school librarians and library assistants, and feels strongly that this will have a devastating impact on the literacy support and resources in the schools. She added that the areas of reading comprehension, verbal expression, and literacy requires a minimum level of support and she urges the Board to take a close look at alternative ways to reconcile the budget, rather that stripping the libraries. She asked them to take a look at the bigger picture and to reallocate the resources to the larger elementary schools. She added that it was vital to look at the school populations and demographic growth predictions, and to do the necessary “bite the bullet” with redistricting to even out the lower populated schools.
  1. Ms. Paula Madden, 44 Rampart Road, NorwalkHe stated that she also was here to speak on the subject of the reduction of hours for school librarians and library assistants. She gave an overview of her background as a Library Assistant for over twenty years, and she described her job as one that has many multi-task responsibilities. She described the demands on her job by students who come looking for her to help them with their projects and book selection, and she feels strongly that losing these positions will have a devastating impact on the literacy support and resources in the schools. She stated that she has sent a letter to the Board Members and offered to meet with them to discuss the issue of Library staffing and alternatives to meeting needs of literacy for the children of Norwalk.
  1. Ms. Dana Cole (no address provided on sign-up sheet) stated that she was thankful to those Board Members who have participated in Veteran’s Day programs in the past and wanted to speak tonight on the issue of changing this day from a vacation day to a school day on next year’s calendar. She gave an overview of her involvement in City Veteran programs, adding that she is currently the Web Mistress for the Veteran’s website and encouraged the members to visit for a slideshow of ceremonies and a photo gallery of programs. She added that he looks forward to providing curriculum input on the education of our country’s soldiers and the veterans and feels it is important for groups such as ROTC to maintain involvement with Veteran’s Day events.
  1. Mr. David Cole (no address provided on sign-up sheet) stated that he was thankful to those Board Members who have participated in Veteran’s Day programs in the past and wanted to speak tonight on the issue of changing this day from a vacation day to a school day on next year’s calendar. He gave an overview of his past as a long-term Board of Education member and of his involvement in City Veteran programs.

He stated that it is a shame that the day was changed from a school holiday without consulting the Norwalk Veteran organizations, and he added that many students participated in the ceremonies. He added that he is willing to give it a trial this year, but would like to reevaluate the decision next year, and he looks forward to educating the children and to highlight this day with school assemblies in all classrooms of our country’s soldiers who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. He went on to describe the importance of remembering the veterans and inform the Board that veteran organizations provide scholarships feels it is important for groups such as ROTC to maintain involvement with Veteran’s Day events, and to use their wisdom to have this day as an excused absence from school for those students who attend the City ceremonies. He added that refreshments are provided and invited the Board members to attend and participate in veterans programs.

  1. Mr. Dan Caporale, (no address provided) introduced himself as the Vice Chairman of Veteran’s Committee of Norwalk, and stated that he bears no grudge on the decision to change this school holiday to a school day, and there was much misinformation on the issue and he wanted to clarify their position. He added that he too is willing to give it a trial this year, but would like to re-evaluate the decision next year, and he looks forward to educating the children and to highlight this day with school assemblies in all classrooms of our country’s soldiers who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. He added that the Veterans play a large role in giving back to the community with essay contests, scholarships. He spoke about the price of freedom and to honor those who have paid the price in serving our country and stated the educational value of having this as a day to “educate children” on the meaning of Veteran’s Day. He looks forward to providing help with programs and curriculum input on the education of our country’s soldiers and the veterans and feels it is important for groups such as ROTC to maintain involvement with Veteran’s Day events.
  1. Ms. Karen Doyle Lyons, Registrar of Voters, City of Norwalk, spoke in support of the previous comments in support of making Veteran’s Day more than just a day off school, but a day of education on Veteran’s Day. She stated that she wanted to know it was part of the history curriculum to teach children about the wars and branch of services, and added that it was important to have a specific curriculum to address this. She added that regarding the press release that Mr. Chiaramonte read, she feels that it is totally appropriate to look into out-of-district issues and added that in her role of examining voter registrations, addresses are not consistent with residency. She stated that her office can be of some assistance to the school district with this issue, and feels that it is one that has grown to be a problem and suggested re-registration procedures with school addresses should be done on a school level basis.

With no other members of the public in attendance for comment, Mr. Chiaramonte stated that the public comments portion of the meeting was closed at 8:45 p.m.

Superintendent’s Report

Mr. Daddona stated that the Superintendent was not in attendance due to the recent passing of her mother, and he asked for a moment of silence in her memory and to join him in extending condolences and sympathy to Dr. Marks’s family.




From: Curriculum and Instruction· Instructional Textbooks: $2,680

To: Curriculum and Instruction· Math Textbooks

To purchase 100 Algebra 1 textbooks in all four middle schools.

Prentice Hall Algebra 1: Follett Educational Services total $5,080.00.


From: Curriculum and Instruction - Hardcover Textbooks: $2,400

To: Curriculum and Instruction - Math Textbooks

To purchase 100 Algebra 1 textbooks in all four middle schools.

Prentice Hall Algebra 1; Follett Educational Services total $5,080.00.

Ms. Bishop Pullan asked why the books were being purchased, and Mr. Daddona replied that it was an effort to bring consistency and continuity to the middle school textbooks up to the level that better mirrors the high school Algebra curriculum.




Approval of Minutes: - April 5, 2011

Ms. Haynie requested that it be noted on page 5 that she had commented on the subject of field trip approvals, and suggested the following be added: Ms. Haynie mentioned that field trip approvals should be reviewed as not requiring Board approval, and Ms. Bishop Pullan replied that it was an important practice to continue to have Board overview and approval of out of state and overseas trips, in particular should be kept as a Board approval policy.

Ms. Haynie read the following correctionsto be made as follows:

  • Page 10, paragraph 2: Change Ms. Haynie to Ms. Bishop-Pullan, as she was the member who asked about issues with collective bargaining...
  • Page 10, paragraph 3: Ms. Haynie noted that Norwalk high school hours are 1,023 and elementary school hours are only 945 and commented that she wondered why there was a 78 hour discrepancy between them.
  • Page 13, last paragraph: Ms. Haynie asked about the NFT union contract language on the document that requires pupil/teacher ratios of 24 to 1 at the elementary schools and asked if any elementary schools had as large a ratio of 24 to 1. An administrator in the audience said the ratios were around 20 to 1.

Ms. Rivas stated that under the comments on Special Services her comments were not accurately represented, and on page 12, paragraph 4 the following should be added:

Ms. Rivas questioned the monitoring of learning styles and wanted to know how this is merged with socialization and social skill development and how it can be better monitored to be more effective. She wanted to find out if there is tracking of progress and to stress the compliance with common core guidelines.




Policy 5141.21 Administration of Medication

Mr. Colarossi acknowledged Ms. Grace Vetter, Supervisor of School Nurses, for the tireless effort made to make this policy up to date with state requirements. He thanked her for her valuable input and involvement with the many issues relating to medication administration.





Policy 5141.3 Health Assessment and Immunizations

Mr. Colarossi stated that the Committee had worked hard and everyone put forth an effort of diligence and completeness with the process. He thanked the Board Members, the Director of School Nurses, Mrs. Vetter for her help and support, for her help in taking what was a fragmented policy and turning it into a comprehensive policy that will be brought forward for approval at the next meeting.





Ms. Haynie asked about the administrative process in handling the new health forms, and Mr. Daddona replied that there are currently no resources available with this, but that most other schools in Fairfield County have complied with this process. Mr. Colarossi suggested that a reallocation of secretarial responsibilities could be done to providethe administrative support that is now required, and Mr. Daddona replied that it was possible to arrange this.

Information and Reports

Early Childhood Education Programs

Mr. Daddona introduced Karen Helyer and Mary Osterwho gave an overview of the Early Childhood Education Programs available to pre-school children in Norwalk.

The following materials were presented:

There was a discussion on the registration requirements and the following list was highlighted:

Mr. Daddona stated that there is a specific process in place whereby if the Principal’s office is aware of an address/residence issue a private detective is assigned to investigate the case. He explained that it is not just action taken after a day, but it is a complex process done in consideration of many factors over several weeks. He added that, since there are divorce situations and extended family circumstances, students may have dual residencies, and if after a period of time there is a report that the student is actually residing other than the registered address, a form letter is sent giving a date that the student must be withdrawn. He added that this letter is mailed both by regular mail and registered mail.